S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 629 I Don't Like You Because I Love You

Chapter 629 I Don't Like You Because I Love You (3)
On the way to find survivors, they discovered another mutant "Time Man".Time people are people who are afraid of the dark and can only appear in the daytime with special powers. They have a kind of water chestnut that looks dull but is actually sharp on their heads.Anyone who is stabbed by their water chestnuts, normal people will die, and those with tenacious survivability will assimilate into time people.

The Asian girl Brigitte played by Ji Ruo is one of the normal people. She only appears in the middle of the story, but she is different from other survivors in the story, because Brigitte is the only one who makes Hall tempted. And there have been girls caring about the flesh.

But near the end of the story, in order to protect Hall, Brigitte was stabbed by the water chestnut of the time man. Because of her love and obsession with Hall, she became the only third type of person in this story——


Shi people are a kind of non-human beings who are powerful in force, but can't speak, don't understand emotions, and look like normal people.

At the end of the story, Hall is the only normal person left in the whole world, and Brigitte who has no sense and emotion.

And what is going to be filmed today is the scene where Ji Ruo transforms into a family member in order to save Huoer.


In the deserted city, there are many tall buildings and rotting corpses everywhere.

A group of time men in ragged clothes and long water chestnut heads surrounded five or six normal people with three layers inside and three layers outside.Among normal people, there are four men and two women, each with different weapons.

Under the camera, a group of people kicked and kicked a group of time people, killing a group of time people every minute.


Hall suddenly dodges, and pulls Brigitte, who was almost hit by the water chestnut, behind him.

Brigitte had black hair and was dressed in tight black clothes. She dodged behind Hall and raised her head to show him a smiling face. "I'm—ok, don't—worry." Ji Ruo's English was surprisingly standard in pronunciation.

Hall nodded, with a flash of his eyes, he raised his leg and kicked behind Brigitte, killing another Time Man.

Suddenly someone grabbed Hall's arm, and Hall and Brigitte lowered their heads at the same time, seeing their dead companion Abby.Abby, is another woman besides Brigitte.Abby's death obviously stimulated everyone.

"We can't escape! Hall, think of a way!"

Tang De approached Hall and shouted at him with red eyes.

Hall opened his backpack and glanced at it. There were only a few grenades in the bag.He distributed the grenades to the remaining five people, of which Brigitte had one more than the others.Brigitte looked at Hall, frowned and said, "Where's yours?"

Hall stroked Brigitte's black hair, and replied in a panic, "There's more in the backpack!"

Hall shot those time people wildly with his gun. He suddenly turned his head and shouted at Brigitte, "Brigitte, I'll cover you, you rush out!" Hall's green eyes were full of fear.Brigitte was taken aback, if she took the opportunity to escape, how would Hall get out?

There was another man of time pressing forward step by step behind him, Bi Ji raised her hands, and slashed the long knife in the air, splitting the body of a man of time in half.

She nodded at Hall, and while waving a long knife, she approached Hall.

In front of Hall's eyes, bullets had already torn a path of blood.

"Brigitte, hurry up!"

Hall stared directly at Brigitte, the bullets in his hands still sweeping wildly. "Hall, take care!" Brigitte walked towards the bloody road, and just two steps away, she suddenly turned her head again and smiled brightly at Hall.

In that smile, there is the solitude of seeing death as home, and the sadness of not letting go of parting.

(End of this chapter)

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