S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 630 I Don't Like You Because I Love You

Chapter 630 I Don't Like You Because I Love You (4)
"Hall, The—time—turns—the—page, my—love—won';'; t—age—at—all."

Brigitte's smile grew wider and wider.That smile was frozen in the camera.

Looking at Hall's handsome face, she uttered the character's most soulful lines in the play——

Even if time turns the chapter, my love for you will never pass away.

These were Brigitte's last words to Hall before she transformed into Shiren.

Hall frowned, surprised at Brigitte's sudden transformation.Brigitte suddenly threw her legs towards Hall, and under Hall's shocked and surprised gaze, she suddenly stretched out her arms and threw Hall's body to the bloody road.

And she, with her own flesh and blood, blocked the intersection.

All the water chestnuts pierced her abdomen and body, but she didn't care at all.With the ink hair down, her porcelain-white cheeks were full of reluctance and determination. Hall was thrown out of the encirclement by her. After confirming that he was really safe, she pulled out the pull rings of all the grenades, and then put the three A grenade was thrown around him at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!
The real explosives had already been ambushed, and when the grenade thrown by Ji Ruo touched the ground, the bomb exploded completely.

Under the influence of Wia, Ji Ruo's body was ejected several meters away.She fell down, bleeding like a river, and Thompson yelled click.


Ji Ruo moved her fingers and stood up under the care of a group of people.

"Are you ok?"

Walter looked at Ji Ruo worriedly, he always felt that Ji Ruo's face was too pale.Ji Ruo forced a smile at him, she gave up and walked towards her car. "Miss Ji, why are you so pale?"

Naiyazi supported Ji Ruo with one hand, his eyes filled with concern.

When they got close, Naiyazi realized that beads of sweat were dripping from Ji Ruo's forehead.Ji Ruo shook her head. She opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly covered her abdomen with her hands, and bent her knees, almost kneeling on the ground.

"Ji Ruo! Don't scare me!"

Naiyazi was startled and exclaimed.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of the people around. Thompson quickly stood up from behind the monitor and walked towards Ji Ruo.But there was a gray figure running straight to Ji Ruo with dizzying speed.

Ji Ruo felt his body suspended in the air for a while, and he was embraced by a pair of not-so-solid arms, and then carefully protected in his arms, he quickly walked towards the direction of the car.

Ji Ruo blinked her weak eyes, she stared blankly at the person who came, a little surprised.

"why you?"

Since the last farewell, she thought she would never see him again.

The young man lowered his head, his eyes clarified as they were when they first met.He was wearing a peaked cap, and a face under the cap showed deep concern. "Sister Ruo, don't talk, let's go to the hospital."

Zhutong put Ji Ruo down on the back seat, then sat in the driver's seat, started the accelerator, and set off to the hospital.

Naiyazi stood still, too late to say anything to stop him.

She was in a hurry for a while before she rang to call Gu Nuoxian.

But at this time, Gu Nuoxian's phone also indicated that it was shutting down.Naiyazi stomped his feet, so he had to hire a taxi by himself, and followed him to the hospital.


Gu Nuoxian was sitting on the plane flying to country M, frowning, looking a little restless.

"Master Nuo, what's the matter with you?"

Song Yu approached Gu Nuoxian and asked softly.

Gu Nuoxian took off his sunglasses, shook his head irritably, then closed his eyes, and forced himself to calm down quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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