S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 631 I Don't Like You Because I Love You

Chapter 631 I Don't Like You Because I Love You (5)

Zhutong pushed open the door of the pharmacy and went in. Ji Ruo had just finished the drip, and now she was lying down and resting, holding the sheet with both hands.

Ji Ruo's face was pale, looking extremely uncomfortable.

Zhutong glanced at Naiyazi, and Naiyazi met his eyes, suddenly a little terrified.Naiyazi walked out of the ward with her head down, and Zhutong walked to the bedside stool and sat down.Hearing the movement, Ji Ruo suddenly opened her eyes. She looked at Zhutong and opened her mouth. A weak voice spread in the ward: "I...what's wrong?"

Zhutong looked at her with complicated eyes, and he licked his dry lips with the tip of his bright red tongue before asking Ji Ruo, "How do you feel now?"

Ji Ruo frowned and felt his body, and then said: "There is an uncomfortable feeling in the lower abdomen. I guess it's because I haven't had a good rest after menstruation." After Ji Ruo finished speaking, she carefully observed Zhu Tong's facial changes.

But he found that Zhu Tong was still looking at her with deep eyes, and did not express his opinion for a long time.

"Xiaotong, what happened to me?"

Ji Ruo felt a bad feeling in his heart.

Zhutong suddenly leaned over, held Ji Ruo's hand in his palm, and said hesitantly, "You are pregnant, the baby is almost two months old."

Ji Ruo was stunned for a while, and then she blinked in disbelief, feeling absurd. "How is it possible? I just had my period two days ago, besides!" Besides, her constitution made it difficult to conceive.

Zhutong stared earnestly.

Ji Ruo put away the astonishment on her face, her lips squirmed for a long time before she asked uncertainly, "You...are you serious?"


Zhutong nodded slightly, and put his slender hands like jade chopsticks on Ji Ruo's lower abdomen, and said, "You are not menstruating, you are a sign of miscarriage. Sister Ruo, if you want to keep this child, You must stop working immediately and raise your baby with peace of mind."

Zhutong's fingers touched Ji Ruo's lower abdomen, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart. Is there a new life here?

Ji Ruo was in a trance for a while.

How could she be pregnant?
How could she be pregnant at this time...

Ji Ruo was holding on to the bed sheet with one hand, and holding Zhutong's fingers with the other. "Sister Ruo, aren't you happy to have a child?" Zhutong was slightly puzzled, in his impression, Gu Nuoxian and Ji Ruo had a very good relationship.

Shouldn't Ji Ruo be happy to be pregnant?
Now it seems that something is not right?

Zhu Tong narrowed his eyes, his eyes suddenly turned cold. "Sister Ruo, is there something wrong between you and Mr. Gu?"

Ji Ruo didn't answer, she was still immersed in the untrue news that she was pregnant.

Seeing her silence, Zhutong recalled Ji Ruo's abnormal behavior these days, and her speculation became more certain.Zhutong let go of Ji Ruo's hand, and he said, "Don't you want this child?"

Don't want this child?

Ji Ruo was taken aback for a moment, she looked at Zhutong with aggrieved eyes, but it made Zhutong feel pain in his heart.

"No, I want him very much, but..." Ji Ruo turned her head to look at the nurses passing by outside the window, and said softly, "Our relationship has encountered problems. I always feel that we... can't go on..."

Ji Ruo slowly closed her eyes, what she saw that night still made her heart ache.

Zhutong was angry for a while, but also slightly happy.

As a humble suitor, it's hard for Zhutong not to have this emotion.

"The doctor said that your physique is not suitable for pregnancy. It's fine if you don't want to have a baby." Zhutong stared at Ji Ruo's face carefully. How intense is the pain that flashes by.He couldn't bear it, and changed his words: "Of course, if you just don't want to be with Mr. Gu, but you don't want to part with this child, then it's easy."

Ji Ruo was taken aback by his relaxed tone.

"What good idea do you have?"

Ji Ruo asked.

Zhu Tong blinked to clarify his eyes, and his smile was still clean and pure. "It's very simple, I will support you and the child!" There was no hesitation or deceit in his eyes.He is really willing to do it.

Being able to take care of Ji Ruo is what Zhu Tong dreamed of doing.

Ji Ruo was stunned again.

"Xiaotong, you..."

Ji Ruo was not moved by these words.She just looked at Zhutong like that, and after confirming that Zhutong was not joking, she said: "Do you like me?"

Zhutong shook his head.

Ji Ruo was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but Zhu Tong said again: "I don't like you because I love you." As if afraid that Ji Ruo would doubt his sincerity, Zhu Tong added: "It's love like you love President Gu. , not the kind of ambiguous liking."

His confession filled Ji Ruo with bitterness.

"During these days, you have been by my side?"

Zhutong didn't intend to hide from her either. "Yes, I have been hiding in the crew. From the first day you came to country M, I knew you were here." Not only he knew, but everyone else who should know knew it.

Ji Ruo didn't even know how many bad guys were ready to move because of her rash trip.If he hadn't been guarding her all the time, those people might have been ready to attack her long ago.

"Sister Ruo, if you can't get along with Mr. Gu, let me take care of you!" Zhutong took Ji Ruo's hand again, and the big boy's eyes were full of seriousness and caution. "Maybe my life is not long, but I guarantee that every day I am alive, I will not let you and the child in your belly be wronged."

Ji Ruo was speechless, feeling very complicated.

Seeing her reaction, Zhu Tong chuckled to himself. "Of course, you just need to stay away from me on the first day of each lunar month, and don't let me hurt you and the child when I'm out of control." He let go of Ji Ruo's hand, and couldn't help but touch her hand again. her belly. "Sister Ruo, think about it carefully, I'm serious."

Zhu Tong stood up, he turned and walked towards the door, the moment the door was closed, Zhu Tong suddenly looked back at Ji Ruo with a complicated face.

"Sister Ruo."

Hearing his call, Ji Ruo raised his head.


Zhutong hooked her little finger at her, and said with a smile: "Remember, I have always been here, just behind you. You are tired, no longer in love, and powerless. The moment you fall down, my arms will definitely be there in the first place." Catch you for a while."

Zhutong closed the door and sat down on the corridor chair.

His life is not long, and he can muster up the courage to confess to the person he loves in his lifetime. This is really a thing, and it is worth keeping in his heart for a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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