S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 640 Give You a Gift as an Apology

Chapter 640 I’m sorry to give you a gift (1)
"Song Yu, go drive!"

Gu Nuoxian knelt on the ground and shouted to the next room.

When Song Yu opened the door and saw this scene, he was also shocked. He hurriedly took the elevator down to the basement to drive.Gu Nuoxian hugged the broken man into his arms with trembling hands, like a whirlwind, he quickly went downstairs holding Ji Ruo.The two walked through the hall and went straight out of the hotel.

The car slid to a stop at the hotel gate, and the wheels rubbed against the ground violently, making a screeching sound.Song Yu hurriedly jumped out of the car and opened the door, Gu Nuoxian got into the car with Ji Ruo in his arms, the car drove through the city at an arrow speed, and went straight to the hospital.

It was still the same doctor who received Ji Ruo.

The blood-stained girl in her dress was put on a hospital bed and taken to the emergency room.

"Sir, please stop, the inside is the operating room, you are not allowed to enter." The nurse stopped Gu Nuoxian outside the emergency room, and Gu Nuoxian glanced at the hospital bed inside, his face full of anxiety.

"Master Nuo, calm down and cooperate with the doctor!"

Song Yu stood between the nurse and Gu Nuoxian, and calmly spoke to persuade Gu Nuoxian.

Gu Nuoxian nodded, trying to restrain his panic.He turned around and walked to the family member's chair to sit down, his hands shaking like chaff.

"I..." Gu Nuoxian looked at his trembling hands and suddenly collapsed. "It's all my fault, it's all my fault!" He muttered to himself, Song Yu looked sideways, but saw Gu Nuoxian suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself.

"It's all my own stupid mouth! Knowing that she is not in good health, you still say such things to anger her!" Gu Nuoxian's slap directly knocked out blood from the corner of his own mouth.Song Yu hurriedly stopped the slap that was about to be slapped, and then said to Gu Nuoxian in a cold voice: "Now is not the time for you to torture yourself! Madam is still in the rescue, and it is uncertain whether the child can be saved, Mr. Nuo , calm down!"

After all, Song Yu was two years older than Gu Nuoxian, and when he really became fierce, he was also very scary.

When Gu Nuoxian heard the latter words, he finally regained his sanity.His eyes flickered, and his raised hand dropped powerlessly.


"She asked me several questions today." Gu Nuoxian lowered his head, looking extremely discouraged and injured, like a small animal trapped in a cage. "She asked me, if she wasn't Laiyaruo, if the real Laiyaruo appeared, would I divorce her, would I marry the real Laiyaruo..."

Song Yu sat down next to him, and asked softly, "Then how did you answer?"

"I..." Gu Nuoxian grabbed the sides of his trousers tightly with both hands, his eyes were filled with frustration and panic. "I replied, I would!"

Song Yu blinked and commented: "You deserve it!"

"Yeah, I deserve it..." Gu Nuoxian shook his head helplessly, covering his face with his hands, his handsome facial features under his fingers, covered with a layer of ashes of despair.

"Why did you answer that way? You know that it will hurt Madam's heart, but you still say that, don't you do it yourself?" Song Yu put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked up at the ceiling, and there was some disapproval in his cold eyes.

The thin and cool lips covered by ten fingers slowly opened, and Song Yu heard Gu Nuoxian say:
"Song Yu, you don't understand."

"What don't you understand?" Song Yu curled her lips, "I don't understand your love affairs, but in my opinion, Madam is very good. You have experienced several times of chasing and killing together, and she has never let us down. Yes. To be honest, I can't bear to see you treat such a good person like this. "

Gu Nuoxian did not refute Song Yu's words.

He let out a long sigh before putting down his hands on his face.Looking in the direction of the emergency room with his stern facial features, Gu Nuoxian's eyes were slightly closed, and many years had passed, but the still blurred images enveloped him again.

(End of this chapter)

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