S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 641 Give You a Gift as an Apology

Chapter 641 I’m sorry to give you a gift (2)
"The year Ya Ruo disappeared, she was only six years old, and I was only seven years old." He said suddenly.

Song Yu lowered his head and looked at Gu Nuoxian, not understanding why he suddenly mentioned this.

"On the night of the accident, everything happened too suddenly. It took only 2 minutes from the time we heard the shouting to the time we ran to Lai's house. As soon as I entered the room, I saw the man lying on the ground almost breathless. Aunt Lai, I was completely dumbfounded at the time. When I couldn't find Ya Ruo's figure in the room, I was completely desperate."

"At that time, although I was much more mature than ordinary people of the same age, I was still a child. If you haven't experienced that kind of thing, you won't understand how much I blamed myself at that time. If I were stronger and ran faster, I would have noticed The anomaly was earlier, could it be possible to keep her by my side..."

Gu Nuoxian stretched his legs in the aisle, his head was leaning on the chair, and in his cold eyes, there were thousands of mountains and paths passing by. "After losing Yaruo, I fell into self-blame and couldn't extricate myself. Later, I went to Russia for special training, in order to make myself stronger, so that I could find Yaruo, and then protect her well, and never allow her to be hurt again."

"Do you know? When I knew that Ji Ruo was Ya Ruo, I always felt unbelievable. I kept comforting myself that she was still alive, so as to support me to continue walking and searching. Others didn't say it, but I also know that in their eyes, I am just a delusional lunatic!"

"But Emperor Tian pays off, I finally found her."

Gu Nuoxian's eyes flashed, guilt and deep guilt slipped through his eyes. "When I heard from Ji Gong that Ya Ruo was in that room and was not taken away by someone, but hid in a secret room, it was only because I found Ya Ruo again that my heart that gradually recovered was torn apart again. made a mouthful."

"Tell me." Gu Nuoxian turned his head to look at Song Yu, with his usual cold and hard face, it was heartbreaking to see her fragility.

Song Yu's throat rolled, and he asked, "What?"

Gu Nuoxian opened his mouth and let out a foul breath. He tried hard to control his desperate breath, and then said: "Later, I often thought, if I had been careful that night, wouldn't Ya have been lost? If I had If we find her and treat her as soon as possible, she won't suffer from depression, and she won't fail to be a singer, but if she becomes an actress, she won't suffer from the darkness in the entertainment industry."

"Today, if Ruo Ruo asked me if a real Lai Yaruo appeared, would I choose her or another Lai Yaruo, I said I would choose Lai Yaruo, but that didn't mean I didn't love Ruoruo. I just... "

Gu Nuoxian closed her eyes guiltily, Song Yu sat quietly, and heard him say: "I just can't forgive myself, I am such a useless piece of trash, I don't deserve such a good Ruoruo, I should spend my whole life Redemption! You don’t deserve happiness!”

"I lost Ya Ruo and ruined her for the rest of her life. What right do I have to own Ji Ruo, a useless waste like me?"

Looking at Gu Nuoxian, who blamed himself endlessly, Song Yuzhen didn't know how to persuade him.

He didn't even understand why Gu Nuoxian had such thoughts.How could he think that it was his fault that Lai Yaruo's disappearance?Song Yu was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice: "You are not wrong, you were just a child at that time. Fate makes people, why do you torture yourself?"

Gu Nuoxian just shook his head slightly.

"Do not…"

"It's all my fault. It's my uselessness that caused Ji Ruo to live a hard life for 20 years."

"If I hadn't been strong enough back then, she wouldn't have met a bastard like Guo Rui, wouldn't have been betrayed by a hypocritical woman like Zhen Yue, wouldn't have forgotten her biological parents, and wouldn't have..." Gu Nuoxian said in his tone. After a pause, in his eyes, there were only a few English letters of the emergency room in miniature.

(End of this chapter)

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