S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 643 Give You a Gift as an Apology

Chapter 643 I’m sorry to give you a gift (4)
Ji Ruo's mouth moved, a little dry.

She didn't speak, and she didn't even want to look at him.Ji Ruo's reaction still hurt Gu Nuoxian severely.Gu Nuoxian supported the hospital bed himself, and pushed Ji Ruo to the inpatient department in the backyard. He had just taken two steps when the doctor suddenly stopped him.


Gu Nuoxian tilted his head slightly, with a pair of sword eyebrows full of puzzlement.

The doctor put his hands in his pockets, he stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, and said after deliberation: "Sir, Madam's body is really not suitable for pregnancy. If... If you can, I suggest you, it is best to get rid of the child as soon as possible..."

As a doctor, voluntarily saying such things is somewhat hurtful.

Ji Ruo on the hospital bed froze.

Gu Nuoxian glanced at Ji Ruo, but didn't answer for a while.

"If you don't take away the baby now, even if you have stabilized the fetus, there may be an accident in nine out of ten when it's time for delivery." After the doctor finished speaking, he took a second look at Gu Nuoxian and Ji Ruo before turning back office.

Gu Nuoxian knelt down to look at Ji Ruo with a pale complexion, he held her cold and temperatureless hand, and said calmly, "Go to sleep, I'm here."

Ji Ruo withdrew her hand, unwilling to even give him an expression.

Song Yu stood in the middle of the corridor, watching this scene, a gleam of gloom flashed in his cold eyes.


After all, Ji Ruo couldn't bear the exhaustion and fell asleep.

Gu Nuoxian sat on the chair, looked at her face, and kept thinking about what the doctor said.

If you don't take away the child, is it very likely that something will happen when you give birth?He looked at Ji Ruo and suddenly had a decision in his heart.

There is only one Ji Ruo in the whole world, he may not have children, but he cannot live without Ji Ruo.If he had to make a decision between the child and Ji Ruo, he would definitely choose Ji Ruo.He stood up, wet the cotton swab, and dabbed it on Ji Ruo's dry lips, then opened the door and went out.

As soon as Gu Nuoxian walked out of the ward, she saw Zhutong rushing over.

Zhutong put one hand in his trouser pocket, looking at the downcast Gu Nuoxian, his heart was full of anger, but it suddenly dissipated.

"How is she?" Zhutong asked.

Gu Nuoxian still had thousands of anger towards Zhutong in his heart, but he didn't show it.He glanced at the door that had just closed behind him, and said without much emotion: "I just fell asleep."


"The child is temporarily kept."

Gu Nuoxian rushed to answer Zhutong's question. He was going to find a doctor, but now that Zhutong came, he decided to go later.Zhutong nodded, then walked lightly towards the ward.Gu Nuoxian frowned, but he didn't stop him after all.

Zhutong pushed open the door, and saw Ji Ruo, who was not sleeping peacefully in the afternoon sun.His already light footsteps became even lighter.

Zhutong folded his arms around his chest and looked at Ji Ruo quietly, his clear eyes were full of Ji Ruo's shadow.Gu Nuoxian was very unhappy to see Zhutong standing here, but... if Ji Ruo didn't want to see him at this time, maybe Zhutong's presence could give her some comfort.

Gu Nuoxian pouted, but finally walked out of the ward.

Zhutong sat down next to the edge of the bed, touched Ji Ruo's forehead, and said helplessly, "If Laiya is you, Ji Ruo is also you. It's all you, why do you stubbornly want an answer?" He His fingers lingered from Ji Ruo's eyebrows down, his movements were rare and gentle.

"You are so stupid, why bother?"

Zhutong just watched her sleep like that, and couldn't bear to look away.

Song Yu made a phone call with Xu Mo'an, when he hung up the phone, he turned around and saw Gu Nuoxian standing alone in the corridor in front of the ward, with a pair of eagle eyes staring at the ward, as if... catching a traitor.

(End of this chapter)

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