S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 644 I Like a Stupid Pursuit

Chapter 644 I Like A Stupid Pursuit (1)
Holding the head in her hands, Gu Nuoyan leaned over and looked out the window downstairs.At a distance of 28 meters, she only saw a white shadow that landed steadily.The man raised his head and smiled gracefully at her, then he said in spoken language:

"Go open the door."

Gu Nuoyan was startled when she saw the lips clearly.

She was surprised when she heard three knocks on the door.

Someone is knocking on her room door.

Gu Nuoyan was stunned for a while, and forgot to open the door, she was holding a dead head in her hand, can she open the door?

The people outside couldn't wait any longer, so they said: "Miss, please open the door. We are Interpol and we are tracking down a serial murderer who is at large. We suspect that the murderer has absconded into your room. Please cooperate with our work. It is very important to deny it." Possibly causing personal injury to yourself."

Gu Nuoyan looked down at the head in her hand, and the face of the man from before was replayed in her mind.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a person is, the more perverted he is!
Hearing the people outside saying that they would open the door forcibly, Gu Nuoyan was startled, and quickly grabbed the leather bag under the bed and the mobile phone on the bed, took out the anchor launcher from the leather bag, and stuffed the head into the bag again. , wrapped only in a sheet, jumped from the height of the 28th floor.

After almost falling to the ground, Gu Nuoyan didn't have time to check her body, and ran away with a limp.When she ran hundreds of meters away and hid in an abandoned house, Gu Nuoyan had time to take a few breaths.

"Damn it, don't let my old lady run into you again, I will definitely rape you again!" Gu Nuoyan put on her own clothes, fully armed into a different look, and walked out of the abandoned house.Passing by a river, Gu Nuoyan glanced at the surging river, and was about to throw the head into the river.

She thought about it, and felt that she was cheated like this, it was too aggrieved.So, Gu Nuoyan found a place to hide, took out a note and a pen, brushed it a few times, and wrote a sentence in English:

Come catch me, I'm waiting for you.Friendly reminder: I am male, with golden brown hair and eyebrows, light golden eyes.By the way, I-am-a-gentleman.

Gu Nuoyan pasted the note on the door of the head, and then pretended to pass by the bridge. Before there were any pedestrians, she put the head in the middle of the aisle of the bridge.

Then, the wind generally left.

The next morning, someone found the head. After being surprised, they rushed to the police.The police took the head, no matter whether the message written on the note was true or a lie, they still persisted in searching the whole city for the man with the characteristics on the note.


As soon as Xia Zuo arrived at the hotel and was about to go in, a gust of wind suddenly blew past his ears.

He stopped cautiously, and when he looked up, he saw Gu Nuoyan, who was wearing a white suit and her long charming hair was tied up high, riding on a motorcycle. "Uncle, where are you going? How about my sister giving you a ride?" It's been half a year since she saw her beautiful cheeks with the old flaming red makeup, and she smiled flirtatiously and seductively.

Gu Nuoxian's gaze sank into her peach-blossom-like eyes for two seconds, and he took a step on his thigh and sat on the back of the motorcycle.

"Uncle, where are you going?" Gu Nuoyan handed Xia Zuo a helmet, with alluring looks.Xia Zuo straightened his back, but held her waist tightly with both hands, for fear that she would ignore him and run away again.

"Where is the destination, I will go there."

Xia Zuo put on his helmet and hummed.

Gu Nuoyan's smile, as bright as a peach blossom in March, became brighter and brighter. "The destination is Gentle Township, are you going?"

Xia Zuo narrowed his eyes, staring carefully at Gu Nuoyan's side cheek through the transparent eyepatch of the helmet.The arms around Gu Nuoyan's waist tightened again, and Xia Zuogang had a pretty smile on his handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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