S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 645 I Like a Stupid Pursuit

Chapter 645 I Like A Stupid Pursuit (2)
"go with!"

"Then uncle, you sit down, the car is about to leave!"

As soon as Gu Nuoyan stepped on the gas pedal, the locomotive flew like flying, arrogantly running far away under the eyes of the special police.

The strong wind blew Gu Nuoyan's long straight black hair, and some strands ran to Xia Zuo's neck, and Xia Zuo let them be naughty on his neck.He is always conniving towards Gu Nuoyan.The locomotive stopped in front of a small villa, Gu Nuoyan took off her helmet, turned to Xia Zuo and said, "This is my dad's house, how about it, do you want to go in and visit the bandit den?"

Xia Zuo narrowed his eyes, and under Gu Nuoyan's playful and playful eyes, he walked in calmly.

A counter-terrorism officer approached the home of a bandit leader with bare hands, which is enough to show how much he trusts Gu Nuoyan.Gu Nuoyan looked at his straight back, and the doubtful light in her eyes gradually dissipated.

"Uncle Commander!"

Gu Nuoyan leaned on the motorcycle and called Xia Zuo.

The 33-year-old Uncle Chief turned his head and looked at Gu Nuoyan puzzled.

"Why did you come to see me this time?" Gu Nuoyan's peach blossom eyes were full of stubbornness, and she had doubts about Xia Zuo's visit in her heart.Xia Zuo squinted his eyes, and walked back with a stubborn face.

Xia Zuoli stood in front of Gu Nuoyan, he stretched out a hand, and stroked the side of Gu Nuoyan's cheek. "I miss you, so I came here." Gu Nuoyan squinted at the hand resting on her face. This hand must really want to kill her brother herself.

The doubts in my heart still linger.

Gu Nuoyan raised her eyebrows, the way she raised her eyebrows was very similar to Gu Nuoxian. "Is it just because of this reason?" She asked straightforwardly, Xia Zuo was in a very complicated state of mind.

"Are you suspecting that I have other purposes?" Xia Zuo's face remained unchanged, and it was impossible to tell what was going on in his heart.Gu Nuoyan smiled instead of anger, "I still remember that half a year ago, you almost killed my brother. If you want me not to doubt you," Gu Nuoyan shook her index finger and said, "It's difficult."

Hearing this, Xia Zuo did not refute.

"Yanyan, it is my duty to arrest your brother." Xia Zuo was silent for a long time, his words of explanation still pale.Gu Nuoyan looked at him, and only said: "I just want you to say something. Are you here because you miss me, or do you have some other purpose?"

A smile finally appeared on Xia Zuo's steady face.

"Because I miss you, that's all." Xia Zuo smiled like a spring breeze.Hearing this, Gu Nuoyan suddenly smiled. "Since you said so, then... I believe you." Gu Nuoyan put her arm around Xia Zuo's shoulder, and the two walked towards the house side by side.

Xia Zuo breathed a sigh of relief.

If she believes in him, that's fine.


"Brother, did you make this yourself?"

In a small villa, Song Yu was sitting at the dining table, looking at the bowl of noodles in front of him, a little astonished.The noodles are very simple, just simple noodles with a poached egg in the soup.Xu Mo'an had just rushed over from New York City, so he didn't even have time to change his clothes, so he immediately got into the kitchen to make food for Song Yu.

This moved Song Yu a little.

"Well, the time is a bit urgent, so I'm in a hurry."

Xu Mo'an personally picked up the chopsticks and handed them to Song Yu.Song Yu took it, picked up a few noodles, snorted, and swallowed them into his mouth.He ate it so fast that he didn't even taste the flavor. "Is it delicious?" Xu Mo'an sat on the seat opposite Song Yu with one hand propped up, his affectionate eyes were always elegant and gentle.

Song Yu nodded, and then slowed down for the second time. "I remember, brother, you can only cook noodles." Song Yu ate deliciously.Xu Mo'an was not good at cooking, from childhood to adulthood, every time Song Yu was tired from training, Xu Mo'an would secretly cook a bowl of noodles for him at night.Later, when he grew up, Song Yu's training was not so hard, he could come in and out of the organization at will, and eat more delicacies, but for him, the noodles cooked by his elder brother are always the most delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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