S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 646 I Like a Stupid Pursuit

Chapter 646 I Like A Stupid Pursuit (3)
I still remember that every time before he went on a mission, the eldest brother would add a poached egg to the bowl of noodles for him, and when he returned from completing the mission successfully, he would also cook a bowl of noodles for him.However, in the bowl of noodles that came back, the poached eggs will be replaced with heart-shaped ham.

It's been a long time since I ate the noodles cooked by Xu Mo'an, and Song Yu ate it up after a few slaps to save face.

Seeing him finish eating with his own eyes, Xu Mo'an poured him a cold drink.

"Drink of water."

He pushed the water cup in front of Song Yu.Song Yu nodded, reached out to hold Xu Mo'an's hand, and took the cup from him.Xu Mo'an was slightly stunned. He looked at the right hand that still had the warmth of Song Yu's fingertips, and the tenderness in his eyes became even more tender.

Xu Mo'an stood up, turned around and went upstairs.

Song Yu drank the glass of water before he heard Xu Mo'an's footsteps going downstairs.He looked up at Xu Mo'an, saw a gift box in Xu Mo'an's hand, and asked, "What is it?"

Xu Mo'an approached him and handed him the gift box.

"Little Yu, happy birthday."

Xu Mo'an said that Song Yu's heart beat faster with March's spring-like smile.Song Yu looked at the gift in Xu Mo'an's hand, and at the big bowl on the table that he snorted clean, and then he understood the meaning of this bowl of noodles.

It turned out to be birthday noodles.

It turned out that today is his 29th birthday.

"Thank you. I myself forget my birthday every year. Big brother, you are always the first to send me blessings." Song Yu's cold and handsome face with a paralyzed face showed some warmth.Xu Mo'an rubbed Song Yu's hair affectionately before placing the gift box in front of him.

When Xu Mo'an sat back on the chair again, Song Yu smoothed his hair with his hands before opening the gift box.

Inside the box is a picture frame.

On the photo frame, there are two boys.One was about nineteen years old, the other about fourteen.That was the group photo Song Yu took with Xu Mo'an before his first mission after finishing his training.In the photo, Xu Mo'an rested his right hand on Song Yu's shoulder, Song Yu was holding a gun, and there was an awkward and stiff smile on the corner of his mouth.

He remembered that it was Pei Renrong who took the picture at the time.

Song Yu is usually a person who doesn't show his face, Pei Renrong disliked his expressionless face when taking pictures, and forced him to smile.There was no other way, Song Yu had no choice but to twitch the corners of his mouth with a half-smile.Looking at the photo now, Song Yucai realized that time flies so fast.

In a blink of an eye, he has changed from a 14-year-old to a 29-year-old man.

They have all changed and grown up, the difference is that the eldest brother and him are still alone.

"Like a fool." Song Yu stared at the photo for a long time before commenting.Xu Mo'an gave a doting smile, and said, "It's not stupid, it's pretty good." You know, this photo has been kept in the album of his mobile phone, and he has never been reluctant to delete it.

Song Yu said something, but still held the photo frame carefully in his hand and stroked it carefully.

He looked at the young Xu Mo'an in the photo, and then at the man sitting opposite him at this moment, looking at him softly, and a question arose in his heart. "Brother."

"Huh?" When Xu Mo'an answered, the word "huh" had the ability to seduce people.

Song Yu touched his heart that was beating faster for no reason, and asked suspiciously: "You are already 33, you are an old man, why don't you find a girlfriend?"

Xu Mo'an was a little unhappy when he heard the word "old man".

But he cared more about the last sentence.

"Xiao Yu really wants me to find a girlfriend?" Xu Mo'an asked pretending not to care.Song Yu frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head, "I'm just asking casually, I see Master Nuo and his wife are having such a fight, and I feel that love is not even a fart, it's a torment."

(End of this chapter)

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