S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 647 I Like a Stupid Pursuit

Chapter 647 I Like A Stupid Pursuit (4)
Song Yu curled her lips, not understanding, how can such a boring thing as love be able to torture people to death.Xu Mo'an narrowed his eyes and said, "Since Xiaoyu thinks love is boring, then I won't find a girlfriend."

Song Yu opened his mouth, feeling a little surprised.

"How can I decide your life's major events because of my preferences?" Song Yu looked at Xu Mo'an disapprovingly, and said: "You are not young anymore, it is better to find someone. Find someone to take care of you, stay with you, and not be alone " Song Yuke seldom said such things, and if he could say such things, it meant that he, Xu Mo'an, was really an exception to Song Yu.

Xu Mo'an looked at Song Yu's cheek with complicated eyes, and there were thousands of bitterness in his heart, but he couldn't express it.He sighed in his heart, resigned to his fate and said, "I won't marry a wife."

"Why?" Song Yu put down the photo frame, surprised again.Xu Mo'an looked at Song Yu's pure and indifferent obsidian eyes, and he said, "Because I don't like women."

Song Yu with a confused face: "..."

"You don't like women, then you..." Song Yu pulled off his tie and asked in surprise, "Do you like men?"

Xu Mo'an stared deeply at Song Yu, only to see that Song Yu felt guilty.Being watched by the elder brother with that kind of obscure and unfathomable eyes, Song Yu always felt that he seemed to have said something wrong.Xu Mo'an shook his head and said, "I don't like it either."

"You don't like women, and you don't like men..." Song Yu frowned, as if he had encountered a century-old problem. "Then what do you like?" He really didn't understand. Could it be that elder brother likes guns as much as he does?

Song Yutianlei guessed wildly, but Xu Mo'an replied with a face of resentment: "I like a fool."

After Xu Mo'an finished speaking, he stood up and took the big bowl to the kitchen.Hearing the sound of dishwashing water from the kitchen, Song Yu rubbed his nose in shock. He counted everyone around Xu Mo'an, but he didn't see who was a fool...

Actually, there is an idiot in Master Nuo's family, but that is too young...


At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, Song Yulai was on the sofa in Xu Mo's house, not planning to leave.Xu Mo'an cut some watermelons and put them on the coffee table, and asked him, "Are you going to stay here tonight?"

Song Yu glanced at him and hummed. "Can't you?" Didn't the eldest brother like to keep him to live with him before?Xu Mo'an sat on the sofa, put a piece of watermelon between his fingers and put it into Song Yu's mouth, Song Yu chewed the watermelon, and heard him say: "Of course, but I have something to do, I have to go back to New York City later. .”

"So anxious? Are you going to leave just after arriving in the afternoon?" Song Yu was taken aback.Los Angeles is far away from New York, one is in the west and the other is in the northeast. It takes five hours to fly.He made this trip back and forth just to cook him a bowl of noodles and say happy birthday, right?

Song Yu suddenly felt that the taste of the watermelon in his mouth had changed.

He looked at Xu Mo'an, his expression suddenly became a little weird.

I don't like women...

I don't like men either...

I like a jerk...

Song Yu lowered his eyes, looked at the sofa, and secretly thought that he was thinking too much.

"No way, there is a deal on the east coast of Boston tomorrow afternoon, and I have to come forward in person, not a fork." Xu Mo'an glanced at his watch and stood up. He glanced at Song Yu on the sofa and said, "I'm going back first. , if you are free in a while, you can come to New York to find me."

"Take care of yourself." Xu Mo'an took the coat from the armrest of the sofa, put it on, and was about to leave.Song Yu stood up, looked at Xu Mo'an's back, and asked him: "Brother, do I look a little silly?"

(End of this chapter)

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