S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 651 Ruo Ruo Do You Blame Me?

Chapter 651 Ruoruo Do You Blame Me (4)
"What really makes me hard to let go is the night when your accident happened. You don't remember what happened that night, but I remember it, and I will remember it deeply for a lifetime. It was because of my negligence that you were separated from your biological parents So far, it has caused you to go through so many hardships. The accident in my childhood left a bad and indelible impact on my heart."

"I always think it's because of my incompetence and weakness that I hurt you."

"You know, I think I'm a sinner. If I can't find you, I won't be redeemed." The iron arm around Ji Ruo suddenly tightened, and Gu Nuoxian shrank his head into Ji Ruo's nest.Taking a deep breath of the smell of daisies and hospital, I said: "I love you, I can always love you from a distance, but I have guilt and self-blame for you when I was a child, I can't forgive you Myself."

"If I have to choose, I can only choose her. Because I, Gu Nuoxian, have been ashamed of Lai Yaruo all my life."

"But I have loved you all my life."

"Whether it's Lai Yaruo or Ji Ruo, there's only one you in the whole world. But Ruoruo, I believe in death. I fell in love with you when I was a child. In this life, I'll only have you alone." Gu Nuoxian lightly He nibbled the delicate skin of Ji Ruojin's nest until there was a hickey on the white skin, and then he let her go.

Ji Ruo listened blankly to Gu Nuoxian's words, and then realized the problem. "Why do you think that it was your fault?" Ji Ruo got up from his arms, and she got up as gently as possible, supporting the bed with both hands to look at Gu Nuoxian.

He lowered his head, Ji Ruo could only see Gu Nuoxian's profile.

But the pair of eyes under the lens were full of guilt and deep self-blame.Ji Ruo's heart throbbed, she couldn't see the high-spirited man showing such an appearance.

Ji Ruo abruptly took off Gu Nuoxian's glasses.The slender fingers touched the clear and handsome outline, and Ji Ruo's hand has been helping Gu Nuoxian to stretch his brows.Gu Nuoxian's lips trembled, he suddenly raised his head, and Ji Ruo saw that there was a layer of mist spreading from the depths of Gu Nuoxian's eyes.

He rolled his throat up and down a few times before he opened his mouth and asked in a low and hoarse voice, "Ruoruo, do you blame me?"

The hands floating over his brows and eyes did not pause or let go.

Ji Ruo looked at Gu Nuoxian tenderly, under Gu Nuoxian's nervous gaze, Ji Ruo frowned tightly.


she says.

Gu Nuoxian's tense body immediately collapsed.Eyes filled with mist were about to collapse, at this moment, that soft and shallow voice sounded again: "I blame you for not taking good care of yourself, I blame you for being stingy and unwilling to spare yourself. "

"Gu Nuoxian, a person who can't even escape his soul, how can he love others?"

Ji Ruo's soft-spoken words seemed to be comforting, but they were blaming Gu Nuoxian.

If he can't let go of the impact of the accident in his childhood on his heart, his soul will never be redeemed.As Ji Ruo said, a person whose soul is not free cannot let himself love someone.

Let go of your demons, life will be much more pleasant, and love will be much simpler.

Torturing yourself, yourself, and others, why bother?

After hearing what Ji Ruo said, Gu Nuoxian fell silent.


It took Pei Renrong three days to vaguely find out the locations of Xu Mo'an and Andre by using the invisible force they organized and planted in the government of country M.

"Eric, Boss Xu and Andre were imprisoned in the newly built 'Tuozhi' prison the year before last."

Gu Nuoxian sat up from the nurse's bed, glanced at Ji Ruo who was asleep, and walked out with his own hands and feet. "sure?"

"Nine out of ten. Boss Xu and the others are world-class heavy prisoners. For safety reasons, they will definitely lock them in the safest place, and prisons are naturally the most hidden and safe places. The prisons in country M are only a few Therefore, apart from the most notorious K state prison, Tuozhi is the most dangerous."

"Our people have been to the K State Prison, but there is news that they are not there. I guess, nine out of ten they are in Tuozhi Prison."

After listening to Gu Nuoxian, he just pondered for a few seconds, and then replied: "There is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, and we have to go through it."

"Well, I've asked someone to prepare for the plane, and I'll be there at eight o'clock tonight at the latest. I have a picture of the inside of Tuozhi Prison, and I'll ask someone to send it to you right away. Take a look first, the specific rescue plan, etc. I'll discuss it when I get there."

"it is good."

"By the way, how is the investigation on Lucica going?"

Pei Renrong was silent for nearly ten seconds before he said in a very bad tone: "Eric, guess who is Lucica's father?"


"Merke is the general Merck who was designed and killed by the previous leader Hanke. And Lucica is the only daughter of Merck left in the world." General Merck was once the most outstanding senior commander of country M. one.And Lucica is the daughter of General Merck, what this means is self-evident.

Violence flashed in his eyes, Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Shut it up and deal with it when I return to the headquarters."

"It has been imprisoned in the dungeon, and Shijue is taking care of it personally."

"Let's not talk about it, my plane is ready here, it's time to go."

Pei Renrong hung up the phone, took Giselle together, boarded the plane, and flew directly to country M.


In the dark basement, Lucica was tied upside down on the cross.

She was dressed in black, stained dark red with blood.

A head of red hair, listlessly drooping on both sides of the cheeks, on a pale face, beads of sweat and blood mixed together, already unconscious.

In the restroom of a hotel in New York City, Xia Zuo pressed a phone number he remembered and dialed, but he couldn't get through.He frowned, and his stern handsome face was slightly worried.

"Hurry up, we're leaving!"

Gu Nuoyan quietly knocked on the toilet door, reminding him impatiently.

Xia Zuo shook his hand and quickly deleted the call log, then washed his hands and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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