S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 652 The Whole World Knows He Likes You

Chapter 652 The whole world knows that he likes you (1)
As soon as Xia Zuo opened the bathroom door and walked out, he saw Gu Nuoyan with her arms folded, her expression cold, and her pretty face full of suspicion.

"What are you doing in there?" Gu Nuoyan stared at the phone in his hand, her eyes were cold and scary.

Before Xia Zuo could speak in the future, a hand suddenly reached out to him and snatched the phone from his hand.

Gu Nuoyan quickly unlocked the phone, clicked on the communication records, only to find that his last call record was still for her.The doubt in Gu Nuoyan's eyes dissipated slightly, and she opened the text message again, but there was still nothing suspicious about it.

"Going to the toilet for so long, I thought you were killed in the toilet." Gu Nuoyan casually threw the phone to Xia Zuo, and then muttered unwillingly.Xia Zuo grabbed the phone casually, held the phone in the palm of his hand, and then put it in his trouser pocket, his expression remained calm.

The two walked out of the restaurant side by side. It was already autumn and the air was cool.Gu Nuoyan was only wearing a white long-sleeved dress, and the wind blew through her hair. Standing in front of the glass window, she looked thin.Xia Zuo took off his black coat, put it on for Gu Nuoyan, and then asked, "Do you want to go to Europe?"

"Are you accompanying me?" Gu Nuoyan gave Xia Zuo a look of inexplicable meaning.

Xia Zuo pursed his lips and pondered for a while, then replied, "Well, I can ask for leave to accompany you."

Gu Nuoyan was taken aback for a moment, her eyes flickered with a burning light.

"You accompany me, and I will go."

In front of her, Xia Zuo took out his mobile phone, called his boss, and said bluntly that he needed a few days off to rest.The boss seemed to disagree, Xia Zuo walked away and talked to the other end of the phone for several minutes before he put down the phone.

When he turned around, Xia Zuo already had a faint smile on his face.

"Okay, done."

Gu Nuoyan turned her head to look at Xia Zuo, her flaming red lips were rippling and seductive under the warm afternoon sun.

"Uncle, you are finished!"

Xia Zuo narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows and asked, "How?"

Gu Nuoyan suddenly jumped up and jumped directly into Xia Zuo's arms. Xia Zuo caught her firmly and supported her hip.Gu Nuoyan raised her cheeks and gave Xia Zuo a dazzling smile. "Uncle, tell me, are you in love with me?" She remembered that when she first met, she was seriously injured and lay on the hospital bed all day long, and Xia Zuo hated her when she wanted to go out in a wheelchair to have some fun.

Gu Nuoyan was surprised when he suddenly became so amorous.

Hearing this, it was rare for Xia Zuo not to defend himself.

"Yanyan." Xia Zuo looked at the girl in his arms who was painted with gorgeous makeup, but still not gaudy. He couldn't help but lower his head and kiss Nuoyan's forehead. "Yanyan, you have to remember, no matter what your position is, no matter what happens, my Xia Zuo's love for you, Gu Nuoyan, is unquestionable."

Peach blossom eyes blinked, Gu Nuoyan's strong heart trembled slightly.

She jumped off him and said, "Let's go to the airport!" Gu Nuoyan stepped on [-]cm high heels, her graceful figure disappeared into the quiet street.Xia Zuo stood on the spot and stared at the back figure that he could never get enough of, with a bitter smile on his lips.

"Yanyan, don't blame me."


In the night, Pei Renrong and Giselle got off the plane, and then drove straight to Los Angeles.

It was Song Yu who received them, and Gu Nuoxian didn't come back from the hospital until early morning.

In the small villa, the four people quietly stared at the topographic map of the prison full of annotations.

"It's been four days. I don't know if Mo'an and Andre are still alive." Giselle leaned against the study window, under the dim light, her blond hair glowed softly, and her pair of phoenix eyes were full of worry.

(End of this chapter)

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