S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 653 The Whole World Knows He Likes You

Chapter 653 The whole world knows that he likes you (2)
Pei Renrong was sitting on the sofa, his face was a little heavy.

Song Yu was still playing with Xu Mo'an's cell phone, but didn't speak.Gu Nuoxian held the map in his hand and looked at it carefully for a long time before he put it down.Fingers tapped and tapped on the desk, at a certain moment, Gu Nuoxian's indifferent demeanor suddenly became awe-inspiring.

"It exploded."

"What?" Pei Renrong, Song Yu and Giselle looked at Gu Nuoxian at the same time, puzzled.

Gu Nuoxian put his finger on the prison map, and he slid a circle on the map, saying: "The prison must be waiting for us to rob the prison. Believe me, there must be full of armed forces now, just waiting for us to go to the prison." Jump inside."

"It's impossible to rescue them secretly. In this case, we simply give them a big gift." The so-called big gift means blowing up the prison.

In just a few words, a huge wave was stirred up.

"I think it will work." It was Song Yu who expressed his attitude first.

Giselle glanced out the window, thinking about Xu Mo'an's safety, and hoping to get them out as soon as possible. "I agree with Eric's point of view." Giselle spoke, but Pei Renrong was silent for a while before agreeing.

"When will the rescue start?"

Gu Nuoxian tilted his head to look at the sky outside the window in the direction of Giselle, the night tonight is very dark. "At 02:30 the night after tomorrow, there will be a heavy rainstorm in J State. The rainstorm will be more conducive to our actions."

"By the way, send someone to send Lucica to Country M immediately, she still has a use." Gu Nuoxian's eyes were burning with inexplicable flames, and Pei Renrong just narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this.


Song Yu took a shower and lay on the bed, unable to sleep.

He is a person who rarely suffers from insomnia.

Unable to fall asleep, Song Yu simply sat up. He dug out his suitcase, took out the full suitcase and carefully maintained it.After finishing this series of things, he still didn't feel sleepy.Song Yu sighed, got up and opened the bedside table, and took out Xu Mo'an's cell phone from it.

He didn't have the habit of peeking at other people's privacy, but this time, it was an exception.

The phone was turned on, and the wallpaper was the photo taken by Xu Mo'an and Song Yu 15 years ago.

Seeing that photo, Song Yu had an idea in his heart, he wanted to see Xu Mo'an's cell phone photo album.Thinking about it, Song Yu opened the photo album file. He thought that according to his eldest brother's temperament, there should be no photos in the phone. However, he was wrong.

In the photo album frame, miniature photos jumped out of the screen.

Song Yu just glanced at it and was completely stunned.

Every one of the small photos that filled the screen was him.

There are some when he looks like a teenager, some when he is on a mission, and some when he is sleeping.A vague thought flashed through his mind, Song Yu suppressed the thought that frightened him, and clicked on the big picture.

The first one was the one that Xu Mo'an gave him as a birthday present a few days ago.

The second one is still Song Yu.In the photo, Song Yu was wearing a camouflage uniform, holding his injured arm wrapped in white gauze with one hand, sitting on a tree.Song Yu stared at his immature face for a few seconds, and then vaguely remembered that this should be the first time he returned from a mission, and Xu Mo'an took the photo for him noisily.

Song Yu touched Xiao Song Yu's face in the photo with his fingers, and the corners of his mouth slowly curved into a smile.

In the past 15 years, he has grown up.

The third photo is a picture of Song Yu holding a bowl of noodles and eating deliciously.It seemed that Xu Mo'an made it for Song Yu himself on his 15th birthday.The fourth, fifth, sixth... After looking through more than seventy pictures in a row, they were all pictures of him alone.

(End of this chapter)

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