S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 654 The Whole World Knows He Likes You

Chapter 654 The whole world knows that he likes you (3)
The more he looked back, the more frightened Song Yu became.

Why is there only a photo of him in the phone of the elder brother?
Click the next one with your finger, and a small video pops up.Song Yu opened it curiously, and what he saw was a white sandy beach and blue ocean.The shirtless man was holding a wet white shirt in his hand. He was standing in front of the beach with the waves of the ocean in front of him, and a motorboat was parked not far away.

There was a gust of sea breeze in the video, and a big hand with distinct knuckles suddenly appeared in front of the camera.Song Yu recognized that it was Xu Mo'an's hand.

"Xiao Yu."

Xu Mo'an called him, but only called him, so lightly that Song Yu, who was in front of the camera, almost didn't hear him.

The man with his back to the camera turned around suddenly, his cold eyes were slightly surprised. "Brother, what do you want me to do?" Song Yu looked at Xu Mo'an in surprise, and actually heard Xu Mo'an's soft call just now.

Xu Mo'an smiled lightly, and replied, "Xiao Yu, put on your clothes."

Song Yu frowned, "Don't wear it, what's the matter with showing your arms?" Song Yu simply threw the clothes on the motorboat, and jumped like a whale into the waves of the sea.Xu Mo'an clicked his tongue in displeasure, and said in a low voice, "How can you show your body to other people..."

At this point, the video stops abruptly.

Song Yu shook his hand, and his mobile phone fell on the bed.

Why do these last words sound so thought-provoking?Song Yu rubbed his brows, picked up the phone, and continued to turn back.When the last photo was picked out, Song Yu froze.

What did he see?
He actually saw his elder brother kissing his lips!

Song Yu stared at the photo with wide eyes, in disbelief.The background of the photo seems to be on the bed, under the white sheet, Song Yu wrapped himself up like a silkworm baby, with only one face exposed.And Xu Mo'an was lying half sideways beside him, he took off his glasses, and his lips were lightly touching Song Yu's.

Song Yu was sleeping soundly, without any consciousness at all.


Song Yu's heartbeat suddenly became very fast.

He threw the phone back to the bedside table suddenly, and fell on the bed with his head up.The whole person fell into the bed, and Song Yu hadn't recovered from the fact that the thunder struck that day.

I don't like women.

I don't like men either.

I like a jerk.

Can Song Yu be understood as: I don't like women, and I don't like men, I only like you...


In the dark, Pei Renrong and Song Yu were lying in the grass together.

Pei Renrong held a telescope in his hand and carefully observed the situation around the prison.Song Yu, who was holding a sniper rifle at the side, seemed a little careless. He looked at the gun with both eyes, but his eyes were out of focus.

Pei Renrong touched Song Yu with his crutches, and he asked, "Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you? Why are you out of your mind?"

Song Yu came back to his senses, he looked at Pei Renrong with complicated eyes, and asked: "Pei Er, why do you think elder brother 33 still doesn't marry a wife?" Song Yu still couldn't believe the fact that elder brother liked him.

In the past few days, he has been living in a muddle, unable to eat, and unable to sleep.

Pei Er was stunned for a moment.

"Fuck, I thought the thing on your neck was an ornament, but now it seems that you have a bit of IQ." Pei Renrong made a sarcasm about Song Yu, then blinked at Song Yu, and asked, "What do you think is the reason?"

Pei Er's tone sounded unserious, but Song Yu was confused.

Song Yu moved as slowly as possible to approach Pei Er, put his mouth close to Pei Er's ear, and said to him: "Pei Er, let me tell you, I looked at the photo album of elder brother's mobile phone. Guess what I saw?"

(End of this chapter)

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