S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 659 Can You Hold Me Tighter?

Chapter 659 Can You Hold Me Tighter (3)

Oil drops more and more, and drops faster.

At a certain moment, the fuselage of the fighter jet swayed, and suddenly exploded and destroyed!The fire spread instantly, and Yu Wen drove back all the people.The warden fell to the ground in embarrassment. He coughed violently for a while before struggling to stand up.

Before the warden stood up, an arc flashed in the air, and a round object fell to the ground. The thing rolled down and finally stopped at the warden's feet.The warden glanced at the thing, and suddenly his legs gave way, and he fell to the ground again.

"Mom! Human head!"

He stepped back as if his legs were swinging, and his face was pale with fright.

A part of the head was still connected to the neck, and the face was bloody and bloody from the blast.But with her fried, curly red hair, it's not hard to see that this is a woman.

This person is exactly Lucica who was put into the fighter jet by Gu Nuoxian.


Gu Nuoxian fell on a big tree.

The wings of the aircraft were hooked by the branches, and his legs were suspended in the air at a height of more than ten meters, and he might fall at any time.Gu Nuoxian took a deep breath, stretched out one hand to his fat thigh, and pulled out the saber tied to his thigh.

The silver light of the saber lit up, and he cut off the strap of the aircraft on the back in twos and twos.

As soon as the strap was loosened, Gu Nuoxian fell straight down.

He fell down on one knee, felt his body, and confirmed that there was no major problem, then Gu Nuoxian stood up slowly.He put away his general knife, turned his head and looked at the prison behind him that was still burning in the heavy rain, his cold eyes were still indifferent.

He turned around, and the tall figure melted into the dark night.


The 1000-meter-long underground tunnel was dark and rancid, with many forks on the left and right. Song Yu was soaked in sewage and almost lost his way.

The person in his arms was held by him with one arm, and it was very inconvenient to crawl, so that after more than ten minutes, he still did not go out of the underground passage.It was another fork in the road, Song Yu just remembered briefly, and chose the road on the right.

He tightened his arms and hugged Xu Mo'an even tighter, then sped up and crawled in the sewage.

Suddenly, the earthquake mountain shook.

The front collapsed, and the way forward was completely blocked.

Song Yu was taken aback, and turned back to the fork in the road just now. He glanced at the other road, hesitating whether to take that road or not.At this time, the ground above shook violently again, and all the roads in front of and behind him collapsed.

The way back and the way forward are all blocked.

Song Yu lowered his eyes, his eyes finally changed.He wasn't worried that Gu Nuoxian and the others couldn't find him, but he was worried that when they found him, Xu Mo'an had completely lost the best time for healing.

Sitting on the ground, the underground passage was too narrow, Song Yu could only lower his head.He stared at the pale face of the man in his arms, and couldn't help putting his finger in front of his nose.

Fortunately, he still has weak breathing.

The severed arm that belonged to Xu Moan was placed in his waterproof bag.If Master Nuo and the others don't come for a long time, big brother's hands will never be able to connect again.Song Yu tried his best to keep calm, and tried not to let himself think wildly and enter a pessimistic world.

The person in his arms suddenly groaned, and after so long, he finally had some reactions.

Xu Mo'an's upper lip moved, and he was vaguely speaking.

Thunder sounded from time to time, and Song Yu couldn't hear what he was saying.Song Yu lowered his head and put his ear close to Xu Mo'an's mouth, he finally heard what he was saying.Xu Mo'an said: "Xu Mo'an... remember... don't speak, don't speak, don't bark, don't admit defeat..."

(End of this chapter)

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