S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 660 Can You Hold Me Tighter?

Chapter 660 Can You Hold Me Tighter (4)
"Even if you are beaten to death, you can't admit defeat..."

"Can't... betray them..."

Song Yu narrowed his eyes, unable to bear to listen to him anymore.

The elder brother's consciousness must be very fuzzy, the torture methods in the prison are too harsh, the elder brother is worried that he will not survive and will betray the organization, so he has been hypnotizing himself, never betraying the organization.Song Yu couldn't help tightening his arms. He put his ear close to Xu Mo'an's and said loudly: "Brother, no one will torture you anymore, no one will torture you again. I am here, and I will protect you."

Xu Mo'an raised his eyebrows a little bit, he seemed to hear Song Yu's voice, but also seemed to not hear it.

"Brother, open your eyes and see me, okay? You must not sleep again, if you sleep again, you will never wake up again!" What Song Yu was most afraid of was that Xu Mo'an would lose his support in his sleep. Die completely.

He did not allow Xu Moan to die.

Xu Mo'an's body suddenly twitched like crazy, the veins on his remaining arm throbbed violently, and the same thing happened on his forehead.Song Yu was startled, and quickly pushed Xu Mo'an with all his strength. "Wake up! Brother! What's wrong with you?"

Xu Mo'an's symptoms seemed too strange.

Song Yu keenly noticed that when Xu Mo'an pulled out, his body temperature was lower than before.Shrouded in deep panic, Song Yu saw that Xu Mo'an hadn't woken up, so besides being anxious, he could only hug him tighter.

After about a minute, Xu Mo'an stopped twitching.

The tendons on his forehead and arms gradually returned to normal, but his body temperature was still very cold.

Song Yu's hand reached into Xu Mo'an's clothes, and he touched his chest, the heart was already beating very slowly.Song Yuxin sank little by little, he couldn't help but close his eyes, not daring to look at the miserable state of the person in his arms.

After an unknown amount of time, Song Yu opened his eyes.

The first moment he caught eyes, he crashed into a pair of blue eyes.

Those eyes, for the first time, lost their affectionate style.

He looked at Song Yu as if he was looking at a stranger.

"Big brother!"

Song Yuxin was startled, Xu Mo'an looked at him, something was wrong.Xu Mo'an's unfamiliar eyes gradually became distracted. He looked at Song Yu, as if he was thinking seriously about who he was. "Brother, you're awake!" Although Song Yu was full of doubts in his heart, his eyes were instantly stained with surprise.

Xu Mo'an blinked his eyelashes, he stared at Song Yu's face for a long time, a weak voice sounded softly——

"Little...Little Yu?"

Xu Mo'an couldn't believe that he could see Song Yu again before he died.He wasn't even sure if this was the real Song Yu or the Song Yu in his dream.These days, he has seen Song Yu's appearance countless times in a coma, but every time he wakes up, there is no such person in front of him, so he is unable to accept it again and again, it is just an illusion.

It is also a luxury to see Xiao Yu in a dream.

He doesn't want to die, he still wants to be with Song Yu, one day counts as one day.Even if Song Yu doesn't love him, even if Song Yu is too stupid to notice his blazing and unwavering love for him, it doesn't matter.It was enough for him to just watch Song Yu take care of him.

These days, he was even thinking that as long as Song Yu behaved well, even if he wanted to marry a wife and have children, he would accept it.But he knew better that this only thought might be an extravagant dream.He was tortured and tortured for days, and he could not bear it any longer. Seeing Song Yu again, maybe it was just a hopeless dream.

So at the moment of waking up, Xu Mo'an couldn't believe that he saw Song Yu.

"It's me, brother!" Song Yu grabbed Xu Mo'an's left hand and hurriedly said, "Brother, how are you? Can you hold on?"

(End of this chapter)

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