S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 662 Ji Ruo Was Arrested 2 More Here

Chapter 662: Ji Ruo Was Arrested, The Second Watch Is Here (1)
Gu Nuoxian went to Russia, and the burden of taking care of Ji Ruo naturally fell on Zhu Tong's shoulders.

Ji Ruo was lying on the hospital bed, holding a book on parenting that Zhutong bought somewhere.The content of the parenting scriptures is simple and easy to understand, and she fell asleep after reading it.

In front of the window sill, Zhutong in white was holding a kettle in his hand, watering the newly bought bonsai. During this period, he occasionally turned his head and glanced at Ji Ruo. Curved lip smile.


Zhutong's seldom-moving cell phone suddenly started beeping.Zhutong took out his phone and took a look. Seeing that there was an unread text message, he opened the text message and took a look.

— Hitomi, go home, I was injured.

The person who sent the text message, the note is papa.

Papa hurt?
Zhutong put away the phone, feeling a little uneasy.He looked up at Ji Ruo, hesitating whether to leave or not.Ji Ruo was keenly aware of Zhutong's entanglement, so he put down the parenting scriptures and asked, "Little Tong, who sent the text message?"

"My father." After Zhutong finished speaking, seeing Ji Ruo's puzzled face, he explained, "It's my adoptive father."

Hearing this, Ji Ruo suddenly realized.

"what did he say?"

Clearing his eyes, he didn't know when a little worry surfaced, Zhu Tong put down the water bottle and said, "Papa said he was injured, he wants me to go home."

Ji Ruo was slightly startled. "Is it seriously injured? Go home and see him."

Zhutong couldn't help frowning because of his concern for Shang Jiruo. "I'm leaving, what do you do?"

"I have hands and feet, and Naiyazi is taking care of me, can something happen?" Ji Ruo rolled his eyes at him, and being guarded by Zhutong so carefully, Ji Ruo felt that he was making too much fuss.Zhutong lowered his head and thought for a while, and after careful consideration, he decided to go back first.

"Then I'll go back and have a look, and I'll try to come as soon as possible."

It's a long way from Los Angeles to Washington.It would take at least a day for him to go back and forth, leaving Ji Ruo alone in this unsafe country, it was hard for Zhutong to relax.

"Okay, don't worry! I will stay in the hospital obediently, and Yazi will stay with me here, and I won't be bored. Besides, this is a hospital, what else can happen?" Under Ji Ruo's reassurance, Only then did Zhutong leave.


Ji Ruoguo really stayed in the hospital ward obediently as she promised.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Nuoxian made a phone call.

As soon as the two answered the phone, they had endless conversations.

"Brother Xu's hand, can it really not be healed?"

Gu Nuoxian was standing outside the ward. In the ward, Song Yu was wearing clean clothes, sitting quietly beside Xu Mo'an's bed, looking at him without blinking.After returning to Russia, Xu Mo'an has been in a severe coma. The medical team checked his body and said that he was injected with the latest type of drugs.

This drug is not fatal, but it is addictive.

It will gradually torture a powerful person into an addict, and the addicted person will be unable to control his desire to take drugs, until one day, he becomes so thin that he is out of shape, becomes an inhuman monster, and finally loses All physical strength, gradually waiting to die.

The only way to survive is to quit drugs.

And detoxification is not easy.

Gu Nuoxian sat down next to the chair, and then replied: "The treatment time has been delayed, and I can't get it anymore."

"Gu Nuoxian, are you feeling... well?" Ji Ruo was most worried about Gu Nuoxian.Because of their carelessness, causing their brother to be injured or even disabled, it is personally uncomfortable.What's more, Gu Nuoxian who really takes Xu Mo'an as his brother.

(End of this chapter)

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