S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 663 Ji Ruo Was Arrested 2 More Here

Chapter 663: Ji Ruo Was Arrested, The Second Watch Is Here (3)
Suddenly hearing Gu Nuoxian calling him that, Xu Mo'an was taken aback.

The blue eyes are still a little weak.Xu Mo'an looked at Gu Nuoxian, surprised.Gu Nuoxian lowered his eyelids, and said to him solemnly: "I'm sorry, I was negligent this time."

Xu Mo'an put away the things on his face and put on a very serious look. "Eric, what happened this time is not your fault. Who would have thought that Lucica would be a traitor, not to mention you, even when I accidentally heard Lucica's name mentioned during the transaction, I couldn't believe it of."

Lucia has fought with them countless times, and no one would have thought that she would be an undercover agent placed in their organization by the government of country M.

"Besides, if we do this business, we will inevitably suffer one day." The broken arm did not have much impact on Xu Mo'an. "From the day I debuted, I was prepared that one day I might die."

"Life is precious, and living is more important than anything else."

Seeing that Xu Mo'an had really accepted the fact that he had lost his arm, and would not be affected by it, Gu Nuoxian felt relieved.What worries him the most is that the witty and elegant boss cannot accept the cruel fact of his broken arm.

"It's just... your right hand is gone, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to touch weapons again in the future." Gu Nuoxian was still guilty.

Song Yu raised his right hand, smiled triumphantly at Gu Nuoxian, and said, "You probably forgot, I'm left-handed." Compared with his right hand, his left hand is more suitable for shooting.In his life, he tried his best not to let others realize the fact that he is left-handed, in order to leave a way out for himself.

Those people thought that breaking his right arm would ruin his future, but they miscalculated the fact that he was left-handed.Gu Nuoxian was taken aback for a moment, thinking of the fact that Xu Mo'an was left-handed, which was almost ignored by them, he laughed again.


After Gu Nuoxian left, Song Yucai returned to the ward.

Xu Mo'an looked at Song Yu with complicated eyes, seeing Song Yu's mood directly. "What are you staring at me for?" Song Yu was very uncertain, so his tone was weak.Xu Mo'an licked his dry tongue before saying, "Xiao Yu, I really want to hug you."

Song Yu's heart skipped a beat, and his face felt a little hot.

"But I..." Xu Mo'an glanced at his missing arm, his eyes dimmed instantly, "But I, I can't hug you anymore." Xu Mo'an's tone was very frustrated, and it sounded very unpleasant.

The heat on his face instantly faded away with a smile.

Song Yu looked at Xu Mo'an distressedly, and then asked, "How about...I'll hug you?"

Blue eyes flashed cunningly.

Xu Mo'an pretended to be embarrassed and said: "This...isn't it good? You hate physical contact with others..." Before he finished speaking, Song Yu suddenly bent down and hugged Xu Mo'an in his arms.He hugged him so tightly that the wound on Xu Mo'an's chest hurt.

"Xiao Yu?"

Xu Mo'an originally wanted to tease him and relieve the pain in his body.Unexpectedly, Song Yuzhen took the initiative to hug him.And hugged so hard, as if he was his only one.

"Brother, it doesn't matter if your hand is gone, your life is more important than anything else. Don't you think so?" Song Yu hugged Xu Mo'an clumsily and buzzed beside his head.Xu Mo'an's heart was beating like a drum, he was stunned, and then he said:
"You let me go..."

Song Yu turned his head to look at his elder brother in surprise, "?" He raised his eyebrows, waiting for Xu Mo'an to finish.The corner of Xu Mo'an's mouth twitched, and he said, "I...drug addiction is about to kick in!" His heartbeat accelerated when he was shocked by Song Yu's sudden movement.

Too fast a heartbeat can trigger a drug addiction attack...

(End of this chapter)

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