S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 664 Ji Ruo Was Arrested 2 More Here

Chapter 664: Ji Ruo Was Arrested, The Second Watch Is Here (4)
Therefore, Xu Mo'an, who just woke up, experienced the first drug addiction attack gorgeously because of Song Yu's hug.


Giselle injected Xu Mo'an with pain-relieving medicine, and when Xu Mo'an passed out again after being tortured, Giselle looked at Song Yu with a hesitant expression.Song Yu rubbed his nose and asked with a stern face, "What's wrong?"

Giselle also touched his nose like him, with a strange expression on her face, and said, "Xiao Yu, be more enthusiastic, less enthusiastic, and life comes first."

Song Yu is embarrassed...


Ji Ruo received a call from Lai Changxi in the afternoon. On the phone, Lai Changxi said that she wanted to come to the hospital to see her and asked her if she agreed.

Ji Ruo already knew that she and Lai Changxi were mother-daughter relationship, so she was still a little uncomfortable to meet up suddenly.So he excused himself by saying that he was tired and would call her back tomorrow.She could hear Lai Changxi's cautiousness in her words, and she could even feel Lai Changxi's love for her after just a phone call.

That's a good mother.

She just wasn't ready to accept Ji Xuan's family.It takes time to accept a new identity.

There was a knock on the door, and Naiyako thought it was the meal that had been called.

She glanced at Ji Ruo who was staring out the window in a daze, got up lightly, and went to open the door.When he opened the door, there was no delivery man, but Director Thompson, who was wearing a black cashmere suit and holding a bouquet of delicate flowers.

Thompson is only 35 this year, and he is not very handsome, but in this circle of directors with different looks, he is considered a rare director who can be on the stage.Thompson smiled at Naiyako and said, "Let me come and see Ji Ruo."

Being so close, Naiyako seemed to smell the smell of alcohol on Thompson.

Very strong smell of alcohol.

Seeing Naiyazi frown, Thompson hurriedly explained: "I just had a dinner and decided to be near the hospital. I drank some wine. I thought it was close anyway, so I came to see Ji Ruo." Thompson spoke English, With his explanation, Naiyazi felt relieved.

"You are really caring, please come in."

Naiyazi let Thompson in sideways, took the flowers in his hand, and put them into the vase.

When the two talked, Ji Ruo came back from her thoughts, "Director, why are you here?" Seeing Thompson rushing over, she made a gesture to get up.As soon as Ji Ruo just got up, Thompson rushed over and pressed her shoulder, stopping her movement.

"You don't need to get up, just sit down, I'll come and see you, sit down for a while and leave."

Ji Ruo thought about it, then gave up.

Naiyazi personally peeled an apple and dragon fruit into a platter and placed it in front of Director Thompson before leaving the ward.Thompson randomly picked up a piece of apple and put it in his mouth to chew. Suddenly, his brain throbbed.

He snorted and covered his head involuntarily.

"What's the matter with you?" Ji Ruo looked at him in surprise, and saw that Thompson was covering his head in pain, so he hurriedly asked concerned: "Director, is your head uncomfortable?"

Thompson looked up at her with some doubts in his eyes.

He shook his head, and said vaguely: "I don't know what's going on, since the dinner is over, I feel that I can't see things clearly." Vaguely, he always sees one thing as another.

He seemed to be hallucinating.

Hearing what he said, Ji Ruo didn't understand what was going on.

"Probably drunk?"

Thompson tapped his head and replied, "Probably."

Ji Ruo personally raised the pillow on the hospital bed. She covered her stomach and asked Thompson apologetically, "I suddenly fainted and was hospitalized. Did I cause a lot of trouble for the crew?" Thompson lowered his head and shook his head slightly, " …No, we're filming other actors, there's no rush."

(End of this chapter)

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