S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 665 Ji Ruo Was Arrested 2 More Here

Chapter 665: Ji Ruo Was Arrested, The Second Watch Is Here (5)
"I didn't expect that I would get pregnant suddenly. If my temporary departure will delay the progress of the crew, then..." Ji Ruo paused, and then said: "Actually, I can take the initiative to ask for the termination of the contract, and I will pay the liquidated damages. Director, you can do it again Find another actor."

Ji Ruo stroked her lower abdomen with her palms, and said with a gentle face, "I really want to keep this child, so I'm afraid I won't be able to act in a short time." After finishing speaking, Thompson didn't respond at all.Ji Ruo looked up in confusion, only to see Thompson staring at her with red eyes.

That vicious look seemed to kill her.

"Director... what's wrong with you?"

Ji Ruo was taken aback for a moment, and had a bad premonition in his heart.Thompson grinned sinisterly and terrifyingly. "Jie Jie, Ava, why are you still pestering me after you're dead?"

Hearing this, Ji Ruo was completely restless. Ava, isn't that the celebrity girlfriend Director Thompson talked about five years ago? Ava had jumped off a building due to mental illness and died three years ago. Her death dealt a fatal blow to Thompson.

In the year after that, Thompson semi-retired from the entertainment industry and did not shoot any works. Everyone said that he could not accept the death of his girlfriend.

So what's going on?

How could the director call out Ava's name at her?
"Director, what's wrong with you?" Ji Ruo got up and made a gesture to ask the doctor to check on his condition. At this moment, Thompson stood up abruptly and yelled at her: "Obviously you cheated first, you Betrayed me, why are you still refusing to let me go? I have killed you, and you have gone to hell, why do you still dangle in front of me from time to time!"

Ji Ruo's footsteps stopped abruptly.

Did I kill you?Are you going to hell?
Ji Ruo stared at Thompson with wide eyes, unbelievable.

It turned out that Ava did not commit suicide by jumping off the building because of a mental illness, but because of cheating, she was killed after being discovered by director Thompson!Ji Ruo stared at Thompson in amazement, wondering why he recognized herself as Ava.

Thompson suddenly pushed Ji Ruo onto the bed. He climbed onto the bed, rode on Ji Ruo, pressed her shoulders and shouted at her: "You son of a bitch! You won't let me go even if you die, you really When I'm afraid of you?"

"Big deal, I'll kill you bitch again!"

Thompson fell into a frenzy, pinching Ji Ruo's neck with ruthless and domineering strength.Ji Ruo tried to push him away, but a woman's power was limited, but she failed.Thompson's eyes were red with anger, and his hands continued to exert force, intending to kill Ji Ruo.

In the panic, Ji Ruo tried hard to keep calm.

She moved her eyes around, just in time to see a fruit knife on the bedside table. "You son of a bitch! I let you steal and betray me! How long are you going to torture me? Even if you die and fall into mud, you won't let me go. Do you hate me so much? "

Thompson's fingers almost twisted Ji Ruo's neck into two ends.

Ji Ruo was almost out of breath, her eyeballs were round, as if trying to break free from their sockets.Ji Ruo tried hard to stay awake, she took advantage of the situation and drew the fruit knife, then stabbed hard on the top of her head.

Thompson froze suddenly.

Ji Ruo opened her eyes wide, watching the blood spurt from the very thin cut in Thompson's neck and splashed all over her face.

Thompson's eyes were stained with astonishment, and under great fear, he finally regained his sobriety.Thompson took one last look at Ji Ruo, who was holding a fruit knife under him and was pale. He was full of confusion.

Why is he here?

What he saw was obviously Ava, but how could he become Ji Ruo?
And...it hurts...

Thompson suddenly covered his neck and rolled aside, but he couldn't stop the blood from flowing out.Ji Ruo jumped out of bed barefoot and coughed violently.Ji Ruo inadvertently looked up at Thompson, only to find that an invisible bug had been pasted on his neck collar at some point.

As soon as Ji Ruo took off the bug, seeing the bug working, and thinking of Thompson's abnormality today, his face suddenly changed.

"I don't know what's going on. From the end of the dinner, I feel that I can't see things clearly."


Thompson must be on the right track!

He must have been drugged with hallucinogens during the dinner.This bug is the best proof.Ji Ruo realized that someone was going to deal with her, she didn't have time to think about it, she grabbed the phone casually, glanced at the dying Thompson guiltily, then turned her head and rushed out the door resolutely.

As soon as Ji Ruogang opened the door, he was blocked by countless reporters.

A reporter glanced into the ward and exclaimed when he saw Thompson lying on the bed almost dead.They surrounded Ji Ruo and kept asking, "Ji Ruo, did you kill Director Thompson?"

"Why are you killing people?"

"Don't you know it's illegal to kill someone?"

"You killed your Bole, with such a vicious heart, what qualifications do you have to be an idol artist!"

The flashing lights flashed wildly one after another, and the reporters kept accusing and questioning her like a scourge.Ji Ruo fell into a cold body, and the moment she started, the media noticed that she was really fast...

Who is it that set up such a big game for her.

At this moment, a pair of cold handcuffs were placed on her wrists.Ji Ruo looked up in astonishment, and met a male police officer in police uniform with a serious face. "We are the Los Angeles Police Department. We just received a call from someone saying that Director Thompson was killed, and you are the number one suspect."

"Now, please follow us to the police station!"

In less than 2 minutes, the media police all arrived.

If it was not arranged in advance, who would believe it?

(End of this chapter)

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