S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 666 I'll Let You Die Without a Whole Corpse

Chapter 666 I Will Let You Die Without a Whole Corpse (1)
The news of Ji Ruo's assassination of director Thompson was immediately reported by the media in country M, and quickly spread to the Asian region like a prairie fire. All the media in country C published this explosive news, and everyone was skeptical the first moment they heard the news.

They had no choice but to accept this unbelievable news until the international news published large-scale photos of the incident and a clear picture of being handcuffed by the police in the hospital in the evening.

For a time, many speculations and rumors about this matter were flying all over the sky.

Ji Ruo's die-hard fans immediately went into a rage, and some chose to continue to believe in Ji Ruo, sticking to the backline and waiting for the police in country M to find out the truth, and give Ji Ruo the truth.Some people also think that Ji Ruo's assassination of director Thompson is a certainty. Coupled with the trend of black Internet, many fans have lost their fans.

Some entertainers in the circle who were jealous of Ji Ruojiu, how could they let go of this good opportunity, and they spread nonsense on the Internet, begging the police not to wrong every innocent person, and please don't let every bad person go.

These words seem reasonable, but if you savor them carefully, you can taste a different taste.

Thompson has won the Best Director Award at the Thomas Film Festival twice. His status and influence in the international film industry are unmatched by ordinary people.His death caused a wave of nostalgia on the Internet.

As the suspect, Ji Ruo, naturally became the target of public criticism in an instant.

Some reporters and the media stayed outside the police station, hoping that the police would give accurate information.But what they waited for was a piece of news that shocked everyone——

On the way to escort Ji Ruo to the police station, the police were hijacked by mysterious terrorists.All the policemen were injured and lost consciousness, while Ji Ruo disappeared without a trace.

The journalists who were afraid of chaos immediately speculated about Feifei, and a large number of media writers made up nonsense that Ji Ruo's sudden popularity was due to the powerful and extraordinary forces behind her, and that her husband was from a gangster background.

For their rhetoric, some people believe it, and naturally some people are waiting for the final investigation results in a clear and rational manner.


Luo Tong walked out of Supermarket B with an unconcealable joy on his face.

She walked out of the hospital full of excitement, Liu Yuebo's car just stopped at the gate of the hospital, as soon as he saw her coming out, he immediately got out of the car and walked towards her. "Is it because of a bad stomach? Why did I suddenly vomit? What did the doctor say?"

He called Luo Tong in the afternoon, and when Luo Tong said she was in the hospital, Liu Yuebo was so startled that he immediately put down his work and drove to the hospital immediately.

He glanced worriedly at Luo Tong several times, trying to see what was wrong with Luo Tong's body.Luo Tong looked up at Liu Yuebo, opened his mouth, but said: "Get in the car first, let's talk in the car."

Closing his eyes and worrying, Liu Yuebo nodded lightly: "Okay."

Holding Luo Tong in his arms, Liu Yuebo opened the passenger door for her. This time, Luo Tong didn't sit in obediently. "What's wrong?" Liu Yuebo looked at Luo Tong in surprise and asked in confusion.Luo Tong looked up at Liu Yuebo, and explained: "I can't take the co-pilot."

"Why?" Liu Yuebo frowned, his eyes full of doubts.

Luo Tong opened the car door by herself and got in. Her long and narrow eyebrows glowed with a strange brilliance, which made Liu Yuebo inexplicable. "Yuebo, I'm pregnant." Luo Tong deliberated for a few seconds before deciding to tell Liu Yuebo the news as soon as possible.

Liu Yuebo's face froze and he forgot to breathe.

Seeing Liu Yuebo's reaction, Luo Tong couldn't help covering his smile.Just now when she found out that she was pregnant, Luo Tong herself was taken aback. The two got pregnant after only a few months of marriage. The child really couldn't wait for it to come.

(End of this chapter)

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