S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 667 I'll Let You Die Without a Whole Corpse

Chapter 667 I Will Let You Die Without a Whole Corpse (2)
It took Liu Yuebo a while to digest the news.

"You pinch me."

Liu Yuebo also sat in the rear compartment and said blankly.

With a smile in his eyes, Luo Tong really squeezed Liu Yuebo's face hard. "Oh! It hurts!" Liu Yuebo tilted his head, he touched the side of his face pinched by Luo Tong, and only then did he believe that he really had a child.

"How many months?"

Luo Tong glanced at his abdomen and replied, "More than two months."

Liu Yuebo nodded calmly.

Luo Tong looked at him sideways, Liu Yuebo's reaction was calmer than she imagined.Luo Tong was quite strange.At this moment, Liu Yuebo suddenly pulled the corners of his mouth into a silly smile, "I have a child...hahaha! My mother has a child!" Liu Yuebo laughed, laughing wildly until the corners of his mouth were covered with laughter. The cramp stopped.

Luo Tong shook his head, sure enough, this is the correct way to open Liu Yuebo.

Liu Yuebo lowered his head and put his ear close to Luo Tong's abdomen, and Luo Tong could just see his hair and half of his ear with his lowered eyes. "What did you do?" Luo Tong moved uncomfortably and asked softly.Liu Yuebo raised his head, a pair of brown eyes shining brightly. "I listen to the child's heartbeat!"

Luo Tong rolled his eyes at him, "I still can't hear it now, it will take at least four months before I can hear it."

"...Oh." Liu Yuebo rubbed his hands in disappointment, and smiled again with a bright spring face. "Hey! Baby girl, be obedient in your mother's womb, and don't torment her!" Liu Yuebo instructed with his back bent and one palm resting on his stomach.

Luo Tong looked at him helplessly, feeling happy in his heart, as if filled with honey.


The car was driving in the main city and passing the pedestrian street. Luo Tong subconsciously looked out the window. Every time she passed the pedestrian street, she would have to look at the billboard where her family, Ji Ruo, endorsed the clothing brand T-R.

She looked at the position of the billboard, only to find that Ji Ruo's advertising endorsement image had been withdrawn at some point, and replaced by a cosmetics advertising image endorsed by the refined male god Uno.Luo Tong was stunned, looked at Liu Yuebo in surprise, and asked, "Why was Ji Ruo's advertisement withdrawn?"

Liu Yuebo also raised his eyebrows to look, and the same surprise flashed in his eyes.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, only to realize that the mobile phone had been switched to silent mode at some point, and in just over an hour, he had more than a dozen missed calls.Liu Yuebo took a closer look at each of them, and found that almost all the senior administrators of Yanuo Entertainment had called him.

Liu Yuebo parked the car in a regular parking space, and then called the secretary.

"It's me, why did Ji Ruo's billboard change on the fourth floor of Building B, Pedestrian Street?"The secretary walked to a quieter place, and said to Liu Yuebo in an anxious tone: "It's not good, director, it's all messed up!"

"What's going on?" His secretary is not a newcomer who is surprised at first glance, and he would not show such an anxious look unless he encounters an unavoidable major event.

"Ji Ruo was arrested for murder in country M, and it has been reported by the media. Mr. Gu's phone can't be reached, and you won't answer your call. Now almost the whole world knows about it. Our public relations team is limited. , can’t block the news at all.”

"Ji Ruo killed someone?"

Liu Yuebo was taken aback.

Hearing Liu Yuebo's words, Luo Tong raised his head immediately. "Ah Ruo killed someone?" Luo Tong was stunned, unbelievable that Ji Ruo would have something to do with killing someone.The secretary hummed, and said, "The one who killed was none other than the famous director Thompson!"

"Director Thompson?" Liu Yuebo turned his head to look at Luo Tong, both of them were at a loss, how could Ji Ruo kill Thompson?
(End of this chapter)

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