S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 668 I'll Let You Die Without a Whole Corpse

Chapter 668 I Will Let You Die Without a Whole Corpse (3)
"Director, the media that we have cooperated with in the past have all ignored their business this time. Reports about this matter in Europe and the United States are flying all over the place. Not only are there photos of the murder scene, but there is also a video of Ji Ruo being taken away by the police as evidence!"

"Now all the endorsements and producers are calling to terminate the contract, what should we do?"

Liu Yuebo frowned, why didn't Mr. Gu call when something like this happened? "Try to suppress the heat, try to guide the attention of netizens, and try to make them focus on why Ji Ruo killed people and whether there is a deeper hidden story."

"Is this useful?" The secretary's tone was a little weak.This is a murder, not an ordinary scandal, it cannot be controlled so easily.

"It's useless to do this!"

Liu Yuebo hung up the phone in a hurry, he had a headache.

How could this happen suddenly?

Luo Tong called Nai Yazi immediately, but Nai Yazi didn't answer, he should be too busy.Luo Tong called Gu Nuoxian again, but the connection still failed, even Song Yu's cell phone was turned off.

Luo Tong rolled down the car window and vaguely heard every passerby discussing this matter.

Her heart sank, she was too worried.


The moment Gu Nuoxian got the news, he got on the plane to country M.

After more than ten hours of flight journey, when he got off the plane and rushed to the police station, the news he got was exactly the same as the previous media reports.While Ji Ruo was escorted to the police station, he was robbed by another group of people.

The reporter said that the underworld behind Ji Ruo did it, and Gu Nuoxian himself was the so-called underworld.He knew very well that the person who took Ji Ruo away was not his.

So, who took Ji Ruo away?

Gu Nuoxian walked out from the back door of the police station. As soon as he walked out of the police station, a black Land Rover parked eagerly by the side of the road.With the car window rolled down, Ji Xuanyu turned to look at him, his eyes were as cold as frost.


Ji Xuanyu opened the car door and said coldly.

Gu Nuoxian suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and got into the car.Ji Xuanyu drove the car himself, turned left and right, and finally stopped at the headquarters of the Los Angeles Police Department. "Ruo Ruo was locked up here?" Gu Nuoxian raised his eyelids to look at the police headquarters, his eyes were frighteningly cold.

Ji Xuanyu snorted coldly, kicked the car door, and walked straight into the police station.Gu Nuoxian frowned, got out of the car, and walked in behind Ji Xuanyu.

"This is the director's office, you can't go in!"

Seeing Ji Xuanyu and Gu Nuoxian, the director's secretary immediately stood up and blocked their way.Ji Xuanyu raised his eyebrows coldly, and said coldly: "Get out!" The secretary was taken aback, ready to draw out his gun to show Ji Xuanyu some color.

Before he could draw out his gun, Ji Xuanyu suddenly raised his right leg, kicked the secretary flying with a swift kick.

The secretary's body was knocked into the air, and he slammed into the wall hard, spitting out a mouthful of old blood, and then he fell to the ground, screaming in pain.His cool eyes glanced at the secretary, Ji Xuanyu turned his head slightly to look at Gu Nuoxian, and said, "Follow me."

Gu Nuoxian nodded, and the two opened the chief's door and walked in.

Police chief Wood, who was drinking coffee and listening to music, raised his head in surprise when he heard the movement. When he saw the menacing Ji Xuanyu and Gu Nuoxian, his hairs stood on his head. "who are you?"

One of Wood's hands went under the table, trying to draw a gun in defense.

Gu Nuoxian narrowed his eyes and immediately discovered his intention.He suddenly ran forward and punched Wood in the face.Wood's face trembled, and Gu Nuoxian punched him on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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