S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 678 You Are Destined To Escape And He Will Come

Chapter 678 You are doomed to escape and he will definitely come (4)
"It's really sad."

Zhu Tong shook her head, unable to explain: "I'm not trying to betray you, Papa, she...she's innocent!"

"Innocent?" Sherman smiled coldly. He stretched out his slender left hand, and stroked Ji Ruo's cheek under Zhu Tong's guarded and cautious eyes.Zhu Tong stared at the finger that was wandering on Ji Ruo's face, her whole body was tense, and she didn't dare to relax.

"So what about innocence? As long as she can become our weapon against Eric and DS, she can't leave here." Sherman looked gently at Zhutong, who was tense and full of resistance, and said gently: "Hitomi, don't you Come on, this really disappoints me."

Zhutong retreated subconsciously, but there was no way out.

"Hitomi, go to sleep, wake up, just treat it as a dream."

Sherman's tone was very gentle, as gentle as he was a kind father.Zhutong subconsciously felt something was wrong, he was about to run away with Ji Ruo in his arms, but how could Sherman, who was a soldier, let him go?
Sherman turned around quickly, stretched out his left hand and grabbed Zhutong's right shoulder.

Zhutong's gaze was instantly colder than the ice and snow. He raised his leg to resist, but Sherman was faster than him.Before Zhutong's leg touched Sherman's body, Sherman immediately dodged behind Zhutong, raised his right arm, and smoothly inserted the sharp needle into Zhutong's neck under Zhutong's resistance and struggle. .

Sherman quickly pressed his thumb, and the black medicine was successfully injected into Zhutong's body along the needle tube.

Zhutong stared, his body lost strength in an instant. "No..." He looked desperately at Ji Ruo in his arms, finally let go of Ji Ruo, and fell limply on the ground.

Sherman glanced at Zhu Tong who had fallen to the ground, and said to Downey in a cold voice, "Shut up Master Tong!"

"As ordered!"

Downey picked up Zhutong horizontally and sent her to the room.

Only then did Sherman squat down, picked up Ji Ruo who was weak and was on his last breath, and took the elevator to the underground laboratory.


Ji Ruo thought she was dead, but she still woke up on the third day after passing out of the coma.

With his hands and feet tied, Ji Ruo can only move his head.

She stared fixedly at the incandescent light above her head, unable to tell what year and month it was, whether it was day or night.There was a faint pain in her abdomen. She couldn't see the condition of her lower body, but she could feel that the child with whom her blood was thicker than water in the past was no longer there.


Ji Ruo is like a guppy that has lost its soul, with a poignant, gorgeous and desperate face.

"I'm sorry, kid..."

Bitter tears rolled down his face, Ji Ruo fell into deep remorse and self-blame, unable to get out no matter what.


On the first day she woke up, only a man in white came in and injected her with nutrient solution, and no one bothered her anymore.Ji Ruo's body was covered with traces of torture, she was lying on the cold operating table, very uncomfortable.

I don't know how long she opened her eyes to look at the light before she finally fell asleep in a daze.

Ji Ruo stood at an intersection, and the green light was on. She wanted to walk over, but her legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't move them no matter what. "Come on, I'll hold you and walk together." Suddenly, there was warmth around her.

Ji Ruo looked up and saw a handsome face.

The chiseled facial features are extraordinary and handsome, with slightly long hair casually draped over his head, Gu Nuoxian didn't wear glasses, his cold eyes were filled with the scenery named Ji Ruo. "Gu Nuoxian, why are you here?" Ji Ruo stared at Gu Nuoxian in a daze, unable to understand why Gu Nuoxian suddenly appeared here.

(End of this chapter)

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