S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 679 You Are Destined To Escape And He Will Come

Chapter 679 You are doomed to escape and he will definitely come (5)
Gu Nuoxian stretched out his finger and pointed her forehead, and replied, "No matter where you are, I will always be by your side."

Ji Ruo blinked, choked up and asked, "Where are you? Why can't I find you?" She stretched out her hand to stroke Gu Nuoxian's face, but refused to let it go. "Gu Nuoxian, I can't find you, I can't find you all over the world."

Gu Nuoxian gave her a gentle smile, he bent down slightly, and put the palm of his hand on Ji Ruo's heart. "I'm here, always with you."

Ji Ruo looked down at her heart and suddenly cried. "So you're here..."

"Ruoruo, I'm always here. Don't be afraid, no matter where you are, I will find you. Believe me, I will come to you, okay?" Gu Nuoxian's quiet eyes were full of anxiety.

He stared at Ji Ruo eagerly, expecting her to nod.

Ji Ruo sniffled, "Yeah." She nodded fiercely before saying, "I'll be waiting for you. You must come."

The time for the green light was almost over, Gu Nuoxian led her forward, "Let's cross the road and go there, it will be safe."


"Ah! Go across the river!" Gu Nuoxian yelled Ji Ruo's catchphrase every time he crossed the road.When Ji Ruo heard this, his heavy steps were suddenly filled with strength.

She followed Gu Nuoxian step by step with firm steps.


Suddenly, an immature girl's voice sounded behind her.Ji Ruo froze, she stopped and stood in the middle of the road.She turned around and saw where they were standing just now, there was a girl in a white tutu standing there.

The girl wore shofar braids and a face that looked very much like Ji Ruo.

"Son...child..." Ji Ruo held Gu Nuoxian back, refusing to leave no matter what.

Gu Nuoxian and Ji Ruo looked at the child together, their eyes were sad.

The child raised his right hand and waved goodbye to the two of them, "Mummy, goodbye! I should go!" The little girl opened and closed her mouth, looking very cute.When Ji Ruo heard her words, he rushed over like crazy and hugged the child in his arms.

"do not go!"

"Don't go!"

The little girl stretched out her hand and patted Ji Ruo's back, she shook her head in her arms, and the sweet voice sounded again: "Mommy, I really should go."


"It's all Mommy's fault! It's all Mommy's useless, I can't keep you! Child, don't go, don't go..." Ji Ruo cried heart-rendingly while holding the child.

"Mommy, my daughter doesn't blame you." The girl smiled sweetly at Ji Ruo, she tiptoed to kiss the tears on Ji Ruo's cheek, and said, "I really want to meet Mommy and Daddy formally, but I..." The little girl looked at her hands that gradually became transparent and disappeared into bubbles, she said with desolation in her eyes, "But I can't see them anymore..."

"Mommy, live well, Daddy needs you."

After the little girl finished speaking, her whole body turned into a bubble, and turned into colorful lights under the sun, and drifted to the east with the wind, concern, and sunshine.

Some people say that the east is hope and dawn.

"Son! Don't go! Don't go!"

Ji Ruo suddenly opened her eyes. Under the light, her pretty pale face was covered with tears.The man standing in the corner saw her wake up crying and shouting, and fell silent without saying a word.

Ji Ruo lay on the operating bed, yelling loudly for the child not to leave, crying uncontrollably.

"Don't cry, the baby is gone."

You Ze wiped away Ji Ruo's tears with a towel, his brown eyes dizzy.Ji Ruo cried, she raised her eyelids, and looked at You Ze with cold eyes. "You don't need to make a hypocritical disgusting look, it will make me sick."

(End of this chapter)

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