Chapter 920
Lan Jue recently went on a trip to South Africa, and the two of them could only meet once a day via video. When Song Yu knocked on the office door, Bai Jin was videoing with Lan Jue on the South African side.He raised his head lazily, his face was still handsome. "You kid is willing to ask for leave?" Bai Jin clicked his tongue in surprise, "How many days?" Song Yu put the leave slip on the desk and said, "One month."

"One month?" Bai Jin picked up the leave slip and looked at it, confirming that Song Yu really wanted to ask for a month's leave, his eyes suddenly changed. "Having taken leave for such a long time, is it because I miss your boss Xu?"

Bai Jin was the former boss of the DS organization, Xu Mo'an and the others were all raised by him, and Xu Mo'an was single-handedly promoted by him.Everyone knows Xu Mo'an's concern for Song Yu.He was not optimistic about this relationship at first, after all, a secret love is easy to die young.But I didn't expect that Song Yu's brain made of elm lumps would have a day of enlightenment.

Sure enough, there are so many wonders in this world.Song Yu was not annoyed at being seen through by Bai Jin.He nodded frankly, and only asked: "Do you want to sign?" Bai Jin raised his eyebrows, he shrugged, and replied: "There is no reason not to sign..."

After swiping twice to sign the leave request, Song Yu left satisfied.

Bai Jin watched Song Yu leave, then retracted his gaze, and re-enlarged the video window.Winter in Russia is summer in South Africa.Lan Jue was wearing a short-sleeved white T-shirt and a brown hat on his head, standing in the midst of the desert.He has been out for two months, his skin is much darker than before, and he looks more masculine.

"Who was looking for you just now?" Lan Jue asked while fiddling with the camera hanging around his neck.Bai Jin stared at the man in the video with burning eyes, and replied briefly: "Xiao Yu."

"What do you want?" Lan Jue was still looking at the photos in his album. "Ask me to ask for leave, go home to see your lover." Bai Jin put his hands behind his head, and he leaned back on the leather chair. The man in the video never looked up, and he felt a little unhappy. "When will you come back?"

The man in the video was stunned, and then he put down the camera and looked up.Lan Jue narrowed his eyes and asked back: "What? It was agreed back then not to restrict each other's freedom."

Bai Jin pursed his lips and remained silent for two seconds. Facing Lan Jue's playful eyes, Bai Jin whispered, "Lan Jue, come back, I miss you." After watching for a while, I actually started to miss him crazily.

"Okay, wait for me."

Lan Jue cut off the video quickly, and originally planned to go to two tourist destinations, but now, those things seem to be more important than missing.He misses him, so he wants to go back and be with him.

Xu Mo'an slept until the afternoon before waking up. "Ella, report on today's itinerary."

"Yes, Boss."

Even in winter, Ella is dressed in a slim-fit OL outfit, her long hair hangs down her shoulders, and she wears black-rimmed glasses. She looks meticulous and unapproachable.Ella looked at the itinerary she carried with her, and finally said: "Tomorrow night is the 50th anniversary party of the Dukang Group. I suggest you come to the party in person."

In order to conceal his true identity, Xu Mo'an also opened a listed company in New York, focusing on the electronics industry and the hotel service industry.He was born smart, he took care of both ends, and he did everything perfectly, and no one could find a single mistake.

Hearing this, Xu Mo'an nodded slightly. "Understood, you go and prepare a set of clothes for tomorrow night."

"Yes." Even Xu Mo'an has a cleanliness habit in dressing, except for this white shirt on his body, if he wears a shirt three times, he won't wear it for the fourth time.Ella has already started to think about what brand and style of clothing to prepare for Boss, while Xu Mo'an looked down at the shirt on her body.The cold blue eyes suddenly became affectionate.He has been wearing this shirt for a year.

(End of this chapter)

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