Chapter 921
It's really rare!Xu Mo'an raised his head, glanced at the bleak scenery outside the window, and began to miss Song Yulai again.He didn't reply to his message for a long time, and he didn't know what he was busy with.That guy, shouldn't he have been forgotten?

Xu Mo'an ate dinner, went upstairs again, and went straight into the study.He spent more than an hour processing the documents, and made a new schedule. When he looked up again, he realized that it was already dark outside the window.Standing up and walking to the bed, Xu Mo'an twisted his stiff neck, only to find that there seemed to be a black car parked in the parking lot downstairs.

That car...why does it look like the car Song Yu bought last year?

Song Yu has his own residence in New York, and his car is also stored in the underground parking lot of his apartment.Xu Mo'an opened the window, and he stuck his head out of the window, squinting and carefully looking at the license plate.Hummer off-road, license plate number DXD-370, this is indeed Song Yu's car.

Why is his car here?

Xu Mo'an went downstairs with doubts. The housekeeper was about to go to bed. Seeing Xu Mo'an coming downstairs, he hurriedly asked, "Sir, what are your orders?" Looking up at the Hummer outside the window, Xu Mo'an asked, "What's the matter with that car?" The butler looked along and saw that Xu Mo'an was asking about the Hummer, with a strange expression on his face. "Sir, don't you know?"

"What?" Xu Mo'an was taken aback, and he frowned, looking really confused.The housekeeper was also surprised, and the next sentence he was about to say directly shocked Xu Mo'an. "Sir, you don't know that Young Master Song is back?"

"..." Xu Mo'an was stunned for a moment.He suddenly turned and ran upstairs, pushing open the door of his room.Looking down at the entrance, there was indeed a pair of military boots.

Breathing heavily, Xu Moan didn't take off his shoes. When he walked into the bedroom, he saw a mess everywhere.The man's clothes were thrown on the ground casually, and on his big bed, which was always clean and tidy, lay a rice dumpling wrapped tightly in a quilt.

The zongzi only left one head outside, and the rest were covered.Xu Mo'an stared at Song Yu for several seconds before confirming that he really came back.

Xu Mo'an sat on the edge of the bed, and he stretched out his hand to lift Song Yu's bangs.I haven't seen him for five months. Song Yu's hair has grown a lot, and he has become stronger, but he is still handsome. "Little Yu." Xu Mo'an pushed Song Yu's face.Song Yu didn't want to pull his hand away, and fell asleep again.Xu Mo'an looked helpless, this sleepy...

"Xiao Yu, wake up." He pushed him again, this time with slightly stronger force.Song Yu still refused to open his eyes, he said in a daze, "I'm so sleepy...don't make trouble." After finishing speaking, he was about to fall asleep again.

Xu Mo'an laughed softly, he suddenly bent down and pinched Song Yu's nose with one hand.Song Yu frowned, then opened his mouth to breathe.Xu Mo'an still refused to let him go, he kissed Song Yu's parched lips.The wet touch feels a little comfortable.Song Yu stuck out his tongue and licked it, Xu Mo'an's eyes instantly became darker after this lick.

Xu Mo'an deepened the kiss, Song Yu could barely breathe, he woke up most of the sleepiness, but still closed his eyes to respond to Xu Mo'an's kiss.The nose was pinched, and the breath in the throat was almost sucked dry by Xu Mo'an, Song Yu couldn't hold back anymore, so he pushed Xu Mo'an away.

He sat up and took a big gulp of fresh air.Xu Mo'an looked at him quietly, his eyes were very dangerous.Song Yu raised his head and looked at Xu Mo'an with confused and ignorant eyes, Xu Mo'an was almost overwhelmed by his innocent eyes.

"Brother, let me sleep a little longer, I'm so tired."

He finished his training, drove to the airport overnight, took another seven or eight hours of flying, and then drove to his house by himself.He was so tired that he almost fell asleep on the bed.Xu Mo'an calmed down, then took out his clothes from the closet and handed them to Song Yu, "Go take a shower, then put on clean clothes and come downstairs, eat something before going to bed."

(End of this chapter)

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