Chapter 922
Song Yu was like a deflated ball, motionless.Xu Mo'an sighed, he stretched out his hand to touch Song Yu's tactile hair, and said, "Be good, go take a bath."

"Well... a big man, so particular about what to do!" Song Yu said so, but still climbed out of bed, wearing only a pair of underwear, and went into the bathroom top-heavy.Xu Mo'an couldn't help smiling when he heard the sound of water.

"Thank you for the surprise you brought me, I am very happy." Xu Mo'an's voice was not loud, but Song Yu still heard it.

The cheeks soaked by the warm water turned suspiciously red, Song Yu patted his cheeks, cursed hypocritically, and continued to take a bath.When he came out of the shower, Xu Mo'an had already gone out, and he cleaned up the mess in the house.Song Yu dried himself off, put on his clothes quickly, and then went downstairs with his white slippers.

The heating was turned on in the villa, and he was only wearing a shirt and sweater, but it wasn't cold.Xu Mo'an was standing behind the kitchen stove, beating eggs into the pot with his left hand.Song Yu stood quietly at the door of the kitchen and watched the man's busy figure. Suddenly, he walked into the kitchen lightly and put his arms around the man's waist.

Xu Mo'an was taken aback.He lowered his head and looked at the hands on his waist.Those hands had slender fingers and well-defined joints.Xu Mo'an's breathing was slightly messy, he tried his best to keep calm, and then he asked concerned: "What's wrong?"

"Just want to hug you."

Xu Mo'an was silent.He didn't know what identity Song Yu was taking when he said this.Is it a lover, or a brother?However, these didn't seem to be important anymore, he lived with him and witnessed his growth, they were both relatives and lovers, which seemed to be all right.

"You haven't told me yet, why did you come back suddenly?"

Hearing Xu Mo'an's question, Song Yu himself frowned in distress.He stared at the eggs that had been in the pot for 6 minutes, and suddenly replied, "I miss you, so I'm back." After five months of separation, not only did my miss not lessen, but it became more and more intense.This is really a strange thing.

Xu Mo'an shook his hand, and the index finger of his left hand touched the hot pot.

"Hiss—" He was startled by these words.He was also shocked by Song Yu's confession.Frankly speaking, my mood became better because of Song Yu's words. "It's hot?" Song Yu hurriedly dragged his hand to send it down the faucet. Song Yu turned on the faucet, and the gurgling water slid over the slightly red skin. It's so warm that you can hardly feel the coldness of ice water.

"Okay, it's okay." Xu Mo'an withdrew his hand, at this time, the noodles in the pot were already cooked. "Bring me a bowl."

"Oh." Song Yu took out a white porcelain bowl from the cupboard, it was the kind of large bowl that could hold a lot of food.Xu Mo'an poured the noodles into the sea bowl, and then took out the two eggs inside. "Do you eat potato shreds?"

"Potato shreds?"

Song Yu looked curiously at the potatoes on the kitchen counter, and asked, "Brother, when did you learn how to fry shredded potatoes?" Xu Mo'an was a little embarrassed, how could he tell Song Yu that he made a special trip to buy this recipe, and when he was free I have practiced countless times, so I can barely fry potato shreds that are not bad?

"Cough! Isn't it just fried potato shreds, it's easy!" Xu Mo'an washed the potato and handed it to Song Yu. "You peel and shred." Song Yu nodded and took the potatoes.He can't cook, but he's pretty good with a knife.

boom! boom! boom!
In less than 30 seconds, a potato was cut into even shreds by him.Xu Mo'an poured oil into the pot without shaking his hands or blushing, it looked like that.Song Yu stood far away, afraid of being splashed by oil.Two and a half minutes later, Song Yu's potato shredded pork noodles were finally made.

(End of this chapter)

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