Chapter 930
Ji Ruo's eyes lit up, she especially likes to eat this kind of grilled squid.Ji Ruo took the squid and just took a bite when her stomach protested again. "Hmm..." Ji Ruo let go of his hesitation, ran to open a bottle of mineral water and poured it, Gu Nuoxian held the hesitation in his hand, turned his head to look at Ji Ruo, his heart jumped for joy.

At the banquet, Ji Ruo hardly ate anything.On the way back to the hotel, passing by a pharmacy, Gu Nuoxian stopped the car deliberately. "What are you doing here?" Ji Ruo was about to fall asleep again.Gu Nuoxian gave her a doting smile, and said, "Go shopping."

He unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the car, walked into the pharmacy, and came out quickly.Sitting back in the car again, Ji Ruo had already fallen asleep.Gu Nuoxian looked at Ji Ruo's ruddy pretty face with soft and scary eyes. "My Ruoruo, sleep well!"

He rolled up the window and drove back to the hotel.When Ji Ruo woke up the next morning, she was awakened by the urge to urinate.She threw off the quilt and crawled to the toilet, Gu Nuoxian suddenly grabbed her, "Wait!"

Ji Ruo raised her eyebrows, "I can't hold it anymore!" Ji Ruo's tone was a bit resentful, and going to the bathroom was a very urgent matter. "Just wait a while." Gu Nuoxian turned around and walked to the bedside table. He opened a disposable paper bag and took out a plastic cup from it. "Use this to catch some urine." Ji Ruo blushed. "What do you do with a nice piss?"

"Listen to me, you just do what you want." Gu Nuoxian patted Ji Ruo's messy hair, his tone a little eager.Ji Ruoao couldn't beat him, so he had no choice but to take the cup and go to the bathroom. Two minutes later, Ji Ruo, who had solved her physical problems, walked out of the toilet feeling refreshed.

"Where's the urine?" Gu Nuoxian asked.Ji Ruo awkwardly pointed to the bathroom and said, "It's inside!"

Gu Nuoxian nodded, and he walked into the toilet with the paper bag.Curiously, Ji Ruo walked in behind him, saw Gu Nuoxian take out two rectangular sticks from the bag, and immediately understood what he was going to do.

"Pregnancy test stick?" Ji Ruo looked at her stomach and asked again, "Do you think I'm pregnant?"

Gu Nuoxian was pouring urine into the pregnancy test stick, he nodded, lowered his head and said, "You can sleep so much, and you can't eat greasy food, I guess you are very likely to be pregnant." Gu Nuoxian will test The pregnancy stick was placed flat on the toilet seat, and then I washed my hands with hand sanitizer.Ji Ruo didn't speak, she stared at the pregnancy test stick, waiting for the result.

In just one minute, two purple-red horizontal lines appeared on the pregnancy test stick.Ji Ruo was taken aback, she subconsciously reached out and grabbed Gu Nuoxian's sleeve, and asked, "What does this mean? Pregnant?" Ji Ruo's voice trembled a little.

Gu Nuoxian also narrowed his eyes. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said as calmly as possible: "Wait a little longer."

"Okay." The two adults stared at the two pregnancy test sticks without blinking. After 3 minutes, there are still two red lines on the two pregnancy test sticks.Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian looked at each other with a little excitement in their eyes.

After being silent for a while, Gu Nuoxian suddenly lifted Ji Ruo up and lifted his feet off the ground. Ji Ruo exclaimed, and then laughed again.The two went to the local area for an inspection without stopping. Ji Ruo couldn't understand the Mexican language, but Gu Nuoxian could.Holding the B-ultrasound, he looked at the small spot inside, and his breathing was a little short.

"Ruoruo, we are going to have a baby!" Gu Nuoxian covered his mouth with one hand, wanting to jump up excitedly.Ji Ruo was also a little excited, but his reason was still there. "Let's call our family quickly!"

"Okay." Gu Nuoxian made several phone calls in a row, first to report the good news to Su Xi, and then to Ji Xuanyu and Ji Pulin.After calling his family, Gu Nuoxian immediately logged into his account, ran into the concentration camp of bad guys and howled.

(End of this chapter)

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