Chapter 931
Eric: I'm going to be a father again!
Pei Fox:?

Angel G: ?
I'm the most handsome man in the world: again?Don't you have two sons?Did you adopt another one?
Boss Xu: You have adopted an addiction.

Xiaoyu: ...Madam is pregnant?

Seeing Song Yu's questioning, the group was silent for a moment.Ji Ruo's body is not easy to conceive. She managed to get pregnant before, and was lost by those bastards from the Anti-Terrorist Bureau. It will not be easy to conceive again.

Just when a group of people were secretly guessing, Gu Nuoxian replied again.

Eric: Ruoruo is pregnant, almost three months.But she was lucky, the child didn't bother her much, she almost didn't vomit, just a little lethargic.

The group was silent for a while, and then a group of people frantically swiped the screen. There were only two words on the whole screen:

It was the third day after Ji Ruo returned to City C that he started to vomit. At first, he didn't vomit too much. He could eat and sleep, and his life was quite comfortable.When she was nearly four months old, she vomited more and more frequently, and she seldom ate. She almost vomited after eating, and it took several minutes to vomit even after drinking juice.

In order to take care of Ji Ruo, Gu Nuoxian took his work home as much as possible to deal with it. Every time he saw Ji Ruo was out of breath, he felt distressed and wished he could replace Ji Ruo to get pregnant.

More than four months, nearly five months later, Ji Ruo was so tormented that he was almost too skinny, Gu Nuoxian finally couldn't sit still, he called Ji Xuanyu, and gave Ji Ruo a checkup.In the end, Ji Xuanyu just said: "Continue to boil, everyone's constitution is different, and pregnancy reactions are different. Some people start to vomit at two months, and they hardly vomit at four months. Others , From pregnancy to childbirth, there is nothing I can do about it.”

"Can you prescribe some medicine for her so that she can sleep for a few more hours a day?" Ji Ruo hardly sleeps for four hours a day now, and when she is about to fall asleep, her stomach starts to rumble, and she often has to stay up late at night before she can sleep. Barely slept for two or three hours.

Ji Xuanyu frowned, he looked worriedly at Ji Ruo who was leaning on the sofa, what he was worried about now was not about vomiting, but another thing.Ji Xuanyu sighed, and said to Gu Nuoxian: "Pregnant women should not take medicine indiscriminately, it will easily affect the fetus. She eats less now, you try to find a way to make her eat more, even if she vomits after eating, that's okay." To eat!"

Gu Nuoxian was taken aback, so scary?
"Ruo Ruo, tell me what you want to eat, and I'll get it for you."

Ji Ruo looked up, she wanted to say that she didn't want to eat anything, but when she saw Ji Xuanyu who was behind Gu Nuoxian, hesitant to speak, her eyes flickered slightly, and she replied: "This child probably looks like you, I like it." Eat something sweet. I want to eat macarons, go out and buy some for me.”

"Will macarons be too greasy?"

"It's okay, children like sweet things, it's okay if they get tired of them."

Hearing what Ji Ruo said, Gu Nuoxian felt relieved. "Then I'll go." He took the car keys and drove to a professional pastry shop in the city to buy desserts.After Gu Nuoxian left, Ji Ruo stood up, approached Ji Xuanyu, and said, "Dad, come with me for a walk." Ji Xuanyu looked at her daughter's eyes that knew everything with complicated eyes , he nodded slightly, and accompanied Ji Ruo out of the villa.

The environment in the Xiangjiang Villa Community is beautiful, the air is sober, and there are not too many vehicles. It is also a good thing to walk more.Ji Xuanyu supported Ji Ruo with one hand, he looked down at Ji Ruo's slightly smaller belly, his eyes flashed with pain.

Catching the pain in Ji Xuanyu's eyes, Ji Ruo's heart sank.

(End of this chapter)

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