Chapter 935
"Children are not important, I only want adults." If Ji Ruo is gone, what does he want that child to do?The nurse was shocked by Gu Nuoxian's ruthless answer. If other fathers encountered such a situation, they would at least hesitate a few times before making a decision.Some cruel fathers will choose to keep the young ones and give up the big ones.

This man is so straightforward and decisive, she really doesn't know whether to say that he loves his wife dearly, or is ruthless.

"we know."

"Sorry, Eric, I..." Ji Xuanyu took off the mask on his face, his whole face was filled with sadness.

Gu Nuoxian grabbed Ji Xuanyu's collar and asked in a trembling voice, "Where is my Ruoruo?" Ji Xuanyu looked at him, his black eyes were covered with a layer of ashes. "Sorry, I didn't save her! But the child was saved."


The world collapsed in an instant.

Gu Nuoxian's legs went limp, and he fell to sit in the cold corridor of the hospital.With his hands deeply inserted into the hair, Gu Nuoxian sank his head between his legs, his whole body was so sad that people couldn't bear to look at it. "How could this be? How could this be! How could it be..." Gu Nuoxian wanted to cry, but couldn't cry, as he pulled his hair.

Everything happened too fast.Obviously this morning Ji Ruo still smiled and told him to be careful on the road, but in the blink of an eye, why did she disappear?


"My Ruoruo is in good health, it is impossible for her to die! How could she die!" Gu Nuoxian refused to admit the reality, but the reality beat him mercilessly on the head, forcing him to admit it.

Su Xi and the others all looked at Gu Nuoxian, didn't speak, just wept silently.Lai Changxi hugged Ji Xuanyu, crying uncontrollably. "I should have advised her to abort the child, but she wouldn't listen! Silly girl, why are you so stubborn? Why is she so selfish?"

Ji Xuanyu hugged Lai Changxi, his body was straight, but there were tears in his eyes.Ji Pulin fell down on the bench, leaning on crutches, somewhat unable to bear the news.Luo Tong touched the teardrops, she opened her handbag, took out a sealed letter from it, and handed it to Gu Nuoxian. "Mr. Gu."

Gu Nuoxian looked up in a daze.He looked at the letter with sad eyes, and asked slowly: "What is this?" Luo Tong looked in the direction of the delivery room, and said in a sad tone: "Ah Ruo gave it to me a few days ago, and she wrote it to you personally She said, if she dies on the operating table, I must give this letter to you." If she survives, then this letter will be treated as if it does not exist.

After Luo Tong finished speaking, tears fell down and fell to the ground, blooming a bunch of decadent flowers.

Ruo Ruo wrote the letter in advance?Gu Nuoxian looked at the tightly closed delivery room with red eyes, did she already know that this would be the result?When Gu Nuoxian took the envelope, his fingers trembled uncontrollably.

——Gu Nuoxian personally said.

On the envelope, there are only five words for the signature.

Gu Nuoxian repeatedly touched the five correct characters with his thumb, and then opened the sealed envelope.Inside the envelope, there was only a piece of vintage wooden envelope paper, and the font on the paper was still familiar to him.

One stroke at a time, like Ji Ruo's eyebrows and eyes.

He pulled out the envelope paper, and a silver platinum ring fell to the ground.He looked down, his eyes froze instantly.What fell out of the envelope was a ring, which he had squinted countless times in the sun, and he had even carefully held and kissed it many times.

It was the wedding ring he personally put on Ji Ruo at the wedding.Gu Nuoxian bent over with difficulty to pick up the ring, holding it in the palm of his hand, but it was cold.Taking a short breath, Gu Nuoxian gently spread out the paper, not letting go of any words and sentences, and slowly read it.

(End of this chapter)

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