S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 942 Long Time No See, Ms. Shao

Chapter 942 Long time no see Miss Shao (3)
Look at her, she looks so cute and pitiful.

"Alan..." The soft tone made people overwhelmed.

Allen let go of his hand, he straightened the shirt by himself, smoothed it, and then looked at Diana. "This is the office." He indirectly rejected Diana's invitation.

Diana blinked, slightly unwilling.

"Then... do you have time to spend time with me tonight?"

Allen clicked his tongue, pointed to a stack of documents on his desk, and said, "I still have work to do."

Diana couldn't pretend anymore.

She stood up abruptly and swept the stack of documents to the ground. "Every time I come to see you, there is a stack of documents on your desk. Don't think I don't know, you did it on purpose! I remember it clearly. When I came last time, there was a stack of documents The document in blue font, I specially took notes with a pen on the blue document!"

Diana picked up the stack of blue documents on the ground. Holding the documents, she looked at Alan with righteous indignation, and snapped at him, "Look, this is what I said last time! Alan! Since you are so busy, why are you so busy?" It’s been more than a week, and these files haven’t been processed yet?”

The same documents have been on his desk for more than a week. The so-called urgently needed documents in his mouth are simply an excuse to send her away!

Even making excuses so casually, Diana was really desperate.

Allen looked at her calmly, his aloof appearance was like looking at a clown. "Have you had enough trouble?" He asked, his voice slightly cold.

Diana froze for a moment, she stared at Allen, and three seconds later, she lowered her hands weakly. "I'm sorry Alan, I went too far." The Holder consortium has strong financial resources, but compared with LK International, it is like a sesame seed touching a mung bean, and it has no sense of existence.

She couldn't really piss off Allen, that would outweigh the gains.

"There's no need to apologize, take your bag and go, I don't welcome you here." What kind of gentlemanly style is all bullshit here.Diana was stunned, and the mist in her eyes could not be hidden at all. "Ellen, are you... breaking up with me?" Diana couldn't believe it as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Is she also going to be reduced to one of the large ranks of losers?
How can this be!

She was still fighting against Princess Bonnie as a loser, but in a blink of an eye, she became another Princess Bonnie.

Allen clicked his tongue impatiently. He leaned forward, propped his chin on the back of his hand, and made a look of disdain for the world. "Diana, among the daughters who were sent here with you, there is no shortage of you who look fresh and delicate. Do you know why I choose you as my temporary girlfriend?"

Diana shook her head in confusion.

She always thought it was because of her beauty and sex appeal.

"I originally thought that Miss Holder's family should be a girl who knows the general etiquette. Now it seems that I was wrong." Allen blinked, pointed to the document on the ground, and said: "I will Put the files back in place, and then you can fuck off."

After all, Allen put down his hands and continued to work.

Diana stood there aggrieved, and was in a mess for nearly half a minute. Then she obediently picked up the documents on the ground. She sorted the documents, put them back where they were, took the bag, and looked at Ellen unwillingly. Only then left heartily.

"and many more."

Diana's eyes lit up, and she turned around excitedly, looking at Allen eagerly. "Alan!" She answered eagerly.Contrary to her reaction, Alan's eyes remained flat.He stretched out his slender index finger, pointed at Diana's lips, and said inexplicably: "If you have a chance, go to a plastic surgery hospital and have your mouth trimmed."

(End of this chapter)

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