S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 943 Long Time No See, Ms. Shao

Chapter 943 Long time no see Miss Shao (4)
The excitement in his eyes instantly turned into astonishment.

Diana touched her pair of sexy lips in a trance, gritted her teeth and asked, "My lips are beautiful, and I don't need plastic surgery."

"Oh!" Allen looked away, looked at the keyboard on the desk, and said with disdain: "I hate your mouth, it always makes me think of some bad things." After all, Mr. Allen It was the first time someone released pigeons, and this release lasted for four years, which is indeed not a good thing.

Diana was ashamed and angry, she stomped her feet angrily, and then she was unwilling to leave.

Walking out of the LK International Headquarters Building, Diana put on sunglasses to block her ruddy eyes.She turned her head and looked at the towering building behind her, and cursed: "What the hell! Isn't he just a stinky man! There are so many men in the world, Miss Ben doesn't lack you!" Her car left, and she desperately needed a man to fill her wounded heart.

After sending Diana away, Allen removed the stack of documents from the table.

He raised his head and looked out the window. At this point, it was time for Ye to get off work.


Allen walked to the underground car park. He stood in front of a locomotive and a Bentley, hesitated for a while, and finally took his long legs and sat on the locomotive.

Putting on an Arai racing helmet, Allen drove to the restaurant.

After eating alone, Alan drove the locomotive again, driving on the road at a turtle speed.The street lights on the side of the road are feasting, turning into colorful lights in his azure blue eyes. There is someone on the other side of the road taking night portraits of models. The female photographer is carrying a camera and looks obsessed with work, which is very charming.

Allen couldn't help looking fascinated, and the locomotive crashed into a tree when he was fascinated.

Allen was thrown several meters away by the locomotive.

Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet and was not seriously injured.He stood up, patted the dust off his body, and then lifted the locomotive under the tree.The locomotive broke the front and could no longer be driven.

Allen looked at the female photographer again, and then pushed the motorcycle to a motorcycle repair shop.

After making an appointment with the staff in the store to pick up the car, Allen was about to take a taxi home when he noticed a long queue across the street.He looked forward along the line, only to find that they were lining up in a long line to go to the photography exhibition.

Because of that person, he has always been a little sensitive to the word photography all these years.Turning his blue eyes, Allen thought that he had nothing to do at night, so he crossed the road, bought a ticket, and queued up to enter the exhibition hall.

The U-line exhibition hall is very clean.White walls, various framed photographic paintings, such a simple photography exhibition, can attract so many people to watch, it seems that this master photographer has a lot of background.

Allen stopped in front of the poster, glanced at the poster, and found out that the photographer who held this photography exhibition was named Albert.This person, who is said to be quite capable, appeared in the exhibition hall together with the works of Albert's only apprentice.

Allen pouted, not interested in it.

But the tickets have already been bought, people have come in, and they leave without taking a look, which seems to disrespect the master photographer.

Allen took a casual glance at the photographic paintings, and had to say that the photographer was quite capable.Those pictures, both the theme and the background color look very natural, and the photos taken are comfortable to look at, and no flaws can be found.

There are a few pictures of children in the refugee area.

Those children wore dirty clothes, but they smiled innocently.Seeing those photos, Allen also felt his heart shake.Using photos to bring soul shock to people, Albert did it.

The last photo was slightly bloody, but the content on that photo caught everyone's attention.

In the picture, it is a scene of a woman giving birth by caesarean section. The woman seems to be dead. A group of doctors and nurses surround the woman, their eyes revealing that they are powerless.But a small palm pierced through the mother's womb, struggling to stretch out a hand.

The picture is named - Freshmen.

Allen stared at the photo, unable to recover for a long time.

"Sir, you seem to like this photo very much?" The voice was slightly magnetic and gentle.

Allen didn't turn around. He stared at the photo, so shocked that he couldn't bear to look away.

"How did you take this picture?"

"I once came across this scene in a hospital by accident, and got the permission of the woman's husband in the photo to take this precious picture." The woman behind her spoke softly and breathed like blue.

Allen nodded, and couldn't help sighing people's thirst for life.

Suddenly, Allen frowned, the only person who knew the story behind this photo was the photographer of this photo!He turned around in surprise, a face that was both beautiful and ugly was magnified in his eyes.

Pupils dilated slightly.

Allen felt that his whole body's breathing was frozen.

When the woman behind her saw Alan's face, her expression also changed.

"Long time no see, Miss Shao!"

(End of this chapter)

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