S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 944 I Am My Mother's Son Marshal Shao

Chapter 944 I Am My Mother’s Son Marshal Shao (1)
Originally thinking that she had completely forgotten about this man, Shao Wanqing couldn't help feeling flustered when they reunited in this strange place.

All unexpected encounters are random encounters.

As for whether this encounter is beautiful or cruel, that is another matter.

"What? Miss Shao doesn't know me?" Allen raised his delicate eyebrows, and he glanced at the neatly dressed woman in a black suit in front of him.The once flaxen-colored curly hair was dyed back to black and tied into a ponytail. Everything seemed to return to the simplicity of her lips. Compared with the first time I saw Shao Wanqing like this, she was a little less sad and more decisive.

She has become more mature.

This recognition made Allen both gratified and morbidly unhappy.

Why did she disappear so thoroughly that he had to miss her for four years? It's not fair!Negative emotions swarmed up, Alan hooked his lips evilly, he stretched out his right hand, and gently stroked the still horrifying scar on the woman's left cheek. "Miss Shao is a busy person. It's easy for you to forget me, but I can't forget you anyway!"

He bent over his body, and put his head close to Shao Wanqing's ear.

The spine straightened suddenly, Shao Wanqing squinted at the facial features of the gradually mature man who was close at hand, her breathing became uncontrollable and disordered.When he left without saying goodbye, it was obviously him, and he should be the one who should be flustered. Why is she so guilty?
The man's palm was still attached to her scar, Shao Wanqing felt a little uncomfortable.She leaned back slightly, and Alan followed suit, forcing her to the wall.

"Your face is really special. I want to forget it, but I can't forget it!"

Hearing this, Shao Wanqing's brown eyes suddenly shrank.

Was he saying that her face was so ugly that he could never forget it?
My heart is slightly sour, but it is also a matter of course.That's right, during those few days of getting along, maybe he just felt sorry for himself, so he deliberately pretended not to care about her appearance!Shao Wanqing's heart hardened, and she brushed Alan's hand away. She straightened her clothes, and said, "Mr. Alan, take care of yourself, I'm busy!"

Taking confident steps, Shao Wanqing smiled lightly and walked towards her master Albert.

Allen looked down at his right hand, a little astonished.

He said such cruel words on purpose, but her reaction was so calm?
In just four years, she has grown from the cowardly girl who was about to jump into the river because of a broken love, to an invulnerable female King Kong.Shao Wanqing, I really underestimated you!Allen turned around and scanned the exhibition hall with lazy eyes. When he saw Shao Wanqing talking and laughing with a man in his thirties with long hair, he immediately narrowed his eyes.

The man's facial features were tough, not an ordinary handsome man's appearance, but he exuded a natural masculinity all over his body, and he could faintly feel the artistic atmosphere released from his body.

Shao Wanqing raised her head to talk to the man, and when she said something happy, Shao Wanqing would squint her eyes and smile, while that man would raise his hand and pat her on the head lightly.

The interaction between them is so natural, so natural that it gives the illusion that it should be so.

What is their relationship?

Or... couples?
Covering his hands and pulling them into fists, no matter what kind of relationship it is, he can't accept it!

"Albert, can I buy this photograph?" On the opposite side, a well-dressed and sexy lady walked towards the man beside Shao Wanqing, and the man looked away from Shao Wanqing.

(End of this chapter)

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