Chapter 285 Rescued (2)
Saying that, Night Breeze dragged Song Ling away and walked directly outside.Less than five steps away from them, Moyin was leading a group of blue-faced, expressionless people who looked like zombies and stood behind them.

Moyin's eyes first moved to Song Ling, and when she saw the corner of her mouth, she burst into a smile, "My good sister, why did I carefully build a medicine pool for my good sister to help my good sister keep fit? Are you not used to it? Do you want to come here to get angry?"

Hearing his words, Song Ling knew that brother Xiaoqiang must have found her and told Moyin what she said nonsense.It's just that Moyin would call her elder sister just as she said, it's really shameless.

Song Ling also smiled and said, "It's a pity that your sister is very strong, and I don't need the medicine pond no matter how good it is. But brother, you are an underdeveloped kid with a very weak body. My sister is kind, so I took the medicine Chi rewards you!"

Hearing Song Ling call him his little boy again, Moyin was rarely angry this time, and he smiled lightly: "Anyone who is a good sister is a good sister. Even if you are lonely, I am embarrassed to take away the things that belong to a good sister. This is a good thing." As he said this, he whistled, and the barbarian tribesmen who were standing behind him as if they were dead suddenly came back to life, all of them had strange red lights in their eyes, and their teeth and claws were ready to face the night wind. He and Song Ling rushed forward.

Although these tribesmen have been controlled and may have forgotten everything, their own mana has not been forgotten, and because they have no thoughts, their goal is single, only to attack the opponent designated by the magic sound, making them Mana becomes more powerful.

As soon as these people rushed forward, they blocked the magic sound.Song Ling was busy dealing with the "zombies" who were attacking her, and shouted, "My good brother, didn't you say you wanted to fight Night Breeze? Why are you only sending some monsters like this now, and you hide yourself?" Be a coward behind them?"

The magic sound's laughter came quickly: "The god of war, if he can't even beat these monsters, how can he cooperate with the lonely duel?"

Song Ling was so angry that she wanted to go straight through these monsters and beat the little devil to the ground, but she had no strength left after soaking in the poisonous ghost pool for a few days.If Night Breeze hadn't protected her with the silver light of the battle axe, she would have been beaten to the ground soon.

Seeing the three "zombies" attacking Night Breeze in different directions at the same time, Night Breeze was in a state of being attacked from both sides.Song Ling quickly circulated her true energy, and with the help of Shui Lingzhu, she recovered a lot of strength.She took out the Yanxuan Sword from the treasure chest, and was about to use it to kill these "zombies".Night Breeze suddenly said: "Don't hurt them. Don't forget, they are Lao Fengjun's people!"

Song Ling paused, if it doesn't hurt them, can they just wait to be beaten obediently?Due to the strategy of only defending and not attacking, their situation, which is already at a disadvantage, is even worse.Song Ling felt that the best solution was for her and Night Breeze to quickly disappear from the pinch of this bunch of "zombies", but after the last lesson, she no longer dared to use the Lingji lock.

Song Ling suddenly saw that these "zombies" had changed their tactics. Instead of attacking Night Breeze and Song Ling randomly one by one, they stood in a circle and surrounded the two of them.Mo Yin, who had been watching the show from the sidelines, also frowned. Obviously, he didn't guess why these "zombies" would behave like this. He just wanted to capture Night Breeze and Song Ling alive, but if these "zombies" fight together When Night Breeze and Song Ling attacked, they would surely die.

He originally wanted to stop the actions of the "zombies", but it was too late.There was only a loud "boom", and dozens of strong beams of light hit Song Ling and Ye Feng.Song Ling's face has changed. This power is even more terrifying than the atomic bomb.

Night Breeze quickly raised his battle ax silver light, but no matter how powerful his battle ax silver light was, how could it compare to the combined power of these dozens of first-class masters in the Three Realms?
A streak of blood flowed from the corner of Night Breeze's mouth.Song Ling was in a hurry, and suddenly heard Ye Feng say: "The power of the five creation artifacts!"

Song Ling said anxiously: "Didn't you say you can't hurt them?"

"You don't need to hurt them, just fix them. And maybe it can restore them to normal!"

Song Ling was really hesitant, but she still opened the treasure chest, including the Yanxuan Sword in her hand, and the four artifacts flew out as if in tacit agreement, hovering around Song Ling.Song Ling closed her eyes, and began to use the power of the water spirit bead. When the silver halo emanated from her body and slowly rushed to the surroundings, the originally clear sky suddenly became dark clouds, but the light emitted by the five artifacts was stronger than that. The sun is still shining.Song Ling's body unconsciously rose into the air under the influence of powerful forces from all around.There are dark clouds rolling above, but the surrounding is the most brilliant brilliance. Her long hair is flying like a waterfall. At this time, she is like a goddess of salvation bathed in the brilliance.

Under the reflection of this powerful brilliance, those "zombies" who were still murderous at first suddenly hugged their heads in extreme pain.Moyin's face had completely sunk, he took out something and lightly raised it into the air, and all the "zombies" who were groaning in pain suddenly disappeared on the ground.

Song Ling breathed a sigh of relief. She put away the power of the five artifacts and descended from the sky. When the four artifacts were put back into the treasure chest, the sky that had been cloudy just now became clear again.

Just now when she activated the power of the five artifacts, she obviously felt that her cultivation base had greatly improved again.She walked briskly in front of Night Breeze and said with a smile, "The Demon Lord wants to use me to obtain the Five Creation Artifacts, but I want to tell him that he is shooting himself in the foot."

Night Breeze sighed softly: "It's a pity that those tribesmen in the wild tribe will be at his mercy for how long?"

Song Ling looked around, "By the way, how did they leave just now? It seems that they disappeared suddenly. Isn't Lingji lock the only one with this kind of ability in the Three Realms? But Lingji lock is clearly on me. !"

Night Breeze gave her a blank look: "How big is the Three Realms, and there are countless rare treasures, do you think you know all of them?"

(End of this chapter)

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