Chapter 286 Rescued (3)
Song Ling stared back at him dissatisfied. Now that the danger was over, she and Night Breeze had to hurry to the God Realm.But as she was walking, a flash of light suddenly appeared in her head. That day when she and Fenghuang went to the East China Sea, Fenghuang snatched a small conch from the Dragon King and wanted to give it to her. Anything anyone takes anywhere.Could it be that the magic weapon used by the magic sound to escape is Tianya Haijiao?But that obviously belonged to the Dragon King and Dragon Mother, so could Moyin even steal their token of love?
Song Ling had doubted Ao Moqing when she saw the Red Flame Sea Snake in Donghai, but the series of things he did later made her dispel her doubts about him.But now that Tianya Haijiao is in the hands of Moyin, maybe Ao Moqing gave it to him.Song Ling shook her head, including Princess Qinghe, including Ao Moqing, including everyone, maybe they are not what they seem on the surface, but which one is true and which one is false?
So full of doubts, Song Ling followed Night Breeze to the place where the God Realm was temporarily stationed.Now that the war of gods and demons has shifted to the wild world, the God Realm camped on a big hillside further north than the wild tribes. No wonder she and Fenghuang didn't see anyone from the God Realm when they came to the wild world?

Feeling the immortal energy in front of him getting stronger and stronger, Song Ling suddenly patted his head and said, "Oops!"

"what happened?"

Song Ling looked at Night Breeze: "Uncle Tianjue and I were attacked by those tribesmen in the wild world who turned into monsters. Uncle Tianjue must have been arrested by the little devil, we forgot to save him !"

Night Breeze said, "Don't worry, Master, the old man hasn't been arrested. He's staying in the God Realm's camp right now."

Song Ling said pleasantly: "You saved Uncle Tianjue!"

Night Breeze's expression suddenly looked a little awkward, "No." He spit out these two words without saying anything.

Could it be that Uncle Tianjue ran back by himself?Song Ling frowned, and suddenly saw an elegant man in white standing in front of them, with a faint smile like a spring breeze hanging on the corner of his mouth.He stood there, with a strong fairy air emanating from him, and his whole body was as elegant as a landscape painting.A real immortal should be like him, but at this moment Song Ling felt that under the picturesque appearance in white clothes, no one could guess what was inside.

But she still stepped forward, nodded slightly and said: "Your Majesty the Dragon King!"

Ao Moqing smiled and said: "I heard from Senior Tianjue that Xiao Yu'er was captured by the Demon Lord again. Fortunately, the God of War has boundless mana and rescued Xiao Yu'er. This king is relieved."

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Dragon King, for your concern." Song Ling raised his head, Ao Moqing's smile was so warm, although the little Zhengtai Demon Lord often laughed, but even when he laughed, his eyes were cold.But Ao Moqing was not only smiling at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were also shining brightly like the sun.A person can deceive people anywhere, but eyes can't deceive people. Could it be that she guessed wrong again?

Night Breeze is now more polite than before. He saw Ao Moqing take the initiative to greet him and said, "Please trouble Your Majesty the Dragon King to come and pick him up. Is my old master in there?"

Ao Moqing said with a smile: "Naturally. Senior Tianjue was worried about God of War and Xiao Yu'er, so he was running around in a hurry. If this king hadn't tried his best to dissuade him, he might have rushed to the wild tribe long ago."

Night Breeze nodded and began to stride towards the God Realm's camp.Song Ling and Ao Moqing walked side by side and followed behind him.Ao Moqing was a very quiet person, and she didn't speak when she walked with Song Ling.But Song Ling, who was full of doubts, couldn't hold back anymore. She turned her head to look at Ao Moqing, "Why is His Majesty the Dragon King also in the wild world?"

Ao Moqing still smiled slightly: "Now that the war between gods and demons has started, this king, as the Dragon King of the East China Sea, naturally has the obligation to help the God Realm. It's just that Xiao Yu'er was captured by the demon king?"

It turned out that he didn't know yet.Song Ling said nonsense: "Your Majesty the Dragon King, you don't know that little devil is my nemesis. Every time he sees me and doesn't want to arrest me, he feels uncomfortable. One day, I will let him try The feeling of being tied up with ropes!"

Ao Moqing was amused by her, and Song Ling secretly took a look at him. If he was really pretending, then he was better than the Oscar winner.

Chatting like this, they soon arrived at the big hillside where the God Realm was stationed.I don't know if it's because the immortal energy is too strong, which is counterproductive. This place is in stark contrast to the wild world with extremely lush vegetation.Although the word "mountain" was on the hillside, Song Ling saw a few unusually slender trees, and the rest were weeds.

The demons occupy the barbaric tribe, but the God Realm lives in such a small place, and this alone is clearly at a disadvantage.Song Ling shook her head and sighed with emotion, when Ye Feng, who had already rushed to the camp of the God Realm, suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Master said he wanted to see you."

Song Ling raised her head and glanced at the big hillside in front of her. Although Night Breeze said that this was the camp of the God Realm, she didn't see anything similar to a tent camp, and she didn't see anyone on it, only endless grass.

"Follow me!" Seeing that Song Ling was still looking around, he didn't move a step.Night Breeze simply took her hand and strode forward.

When he reached the big grassy slope and came to the flat ground, Song Ling took a step forward and was surprised to find that there was a big house in front of him. The house was so big that it was located there like a palace.

"This is?"

Night Breeze said: "The soldiers and generals of the Protoss temporarily live in this house. In addition to setting up a barrier outside, they also set up a blindfold so that outsiders cannot see what's going on inside."

Just now she thought that heavenly soldiers and generals were worse than shacks, but now it seems that they have already lived in a mansion.

Night Breeze pointed to a door of the mansion and said, "Master is right there, go in quickly."

Song Ling hurriedly asked, "Then where are you going?"

Night Breeze looked back at Ao Moqing who had slowly walked over, "I will discuss with the Dragon King the next strategy to deal with the demons. Now that you have the five creation artifacts on you, the demon king must want to take you away again." It’s going to kill you, remember not to run around.”

(End of this chapter)

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