Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 292 Marriage Proposal

Chapter 292 Marriage Proposal (1)
She intentionally ignored Fenghuang's more puzzled gaze, picked up the little fox and said, "Xiaobao, mother and father are here to pick you up. Where are your grandpa Shuijing and grandma Yunluo now? Quickly take mother Go find them."

Song Ling walked straight in with Little Fox and Little Phoenix while talking.Phoenix was still standing there, watching their backs.What was that doll who looked like Fen Diao called him just now, Daddy?Such a novel term.Phoenix's red eyes narrowed slightly inadvertently.

When Song Ling brought little fox and little phoenix to the stone house where Aunt Yunluo and old man Bailuo lived, phoenix hadn't followed.She took a deep breath in her heart, and said to the two little babies: "You guys play outside now, I'll go see Grandma Yunluo and Grandpa Shuijing, and..." She glanced behind again, and said to the little fox , "Xiaobao, if your father comes, don't let him in."

After exhorting, Song Ling entered the stone house, and as soon as he entered, he saw an extremely warm picture.The old white radish was holding a wine gourd in his hand, and he was sitting on the bed unsteadily, while Aunt Yunluo was leaning on the edge of the bed, helping the old white radish to sew the torn clothes he was wearing.

As soon as Song Ling came in, the eyes of both of them lit up.Ignoring that Aunt Yunluo hadn't helped him sew his clothes, the old white radish man jumped off the bed and ran to Song Ling, saying, "Phoenix's daughter-in-law is here, is she here to bring wine to the old man?"

Song Ling glanced at the jug in his hand, it was given to her when she came last time, but she didn't expect to be hugged by him like a treasure.Aunt Yunluo smiled kindly: "This crazy old man, Xiao Long'er ignore him! Didn't you go to attack the Demon Realm with God of War? Why are you back?"

Song Ling walked to Aunt Yunluo's bedside. It seemed that the medicine sent by the Heavenly Emperor Ye Feng was really effective, and Aunt Yunluo's complexion looked much better.Song Ling still asked, "How is Auntie?"

Yun Luogu smiled and said: "It's much better, thanks to His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven's love, it seems that my old life should not be terminated."

Song Ling sat next to her, "My aunt was wrong. It's not that she shouldn't die. It's that my aunt lives as long as the sky. She can live thousands of years."

Aunt Yunluo was amused by her, Song Ling glanced outside the door, Fenghuang hadn't arrived yet.She looked at Aunt Yunluo and said, "Auntie, I didn't come back alone this time."

Aunt Yunluo said "Oh", "Did God of War come with you?"

Song Ling shook his head, paused and said, "It's Lord Feng!"

Aunt Yunluo was obviously shocked. She sat up straight, not daring to say anything: "Jin'er is back, is he alright?"

Song Ling said: "He is still the Eastern Demon King of the Demon Realm, but he said that he wants to be with me, leave everything behind, and no longer care about the affairs of the Three Realms."

Aunt Yunluo sighed and said, "That's fine, no matter if he is Fengjun or Demon King, as long as you can be happy in the end, it doesn't matter what his identity is."

Aunt Yunluo was still very considerate, and Song Ling also showed a smile, and said again: "Auntie, I brought Feng Jun back to remind him of his past memories through the bird clan he is most familiar with. But so far, His memory of this place is blank, so not making him suspicious will have the opposite effect, can you temporarily pretend that you don't know him?"

Aunt Yunluo nodded: "This aunt naturally understands best."

Suddenly there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and then the old white radish man shouted: "Where is the monster running away, eat the old man's gourd quickly!"

Song Ling was sweating, and those who didn't know would definitely think that the white radish old man's grandson was possessed by a monkey.She said to Aunt Yunluo: "It must be Feng Jun who came, but Elder Shui Jing regarded him as a monster. I'll go out and have a look."

When Song Ling came out, he saw Fenghuang standing with his hands behind his back, and the old white radish standing opposite him, staring at him covetously.Song Ling smiled wryly to himself. Although the old white radish was insane, he still recognized her, but he forgot about the Phoenix he was most familiar with.

As soon as the white radish old man saw Song Ling approaching, he immediately walked to her side, his eyes still staring at Fenghuang vigilantly: "Fengwa's daughter-in-law, why is there a red-haired monster here? Help the old man beat him away!"

Fenghuang didn't pay attention to the old man Bailuo, just looked at Song Ling and said, "Who are they?"

"They are my relatives." They are your relatives.


Seeing doubts flashing in Fenghuang's red eyes, Song Ling walked over and took his arm and said, "Didn't brother say that he wanted to be with Xiao Long'er? These people will be my relatives in the future. They still live in this stone house." An aunt of mine, I'll take you to her."

Fenghuang let her drag her into the stone house, when Aunt Yunluo saw Fenghuang, tears welled up in her eyes because of excitement.

Fenghuang also looked at Aunt Yunluo. Although he didn't say a word, a strange feeling kept spreading in his heart as soon as he came here, but he didn't know why.

"This is Aunt Yunluo. Auntie, this is..." Song Ling suddenly remembered that besides the code name of the East Demon King, Fenghuang really didn't know what his new name was now.

Although Song Ling made a failed introduction, Aunt Yunluo still nodded excitedly, almost blurting out Phoenix's name.

Fenghuang raised his eyes to examine the surroundings of the stone house, "Is this where your relatives live?" After speaking, before Song Ling could answer, he waved his hand, and the stuffy and narrow stone house became a big house.What surprised Song Ling the most was that this mansion was exactly the same as that of Aunt Yunluo and old man Bailuobu.

Because of the complete change, Song Ling and Fenghuang stood in the front courtyard, and next to it was Aunt Yunluo's room.Aunt Yunluo got off the bed and walked out of the room, looked at Fenghuang in disbelief and said, "This is the room I used to live in, you...you..."

Song Ling looked at Fenghuang happily. For a moment, she thought he had remembered the past.

But Fenghuang just said indifferently: "This is just what I think in my heart, so I made it out of illusion." After speaking, he walked out.

Aunt Yunluo waited for Fenghuang to go far away before she happily said to Song Ling: "Although he doesn't remember anything, he still has the memory of this place in his subconscious mind. Little Longer, maybe it won't be long before he It will become the former Jin'er!"

(End of this chapter)

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