Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 293 Marriage Proposal

Chapter 293 Marriage Proposal (2)
Song Ling nodded, and Fenghuang started to walk out. Song Ling didn't know where he went, she kept circling around the house until she reached the gate of the mansion, and she saw Fenghuang sitting under the completely withered apple tree.

Although Fenghuang turned the stone house into a mansion, the outside situation still remained the same, it was still a desolate and monotonous bamboo forest.

Song Ling walked towards him, and Fenghuang picked up the jug that the white radish old man dropped to the ground just now.He looked at it for a moment, and then said: "What is this?"

Song Ling sighed a little, thinking that he used to claim that he would never get drunk after a thousand cups, but now he doesn't even know the jug.She took the flagon from Fenghuang's hand, and with a slight change, the empty flagon became heavy.She handed the jug back to Fenghuang, and sat beside him. "This is a jug, and the wine in it is said to be a good thing that can relieve sorrow. Brother should have drunk it before, right?"

Fenghuang opened the lid of the jug, because the wine was transformed by Song Ling, so the smell of the wine was not strong.But Fenghuang frowned, "It smells so bad."

Song Ling snatched the jug from his hand, put it to his mouth and took a deep sip. The resulting wine was not only unpleasant to drink, but also unpleasant to drink.Song Ling took a sip and vomited it out. Fenghuang looked at the colorful changes on her face with some curiosity. He held Song Ling's arm and took a sip of the wine directly into her hand, but Fenghuang didn't drink the wine. He spit it out, but swallowed it whole.

Song Ling looked at him, there was no change on Fenghuang's face, he just looked at Song Ling and said, "You said this thing can relieve sorrow, why do I feel that my heart is even more unhappy?"

Hearing his words, Song Ling couldn't help laughing, but immediately she sighed again: "Brother, you really want to live here with me forever, this place is so desolate, there is nothing, when you were the Eastern Demon King One person is under ten thousand people, so majestic, are you really willing to stay here with me?"

Fenghuang didn't speak, but suddenly embraced her with a big hand, hugged her tightly, and said after a long time: "I don't know, but I will try my best."

Song Ling closed her eyes, quietly enjoying the warmth in his embrace. If this happiness was destined to be as short-lived as fireworks, then she also hoped that the fireworks would last longer.

Just when the atmosphere became extremely quiet and warm, the appearance of the two little people immediately broke the warm tranquility.Song Ling saw that the little fox was chasing after little phoenix. When it was even more funny, the little fox was wearing a wreath on his head, making him look like a little girl.

Song Ling thought it was funny, and thought of asking him.The little fox took the garland off his head and shouted to the little phoenix, "I don't want to wear a garland. Girls wear garlands."

Little Phoenix turned around, looked at the little fox confidently and said: "You wear it, I played the bride yesterday, and it should be your turn to play the bride today."

It turned out that two little kids were playing house, which made Song Ling even more amused.Now little fox plays with little phoenix all day long, and doesn't think about his beauties anymore. If things go on like this, the jokes she said with phoenix before may really come true.

The little fox pouts her small mouth, which is redder and tenderer than cherry blossoms, and said dissatisfiedly: "I am a boy, how can a boy be the bride, the bride is still you!"

Song Ling stood up with a smile and said, "Xiaobao originally wanted Xiaofeng to be Xiaobao's bride. It turns out that Xiaobao already likes Xiaofeng so much!"

After hearing this, the little fox became shy. He twitched and said, "Who likes this ugly phoenix? Xiaobao's bride must be a very beautiful sister. Xiaobao doesn't want this ugly phoenix to be Xiaobao's bride!"

Little Fenghuang puffed up her cheeks in anger and cursed: "Stinky fox, who is going to be your bride?"

The two little brats were making a fuss again.Song Ling watched them fight happily, and suddenly saw Fenghuang walking beside her, "Do you like someone and want her to be his bride?"

Song Ling's heart trembled, she stared at him blankly, not knowing how to answer him, and she didn't dare to guess what he meant by saying this.

Fenghuang immediately said: "Then are you willing to be my bride?"

In fact, this is not the first time he proposed to her, but it was the first time he gave her such a shocking feeling. She looked up into his eyes, but she still couldn't understand the color in his bewitching red eyes, but the first time All the while telling her that he was serious.He was still the Eastern Demon King of the Demon Realm, and he still couldn't remember anything, but he actually proposed to her. All of this, to her, really seemed like a dream.

She looked at him intently, but couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Fenghuang printed a cold kiss on her forehead, "Because I like you, I want you to be my bride."

The rapid change of the world is always unpredictable.A few days ago, Song Ling was thinking that one day she would have a life-and-death duel with Fenghuang, but in just a few days, she actually stood opposite him in a red wedding dress.

The officiates were of course Aunt Yunluo and the old man Bailuo. Aunt Yunluo smiled from ear to ear, and the old man Bailuo kept clapping and applauding because he had real wine to drink, while the little fox and little Fenghuang were booing beside them.Everything looked so beautiful, so good that Song Ling thought he was dreaming.

It is different from seeing on TV that when people get married in ancient times, the bride wears a red hijab. Song Ling wears a wreath made of colorful flowers on her head.Although she has been wearing red clothes all the time, Song Ling still thinks that Phoenix looks the best in the groom's clothes.

Under the auspices of Aunt Yunluo, they worshiped heaven and earth smoothly.Until Aunt Yunluo shouted "Licheng", Song Ling still felt that everything that happened was as unreal as stepping on a cloud.Aunt Yunluo is very careful. Their new house is very beautifully furnished, especially the most conspicuous big bed in the new house. The heavy curtains hang down layer by layer, like a dream.In front of the bed curtain stood a tall lampstand, and two dragon and phoenix candles were burning vigorously.

Fenghuang didn't come in with her. Although he had forgotten everything about the past, at the time of his wedding, Aunt Yunluo would definitely drag him to worship the ancestors of the Feng clan no matter what.

Song Ling sat quietly on the wedding bed, like all brides, quietly waiting for the groom's arrival, but she couldn't sit still after being quiet for a while.The main reason is that her heart is too tense, and when she is tense, she finds it difficult to sit still.

(End of this chapter)

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