Chapter 297
After walking with them for a while, Dapeng and the group of demons he led walked very quickly, and they didn't notice the tail of Song Ling who was following them.Finally, Song Ling saw the Dapeng stop at a stilted building that looked no different from other places.But the most notable feature of this stilted building is the flowers. Not only the downstairs, but almost every floor is covered with flowers.And each floor is all the same color, from the top floor down, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, a total of seven colors.

Because of the phoenix, Song Ling was particularly sensitive to the colors of the seven colors, and just yesterday, she wore a garland of seven colors on her head and worshiped the heaven and the earth with the phoenix.Song Ling initially thought that Wanshizhi must be a gray-haired old man, but now looking at the seven floors of flowers of various colors, even if he is an old man, he must be an extremely elegant person.I just don't know that every floor is covered with so many flowers, so if others want to go upstairs, if they don't want to step on these flowers, how should they go up?
When Song Ling saw the roc bird, she immediately wanted to step on the purple flowers on the first floor. She frowned. It was really hard to destroy the flowers, and the cow chewed the peonies.But she saw a demon next to him stopped him and said: "General Dapeng, His Majesty the Demon Lord has ordered you to ask everything to be known. You must be courteous and courteous, and you must not be rough."

Dapeng Niao frowned impatiently, he looked up at the upstairs, and said loudly: "The Dapeng of the Demon Realm, on the orders of His Majesty the Demon Lord of the Demon Realm, come to see everything!"

The roc's voice was extremely loud, and when he shouted like this, the whole island must have heard it.But there was no movement upstairs.

Dapeng frowned even deeper, and he yelled again: "Demon Dapeng, please see everything!" His voice was louder this time, and Song Ling saw that many flowers on the floor were blown away by his loud voice When I got up, the petals of various colors intertwined in an instant, causing bursts of seven-color flowers to rain in the air.

Seeing the colorful petals slowly swaying between the sky and the earth, Song Ling was in a trance again.But after she was in a trance for a while, she realized that something was wrong. The Dapeng bird and all the demons were lying on the ground like a puddle of mud just now.Are the petals poisonous?But why is she all right?
Song Ling walked up to Dapeng Niao, and wanted to go directly to find Wanshizhi, but thinking about the series of disasters that the demon world had done recently, she still stomped on these demons who had passed out, especially Dapeng Niao. , a living black charcoal face was trampled into pork belly by her.

After rewarding each demon with a few feet, Song Ling immediately felt in a good mood.The sky is still full of flowers and rain, making the surroundings exude a seductive fragrance.Song Ling fainted when he knew that the fragrance of these flowers could not be used, so he took a few deep breaths.She suddenly felt that the fragrance of this flower seemed familiar.Song Ling's mind moved, she walked to the front of the floor, and suddenly threw a green vine from the top floor, hanging from the seventh floor to the ground.Song Ling smiled. Could this be an invitation from the people living above?

Song Ling grabbed the green vines, jumped up deftly, and went directly to the seventh floor.The aisle on the seventh floor is full of red flowers, and each petal of these flowers is as big as a peony petal, looking very gorgeous.The reason why Song Ling said it was planted was because these flowers were not torn into petals and sprinkled on top of them. They had roots and leaves, but they were not picked in flower pots, but were planted directly on the hard wood. superior.Such a high-end planting technology is probably only possessed by the legendary Wanshizhi.

There were so many flowers here, Song Ling didn't want to step on them, so he had to fly directly to the room at the other end of the aisle.However, she was stunned before she could move, because she saw dense red worms wriggling on the petals of these red flowers, and when she looked carefully, it turned out to be scorpions.

Song Ling was so shocked that he almost let go of the green vines in his hand and fell directly from the seventh floor.Who would have thought that there are so many deadly poisons on such beautiful flowers.Moreover, these scorpions are also integrated with the color of the flower. If someone accidentally steps on it, they will be trampled to death by these poisonous scorpions immediately.

Song Ling didn't dare to look at these petals again, for fear that he would spit it out in disgust.At this moment, there was a sound of "beep" from inside.It sounded like the sound made when the strings broke suddenly, but Song Ling didn't even hear anyone playing the piano. How could the strings break?

She became more and more curious about the inside, but she didn't dare to go in rashly.It might not be a good thing to keep so many poisons.

Suddenly she heard someone sigh: "This piano will always be broken before it is played, what should I do?"

This sound is very soft, you almost forgot about the soft sound just after it was uttered, but the feeling as light as light smoke lingers in your heart all the time.There was once a person whose voice was very similar to his, the voice of the Emperor of Heaven.But looking at it now, Song Ling felt that the voice of the Emperor of Heaven sounded more real.

As soon as the sigh was finished, Song Ling heard a bright and pleasant female voice: "Isn't there a guest outside? She has the five creation artifacts on her body, maybe she can repair this piano for you?"

Song Ling's eyes lit up, it was clearly the voice of the girl in yellow from earlier, and the fragrance emanating from her body was the fragrance of seven different flower petals mixed together on these floors.

The previously indifferent voice said: "Yes, maybe she can help me."

Hearing this, Song Ling couldn't help but said, "I want to come in, but there are so many nasty bugs blocking my way."

The girl in yellow smiled and said: "Little girl, if you say that, the master will be angry. They are not hateful bugs, and there is no cuter creature than them in the world. Don't worry, if you have no evil thoughts , these bugs will not pose any threat to you."

Song Ling paused, but thinking of how hard he had worked so hard to find Wanshizhi, he shouldn't be intimidated by some poisonous scorpions.She gathered herself together and turned into a spot of light and waited until she passed the aisle before turning into a human form.

As soon as she landed on the ground, the girl in yellow smiled ironically: "Hey, this legendary genius who possesses the five legendary artifacts is actually just a coward who is afraid of bugs."

(End of this chapter)

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