Chapter 298
Song Ling blushed a little, but still ignored her.She just looked curiously at the room in front of her.Although it was a room, Song Ling couldn't see any furniture, not even a bed or a table. The only decoration was the layer upon layer of light gauze hanging over the entire room.Even though there was no wind, these veils danced without wind. Fortunately, the sun was shining brightly outside instead of night, otherwise it would really feel like acting in a ghost movie.

The room was empty, and it was obvious that Wanshizhi was not inside. Song Ling saw that there was another door on the east side of the room, and thought that Wanshizhi was inside.In any case, she is asking for something from others, and there should still be some courtesy.Song Ling coughed twice and said, "Dragon Girl of the East Sea, I'm here to pay my respects to Senior Wanshizhi."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wanshizhi sighed: "You are a god in the sky, and I'm just a mortal, so there's no question of meeting or not, come in."

His voice really came from the door on the east side.Song Ling slowed down and walked in, the inside was still covered with light veils, but there were two people between the heavy and light veils.One is the girl in yellow who met her before, and the other is naturally the famous Wanshizhi.

Song Ling began to listen to Wanshizhi's voice, and thought that the person who could make such an empty valley and orchid voice must be an extremely handsome man.Unexpectedly, when she saw Wan Shizhi's face, she was stunned.It's not that he has bad facial features, whether it's eyebrows, nose or eyes, he looks absolutely flawless, but his face is surprisingly thin, because he is too thin, his cheekbones are high and protruding, and his cheeks are deep. The sinking made his originally perfect facial features look distorted on such a face.What made Song Ling even more unexpected was that Wanshizhi, who had such beautiful eyes, was actually blind, and he was sitting in a wheelchair. Not only could he not see, he couldn't even walk.

But the temperament of such a person is so indifferent. With this kind of temperament, even if his appearance is weird, you can't help but have a good impression of him.

The girl in yellow was standing beside him.It seems that their relationship is very close.Song Ling couldn't help but wonder about the relationship between them. Are they husband and wife, lovers, or a pair of master and servant?
What made Song Ling even more surprised was that Wanshizhi and the girl in yellow had been discussing Qin before, but when she came in, she didn't even see Qin.

The girl in yellow first smiled at Song Ling: "As expected, you still found this place."

Song Ling paused and said, "Xiaolong came to visit Senior Wanshizhi because he wanted to ask Senior Wanshizhi a question."

The girl in yellow pointed to the front of Wanshizhi's wheelchair, "But my master has been worrying about this piano recently, if you can help my master fix this piano, maybe he will answer any questions for you. "

Song Ling moved his gaze there, there was obviously nothing but air.She asked in astonishment, "Where is Qin?"

The girl in yellow sighed in disappointment, and turned to know everything: "What to do with the master, she can't even see the piano, are we looking for the wrong person?"

There was a smile on the corner of Wanshizhi's mouth, "She must be able to fix the piano. If she can't fix the piano, then there is no one in this world who can help me repair the piano."

Song Ling was sweating. Did Wanshizhi overestimate her?
But she even spoke up about knowing everything, maybe she really has that ability.Thinking about it, Bi Songling bit the bullet and walked in front of Wanshizhi. She randomly grabbed the air with her hands, but what she caught was just air.

Huang Yi couldn't help but chuckle: "What a silly girl. There's nothing here, what are you grabbing for? The piano is right in front of you, since the master said you can fix it, I'd like to see if you can really fix it. "

Song Ling raised her head in astonishment. As the distance got closer, she finally saw clearly that the closest thing to her was not a veil, but a stream of water as thin as a veil.There is actually someone in this world who can make water flow like gauze and let it hang up, even Song Ling, who thinks he has seen countless wonders, is amazed at this time.

The girl in yellow said: "The master said that the most beautiful sound in the world is the sound of water flow, and the qin sound played by water flow must also be the most beautiful in the world, so he collected the most quintessential water from Yaochi, southeast, northwest and four seas, It took 500 years to make such a water piano. But this water piano, which cost the owner countless efforts, was destroyed by a hateful person the day before yesterday."

After hearing the words of the girl in yellow, Song Ling was shocked again. It took 500 years to make a piano that would never look good. First of all, it shows that he is not a mortal, otherwise Where does he have 500 years to waste him, and the second is that he is really full and has nothing to do.Song Ling, who was still in the lower Riba stage, really couldn't understand the elegant thoughts of these Yangchun Baixue.

Song Ling looked at the so-called "qin" in front of her again so that she couldn't see any qin platform and strings, and said, "You say I can fix it, but I don't know how to fix it myself. Senior knows how to do this It took 500 years to build a violin, and if I don’t know how to repair it, it will take 500 years, which I can’t afford.”

Wan Shizhi, who had always let the girl in yellow clothes be his spokesperson, finally said slowly, "It will take 500 years, all you need to do is lend me your five artifacts."

Song Ling's heart tightened, and he immediately looked at the master and servant vigilantly. Could it be that the purpose of these two people inviting her to come up was also for the Five Divine Artifacts?
Wanshizhi said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, Longnu, I will only use it for a while, and I will return it to Longnu immediately after repairing the water piano. If Longnu doesn't trust you, you can watch from the side."

Song Ling snorted, making a joke. She watched from the side. If she took out the five artifacts and handed them over, they could do whatever they wanted. Locking the Lingji lock, they can go wherever they want.

Although he couldn't see it, Wanshizhi seemed to know every change in Song Ling's expression. He still smiled lightly and said, "Dragon Girl still can't trust me?"

Song Ling snorted and said, "It's not that Xiaolong can't trust senior. Since senior knows everything, he should know that so far, in the three realms, only Xiaolong can control the five artifacts at the same time. If it were anyone, even the emperor with boundless magic power would be able to control it." I can't stand the stimulation of the powerful power of the five artifacts. What's more, the water spirit pearl is in my body, and I don't know how to get it out."

(End of this chapter)

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