Chapter 299
I don't know if it was Song Ling's illusion, but when Song Ling mentioned the name of the Emperor of Heaven, Wanshizhi's originally indifferent face changed slightly.After listening to Song Ling's words, everything was clear: "I don't want the power of the five artifacts, I just want the five artifacts. As for the water spirit orb, since it is in the dragon girl's body, there is no way for the dragon girl to lend it to me."

Now Song Ling really didn't know whether to laugh or get angry. There are countless kinds of people who borrow things in this world, and I haven't heard of people who lend themselves out.

Song Ling was still indifferent, and the girl in yellow said, "I know what you want to ask. You want to find someone, right? As long as you help the master repair this water piano, the master will definitely help you find him. "

The few words she said finally moved Song Ling's heart.She turned to Wanshizhi: "Since senior is an expert, Xiaolong also believes that senior will keep his word. In this case, Xiaolong borrowed the five artifacts from senior."

Wanshizhi smiled again, and this time it was a bright smile, his unusually thin face became plump because of this smile, and his facial features were also dazzled by this charming smile.Song Ling couldn't help being stunned, but the girl in yellow immediately said angrily, "What are you looking at?"

Song Ling withdrew her gaze. She was jealous just by looking at the girl in yellow. It seemed that she and Wanshizhi were not in an ordinary master-servant relationship.

Song Ling took out the treasure chest, knowing everything was invisible, and the girl in yellow still had a calm expression on her face when she saw the world's most precious treasure, without showing the slightest surprise.Song Ling felt more relieved. She took out the Yanxuan Sword, Xuanji Grass, Lingji Lock and Water Flame Bracelet respectively, and when they handed them to Wanshizhi, Wanshizhi smiled and shook his head slowly: "Dragon Girl doesn't need to give it to me." , just stand in front of the water piano with the five artifacts."

Song Ling froze for a moment, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.At this time, the girl in yellow suddenly left, but she came back soon, and Song Ling saw that she was holding a bunch of flowers in her hand, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, these seven colors again.The girl in yellow came over, her beautiful eyes twinkled as if two stars had fallen, she walked up to Wanshizhi and said, "Master, these flowers are the most blooming of the seven colors. OK."

Wanshizhi nodded, "Sprinkle them on the water piano."

The girl in yellow walked to the side of the water piano, and began to carefully place flower petals of various colors privately. This so-called water piano seemed illusory, but the girl in yellow was able to put the petals of each color in this magical water flow. A straight line was pasted on it, and soon, Song Ling saw seven straight lines pasted with petals of different colors on the water. From this point of view, it really looked like seven strings, but how could it be possible to rely on this alone? How about making a piano, let alone one that can play the sound?

Song Ling was still surprised when she suddenly felt a gust of wind coming from behind her, and her heart tightened, but before she could make defensive preparations, she and the four artifacts in her hand were sucked in by the weird gust of wind and hung up In the magical currents of the sky.

Song Ling thought that Wanshizhi was going to plot against her, but when she flew in, she found that she was in a beautiful world of fallen flowers.She was surrounded by thin and dense colorful petals, and she seemed to be drunk when she smelled the scent of flowers.Seeing these flying fallen flowers, Song Ling found that she couldn't help but have an urge to dance with them. Not only her, but even the four artifacts in her hands were buzzing, ready to move.

Finally, the four artifacts flew up from her hands. They seemed to be dancing cheerfully and twirling among the petals, even Song Ling's head was dizzy.In her mind, not only the beautiful and fragrant petals echoed, but she also seemed to hear the gurgling sound of running water, and she seemed to feel several colorful phoenixes dancing around her.

Phoenix?When this thought popped into Song Ling's head, she immediately woke up.When she came back to her senses, she found that she was still standing in the room where everything was known.And Wanshizhi was holding a piano in his hand.This is a real piano, but both the platform and the strings are made of water flow, and she can even see the circles of ripples rippling on the platform.

Wanshizhi was holding the zither excitedly, and in an instant, his eyes that were already empty were filled with brilliance, "The purest water, the most beautiful colorful flowers, and the most primitive power of creation, my water zither has finally been repaired." .”

As Wan Shizhi said, he gently plucked the strings with his fingers. Sure enough, Song Ling heard the most beautiful piano sound in the world. What's even more strange was that the sound of the piano came slowly with a burst of fragrance.

The girl in yellow seemed to know what Song Ling was thinking, and she took the initiative to say: "The water piano also incorporates the fragrance of the seven colors of flowers."

Song Ling also looked at her and said, "But those flowers are all cultivated with deadly poison. So if they can't resist the poison, will the people who hear the music of the piano turn into a puddle like the demons below?" mud?"

After being exposed her secret, the girl in yellow smiled brightly and said: "My master is so famous, but he doesn't have any magic power, so there must be something to defend himself, don't you think?"

Song Ling was taken aback again, such an expert from outside the world would have no magic power.After trying the sound of the piano, Wan Shizhi finally said calmly: "Dragon Girl helped me fix the water piano. I am very grateful, so Dragon Girl can ask me three questions."

Finally got to the point, Song Ling said: "Xiaolong came to Miaojiang to find Xiaolong's husband, does senior know where he is?"

Wanshizhi's fingers were still groping for the seven transparent strings, "I heard that Wuyue, the great wizard here, recently had a distinguished guest."

Song Ling immediately said: "Thank you, senior, for your guidance." Now that she got what she wanted, Song Ling didn't want to stay here any longer, so she turned around and wanted to leave, but Wanshizhi suddenly said, "Dragon Girl still has two questions to ask. .”

Song Ling turned her head and smiled sweetly, "Let's save it for later and ask it later. Wouldn't it be a waste to ask it all at once?" After she finished speaking, she jumped directly from the window. She didn't want to look at those disgusting poisonous insects again.

After Song Ling left, the girl in yellow looked at Wanshi with a smile on her mouth in confusion, "Master, that nasty phoenix bird destroyed your zither, what are you doing for him?"

(End of this chapter)

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