Chapter 300
Wanshizhi shook his head and smiled, "Where did you see that I was helping him? I was just helping this poor little dragon."

Song Ling regretted it as soon as she flew down from the upstairs where Wanshizhi lived. Wanshizhi only told her that Phoenix was here with the great wizard, but she had no idea who this so-called great wizard was.But how could Song Ling waste such a precious opportunity to ask everything?And she always felt that there were many secrets in Wanshizhi. He was obviously Han Chinese like the girl in yellow, but why did they come to this remote Miaojiang?These secrets made Song Ling deeply curious, so she didn't want to lose the good opportunity to meet Wanshizhi for the second time.

Song Ling walked to the front of the building, but the Dapeng bird and all the demons had disappeared.She sighed softly, now she still cares so much about what to do, what she needs to do most is to find Phoenix as soon as possible.

When Song Ling came to the street, she found that no matter where she went, the Miao people beside her would stare at her intently.Song Ling got goosebumps all over the ground from the series of stares. She looked at the Miao clothes on her body, and then checked the hat on her head. There was nothing wrong with it. Why were all the Miao people confused? Stare at her?

Song Ling walked a few more steps, when suddenly an old Miao woman rushed towards her, babbling a lot, Song Ling was taken aback, thinking that the old woman regarded her as an enemy and wanted to attack her, She was about to get out of the way, but the old woman knelt down to her, still muttering.

This time Song Ling was even more shocked. It would be an extremely frustrating thing for an old man to kneel down in front of her.She hurriedly wanted to help the old woman up. After the old woman knelt down to her, those Miao people who were still looking at her all knelt down to her one by one. He also kowtowed at her.

This situation is even more frightening to her than Moyin bringing a hundred thousand magic soldiers to kill her.

Song Ling felt that if so many people knelt down like this again, her life would be over immediately because of too much life loss.Song Ling was going to fly as far as she could, but she saw a line of people walking towards her among the kneeling crowd.Judging by their attire, they should still be Miao people, but they all look like giants. Song Ling visually inspected them, and the shortest one basically only reached his waist.These giants are all wearing a black cloak, and there is a big skull in the middle of the cloak, which looks extremely intrusive.

Song Ling stopped in her tracks, and the leading giant opened her mouth wide, as if cheering for her, but Song Ling felt more like he was chanting a spell.After the giant finished reading, he suddenly picked up Song Ling.Song Ling was really frightened at this moment. She wanted to knock the monster unconscious with one palm, but when Song Ling was picked up by the giant, those Miao people also stood up collectively, all cheering and dancing. .

Song Ling's head was full of black lines, what the hell were they doing.After the giant picked up Song Ling, he lifted her up and let her sit on his left shoulder.Because of his huge figure, Song Ling sat on his left shoulder with only such a small lump.

Song Ling suddenly felt a little excited. It was the first time she saw giants, and these giants didn't seem to have any malicious intentions towards her.She wanted to see where these giants came from and what they were going to do to her.After the giant picked her up, the Miao people cheered even louder, and the giant also grinned, and suddenly strode forward.

When the Mozu held the Hundred Flowers Festival, Fenghuang asked her to sit on the Luanjia and go to the altar of the Mozu. She also experienced this feeling of being supported by all the people, but this time it was completely different.Song Ling didn't know why these Miao people suddenly became so enthusiastic about her. Could it be that they mistook her for someone?

Thinking wildly like this, she found that the giant had led a group of giants to a black building.Different from the stilted buildings here, this building is actually built like an ancient European castle, its floor is covered with marble, and even the walls are made of marble.It's just that these marbles were all dyed black with some paint.This made an originally beautiful building suddenly feel eerie and treacherous. What made Song Ling even more horrified was that the plaque on the gate of this building was actually made of skulls, and they were real skulls. .

It turned out not to be a good place.Song Ling jumped off the giant's shoulders.The giant looked at her suspiciously, Song Ling grinned, and murmured something to the giant that she didn't understand at all.The giant was even more puzzled, Song Ling smiled triumphantly, and let us show you what bird language is.

After teasing people, Song Ling patted his ass and wanted to leave.Suddenly she heard a cool "hissing" sound from behind, Song Ling's scalp went numb, she was very familiar with this sound.

She turned her head slowly and saw a two-headed snake lying less than ten centimeters away from her.Song Ling saw the blood-red and extremely poisonous scarlet flame sea snake. He also kept the spirit snake of Empress Nuwa as a pet, but he had never seen the two-headed snake. Look, it's a cobra.

"As long as you move again, it will bite you."

Suddenly speaking broken Chinese, Song Ling saw a pale man standing in front of her holding a snake stick. He looked very young, at most 20 years old. Like these giants, he also had Wearing a cloak with a skull printed on it, if it wasn't because his face was too pale, his face should be considered handsome, but his eyes are like the eyes of a snake, you just need to look at his pair of long and narrow eyes, It will feel like there are countless poisonous snakes spitting snake letters at you, which makes people shudder.

Just looking into his eyes, Song Ling felt a bone-chilling chill rushing towards her. She didn't dare to look into his eyes again, and lowered her head, "Who are you? You can speak Chinese?"

The man said: "I, yes, here, the Great Wizard."

It turned out that he was a great wizard, and there was nowhere to find him, and it took no effort to find him.Song Ling suddenly looked up at him, but when he touched his long and narrow eyes, he quickly lowered his head again.She had never seen such eyes before, so she didn't even dare to take another look.

(End of this chapter)

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