Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 307 Demon and Immortal

Chapter 307 Demon and Immortal (1)
Know everything?Holy King?Song Ling looked at Fenghuang blankly, but it seemed that after she left from the upstairs where everything was known, those Miao people suddenly knelt and worshiped her, and then this weird wizard sent a group of giants to pick her up, Calling her a saint, could it be for this reason?
In a place like Miaojiang, the status of the general great wizard is very high, and the common people worship him more than their king, but now it seems that the identity of the know everything seems to be more subtle.

Linglong suddenly walked up to Fenghuang, "I know that you came to Miaojiang and wanted to know about your biological father. But in this world, only my master knows where your biological father is. As long as you are willing to help me rescue him, I guarantee you will get what you want."

Fenghuang frowned: "Obviously the great wizard should have been staying here, he didn't even leave half a step, why do you think that Wanshizhi has left and is in danger just because of a word he said? Could it be that he also has The same ability as knowing everything?"

From the first time she saw Linglong, Song Ling felt that she had a seven-apertured exquisite heart, a girl who could not be smarter, but now, Fenghuang's few words seemed to seal all the acupuncture points on her body at once. Usually, she fell into a state of sluggishness.It took a while for her to come back to her senses, and said with a wry smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to help him, I will definitely rescue him myself!"

As she said that, she turned and left. Even though she was wearing a thick fur coat, in this white world, she seemed to be just such a small ball.But Fenghuang quickly said: "I never said I won't save him!"

Linglong turned her head abruptly, Fenghuang sighed softly, "Although it was because of him that I was seriously injured, but based on my past relationship, it is impossible for me to ignore death!"

Song Ling's eyes widened. At the beginning, Fenghuang refused to tell him the reason for his injury. How could it be caused by Wanshizhi?In her eyes, although Wanshizhi is mysterious, he is like a banished fairy, and it stands to reason that he would not do anything to hurt others.She looked at the great wizard beside her, one was like a fairy but could hurt people, the other was like a demon, but he was the one who saved Fenghuang, Miaojiang is indeed a magical place.

She still has many doubts in her mind, but Phoenix has already walked up.Song Ling wanted to follow him, but found that his hand was being held back.This great wizard has the coldest eyes in the world, and lives in this extremely cold environment all year round, but what Song Ling didn't expect was that he also has a pair of warm hands, which are warmer than his .

He pulled Song Ling, and said slowly: "Saint, don't, go."

Song Ling sighed helplessly: "Great wizard, I know you are a smart person, you should understand that I am not a saint at all. You should find someone else to be your saint, at least if you are not afraid of the cold, I am very Afraid of the cold."

She wanted to pull her hand away, but found that the great wizard held her hand even tighter, "You have, water, spirit beads, body protection, you, if you are afraid of cold, there is no one in the world who is not afraid of cold , too."

Song Ling's face changed, he could even see this, it was really unusual.Song Ling bravely looked straight into his eyes, trying to see something out of those icy snake-like pupils, when suddenly she heard Fenghuang, who was already walking in front of her, say coolly: "Little Longer , isn't the great wizard's hand feeling particularly good?"

Song Ling said "ah". It was really inappropriate for her to be held by the great wizard all the time. Song Ling decided not to care about him, and directly pulled out her hand to chase after Phoenix.However, as soon as she took a few steps, she found the great wizard standing beside her and walking side by side with her.

"Are you going out?"

The great wizard didn't look at her this time, but just fixed his eyes on the front, "Follow you, go, save people."

Song Ling looked at him like he was looking at a monster, but immediately felt a gaze that was cooler than that of a great wizard resting on her.Song Ling scratched her head. The phoenix bird seemed to be jealous, so she quickly withdrew her curiosity and took a step at a time.

So she no longer cared about the great wizard, and walked up to Fenghuang in three steps at a time. She pulled his arm as if to please him and said with a smile, "Mr. Feng, why are you walking so fast?"

Fenghuang flicked her forehead hard through the hat on her head. Seeing it, Song Ling stared at him in pain, and then smiled brightly.He turned his head and swept lightly at the snake stick that was getting closer and closer to him, then squeezed Song Ling's hand tightly, "Go faster."

When I came out, I saw the two rows of Hanyin trees again. Now the night was darker, but because the temperature inside was too low, Song Ling's body became hot and sweated when she came outside. However, after a while, her body All the sweat turned into a puff of cold air.She knew this phenomenon without thinking about it, because the great wizard was already standing by her side.

Although Linglong just asked Fenghuang to save people, but when she saw two more nosy people, she didn't say a word, she just played the role of leading the way.Fenghuang and Song Ling rode auspicious clouds there, but when they reached the downstairs where Wanshizhi lived, Linglong and the great wizard had already arrived there.

Song Ling murmured to Fenghuang in a low voice: "They are all masters who can't hide their secrets, especially the one who knows everything. Who else can capture him?" She thought about it and suddenly thought of the Dapeng Niao gang People, "Could it be someone from the Demon Race? But the Demon Race people can't even deal with the pollen that Wanshizhi sprinkled, so how can they take him away?"

Fenghuang told her in ventriloquism: "They can't deal with the pollen of Wanshizhi, but they can easily take away Wanshizhi. It's because Wanshizhi is not only blind and unable to walk, but more importantly, he has no mana at all. No. Anyone with a little strength can take him away."

Wanshizhi has no magic power, but he has lived for such a long time, and still has that detached posture like a fairy. If he didn't have a strong skill, how could he have that kind of charm?If this is the case, then the really powerful one should be the girl Linglong who has been waiting by his side all the time.But why does Linglong let him stay at home alone when she knows that the people of the demon clan are eyeing everything?
Fenghuang still replied in ventriloquist: "Maybe it's not true that she came to find the Great Wizard to appreciate the piano skills known to everyone, but it is true to invite me to go to the Demon Realm again."

(End of this chapter)

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