Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 308 Demon and Immortal

Chapter 308 Demon and Immortal (2)
Song Ling went to see Linglong. She had already flown upstairs, but quickly came down and walked to Fenghuang in a hurry, saying, "It's chaotic inside, master, master was really taken away!"

Song Ling looked at her beautiful face and eyes that were more beautiful than the stars. Why would such an excellent girl be willing to call a disabled person her master?Song Ling wanted to ask her, but Fenghuang held her hand lightly, "Little Long'er, maybe they didn't mean anything malicious. And now that things have happened, I have to go, some things can never be avoided."

When he said that he couldn't escape, he meant that he still wanted to go to the Demon Race, and he still had to face the double embarrassing identity of the Demon King of the Demon Realm East and the Phoenix Lord of the God Realm.They stayed in Miaojiang for the past two days. There were no demons or gods. She even thought they could stay away from them, but...

This sadness only lingered in Song Ling's eyes for a moment and then quickly disappeared. She looked up at Fenghuang intently, "Feng Jun, I will go wherever you go. All of us will be fine in the end, right? ?”

Fenghuang nodded slightly, and Song Ling smiled brightly, but saw the great wizard standing behind them, his eyes shrouded in cold air were also thoughtful.

Song Ling walked directly in front of him, "Great Wizard, we are going to the Demon Realm to save people, do you want to go with us? I'm afraid that if the Great Wizard agrees, your people will not agree. So the Great Wizard should hurry back Let's teach Han Yin."

The great wizard raised his wide black sleeves, and a white lotus flower the size of a palm flew out from inside.He handed the white lotus into Song Ling's hands, "You are, the saint of me, Hanyin, teaching. In the future, you will, come back."

Song Ling curled her lips. Although this white lotus is miraculous, this great wizard is too weird, and I heard that Miaojiang has the most messy things, so there is no guarantee that there is some kind of Gu insect hidden in this white lotus that looks innocent.She wanted to return Bai Lian to the great wizard, but unexpectedly, Fenghuang pressed her hand lightly, his eyes looked at Bai Lian and smiled lightly: "If so, then I will thank the great wizard for Xiao Long'er."

"In the world, only the saint, dare to look at me. Even you, dare not. So, in this world, only the saint, knows what I look like. "Because he couldn't speak fluent Chinese, his words were still intermittent and his tone was very gentle, but Song Ling could hear a bitter taste from his words.Never daring anyone to look directly at him, this was originally an extremely majestic thing, but because of this reason, no one knew his appearance, his emotions, even his biological parents, maybe at the time he was born For a moment, he was frozen by the coldness in his eyes.This should be the loneliest person in the world.

The night in Miaojiang was really very quiet. When they shuttled through the densely packed buildings on stilts, except for the dim moon, they didn't even see a single light.

Song Ling couldn't restrain her curiosity. She looked at the pitch-black stilted buildings and the yellow ribbons hanging on the nearby trees and asked, "Feng Jun, do monsters really appear here at night?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Linglong sneered and said, "What monster, isn't it just that Han Yin taught those believers a trick?"

"The tricks taught by Han Yin?" Song Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then Linglong said, "No, they are here."

Song Ling looked forward, and suddenly heard a very pleasant bell sound coming from the front, and then in the hazy moonlight, Song Ling saw a row of white-clothed men walking over carrying a sedan chair covered with layers of white gauze.Since coming into contact with Hanyin Cult, the deepest impression Hanyin Cult has left on them is not only the weird great wizard who still makes her feel that good and evil are indistinguishable, but also the giants and the skull marks on them. Among the congregation, there will be such a group of people in white.

There are men and women in this group of people in white clothes, all of them are stunningly beautiful, but the most attractive thing at the moment is the sedan chair carried by the four of them. There are two golden bells hanging on the sedan chair. Make a sweet sound in the night wind.But because the sedan chair was blocked by layers of white gauze, they couldn't see clearly who was sitting in the sedan chair.

Linglong said: "Hanyin Sect welcomes a distinguished guest every month. But I don't know if these distinguished guests are too noble, every time they come, it will cause a huge sensation in Miaojiang. For the first time, a big fire broke out here suddenly. The fire burned for seven days and seven nights, almost completely burning the entire island. The second time, the visitor didn't like being surrounded by many people, so he beat hundreds of Miao people to serious injuries. The third time, a Weird man, when he came here everything was safe and sound, but as soon as he left, an unprecedented plague broke out on this island."

Song Ling couldn't help but said after hearing this: "It seems that these distinguished guests are not distinguished guests, they should be disaster stars. Since they will bring great disasters to the Miao people here every time they come, why does the Hanyin Sect invite them?" come?"

Linglong snorted, "Because in order to consolidate their power in Miaojiang, they must invite these people. They seem to be planning some big secret event, and they need the help of these so-called 'guests'. Even my master doesn't know about the big event. In order to let these distinguished guests come to Miaojiang quietly and leave quietly, the Hanyin Sect chooses to let them come late at night once a month, but this time It’s not certain. So they simply spread rumors, saying that there will be ogres here at night to make trouble, and those Miao people naturally dare not come out at night, and accidents are avoided.”

So that's the case, it sounds like the Hanyin Sect is quite considerate of these Miao people.Song Ling's gaze was still following the white sedan chair that was getting farther and farther away from them. Layers of veils only outlined a hazy figure. I don't know what kind of strange and tall man would be sitting in the sedan chair at this moment?What will he or she bring to the Hanyin Sect and even the entire Miaojiang?
Fenghuang put his hand on her shoulder lightly, "What? You want to join in the fun?"

Song Ling chuckled, he still knew her best.Linglong said coldly: "Even if you have monstrous magic power, it is impossible for you to meet that 'guest'! It is even more impossible to know what they are going to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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