Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 320 The Mysterious Guest

Chapter 320 The Mysterious Guest (4)
"This, island, the, most, east, there is, a piece of, waterfall, there, the, water, the most, pure."

The honored guest's eyes flashed, and he said "thank you" before turning around and leaving.The great wizard said: "You, not yet, help me."

The distinguished guest turned around, "When I find Wanshizhi, I will come back to help you." After she finished speaking, she added, "I keep what I say, and I won't lie to you." Then she went to Song Ling and the others. When I came here, the narrow path flickered and then disappeared.

Now that she knew the whereabouts of Wanshizhi, Song Ling didn't want to stay here any longer, so she whispered to Night Breeze, "Let's go too."

As soon as she took a step, the group of men in white suddenly came up and surrounded her and Night Breeze.Song Ling frowned and said, "Great Wizard, what do you mean?"

The great wizard still paused and said: "Saint, I called, you, come up, but, no, in order to let you, come, watch, and have fun."

Song Ling snorted and said, "We didn't come here to have fun. We came here to find out the whereabouts of Wanshizhi. Now that I know about him, I'm not in the mood to enjoy these white lotuses with the Great Wizard."

After speaking, Song Ling wanted to preemptively strike and rushed out from here.Night Breeze said in a low voice: "Don't move around, let's see what he wants to do?"

Song Ling said anxiously: "But we still have to find Wanshizhi!"

Night Breeze's lips twitched, "Don't worry, with her here, you can't escape for the time being."

Song Ling was taken aback, did he also guess the identity of the distinguished guest?The great wizard glanced at the white lotus that covered the entire space, he took a deep breath as if enjoying himself, and whispered: "This, that is, the warmth, the, feeling?"

As he spoke, he seemed to be asking questions or talking to himself: "But, I, have been, used to, cold, so, warm, will, won't, give me, give, melt, drop?"

Song Ling didn't have the patience to listen to him pity himself here, "Great Wizard, what do you want us to do? We don't have time to waste time here with you."

The great wizard said: "I, give, you, one, thing, gave, this, piece, thing, you, just, can, go, you, want to go, where you want to go."

Song Ling walked directly in front of him when he heard this, and stretched out his hand, "Where's the thing? Give it to me quickly."

The great wizard shook his head slowly, as if blaming her for her impatience.He walked slowly between the white lotus, and suddenly turned his head to the direction where Night Breeze was standing and said, "Saint, come on, that's all right, you, stand."

As the God of War in the God Realm, it is impossible for Night Breeze not to be conceited. Now it is just a wizard from Miaojiang in the mortal world, who even pointed fingers at him, which immediately made him frown in displeasure. Moreover, this great wizard looks very strange He didn't worry about letting Song Ling go with him alone.

Seeing that he ignored the words of the great wizard, Song Ling wanted to follow, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, although this great wizard looks weird, he has never done anything to hurt us. Just stay here for now, I will Let's see what kind of medicine is sold in his gourd."

Night Breeze frowned, but only grasped the two words in her words, "We? Which us are we?"

Song Ling was startled, but smiled again: "Of course it's the two of us, otherwise who do you think it is?"

Night Breeze's face suddenly turned cold, "Since you are so assured of him, then you go. I don't like the environment here very much, so I'll go down first and wait for you at the entrance of the cave." Turn around and leave.

Why is it windy and rainy here?Song Ling said "Hello" twice, seeing that he had no intention of turning around at all. In the end, he just stomped his feet in resentment, with a ruthless ice face. We can't wait for you to go further and further away, and it is best not to see you forever!

Night Breeze left inexplicably, and Song Ling had no chance to scold him, so he had no choice but to transfer his anger to the great wizard, "Hey, you have something that only a saint can afford, take it out now, Don't be a fool."

The great wizard didn't answer her, but just touched the snake stick in his hand, and Song Ling felt that the place she was standing on suddenly sank. Before she could take any precautions, she found herself on the ground again.It's just that the place where she is at the moment is completely different from before.Compared to the room full of lotus fragrance just now, the place where she is now is more like what a skeleton mountain should be like.This is like an empty valley, there are obviously no trees around, but the ground is full of withered and yellow leaves, and the wind is blowing intermittently, with the whistling sound of the wind, these leaves are blown by the wind, slowly floating in the sky in the air.She saw a dilapidated hut on the east side of the empty valley. The hut was made of thatched roof, but half of the grass was gone. For some reason, Song Ling only thought of four words when seeing such a situation. ...A Chinese Ghost Story.

"Go into, that, the hut, inside, there is, I, want, give, you,,, things." Suddenly came the cool voice of the great wizard, who was already immersed in a strange atmosphere. Song Ling in the middle saw him suddenly say this, and immediately screamed in fright.

But after screaming, she felt that she was a bit ashamed by doing so, as if she had lost the glorious identity she now had.Song Ling collected himself, pretended to be very calm and said calmly: "I'm not interested in ordinary things."

"That, something, no, general."

After speaking, the great wizard started to walk towards the hut. Song Ling looked at the snake staff that he had been holding in his hand all the time. up.It's just such a person, why spend so much time and find so many people who may not be as capable as him to help him get rid of the coldness in his eyes, he and Wanshizhi are obviously very familiar with each other, why can't he directly Go find know-it-all?

After thinking about it, Song Ling realized that he seemed to be off topic again.The great wizard had already entered the dilapidated hut, and when Song Ling walked over, the great wizard came out holding a long rectangular box, handed it to Song Ling and said, "Here you are."

Song Ling paused, thinking about the countless possibilities for her to open the box, maybe it would be a deadly ball of anger, maybe it would be a hidden weapon that pierced her throat the moment she opened the box, but definitely It couldn't be one of her all-time favorite treasures, because no one would hide treasures in a place like this.

(End of this chapter)

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