Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 321 The Mysterious Guest

Chapter 321 The Mysterious Guest (5)
Song Ling collected himself, and the great wizard paused and said, "Don't you dare to open it? Are you afraid that there is a mechanism inside?"

He was smart, but the face-saving Song Ling would never admit it.

The great wizard said: "No, organ. You, yes, saint, I will not harm you. If you don't want to, you can give it back to me."

As he said that he was about to take the box from Song Ling's hand, Song Ling withdrew his hand and hummed, "Isn't it just a broken box? Is there anything I dare not open?"

After she finished speaking, she lifted the lid of the box somewhat rudely, but when she saw the scene inside the box, her hand felt as if she had been hit by a cartilage, and the box fell to the ground with a bang, and the contents in the box fell to the ground. The wind began to fly wildly.

It was fiery red hair!

After the gust of wind passed, the red hair fluttered wildly in the air, like chaotic red butterflies.After Song Ling was stunned, she began to fish these red hairs out of the wind desperately. There were tens of thousands of hairs, but even if it was one, she would not allow it to just blow away with the wind.

After she finally put all these red hairs into the box, she held the box and said to the great wizard in despair, "These are his hair?"

The great wizard nodded slowly, "One night before you came, he entrusted someone to bring me this box."

Song Ling's whole body was shocked, and Phoenix's hair was shaved.In the eyes of the ancients, the body, hair and skin are the parents, and they regard their hair as their life, but Fenghuang actually shaved off all the hair on his head!What spurred him on to do this?How could such a smug person like him be willing to turn himself into a bald phoenix?

"Where is he now? Tell me!"

The great wizard paused and said: "I, already, told, you, of, everything, of, of, whereabouts."

"Bullshit!" Song Ling couldn't help swearing in desperation, "I went to Wanshizhi to ask about his whereabouts. Now that you know his whereabouts, why should I ask Wanshizhi?"

The great wizard shook his head: "I, no, know. The box, yes, send, come here."

Song Ling tightly grasped the box in her hand, feeling that her fingers were about to sink into it. After a long time, she raised her eyes, but the circles of her eyes were already flushed, "Okay, I believe you. But no matter what, I will They will find him." As she spoke, she looked up at the dead leaves still flying around, "How do I get out of this place?"

The great sorcerer suddenly stepped forward to hold her hand, and Song Ling was stunned. Anyone who met this great sorcerer would feel a bone-chilling chill, but only Song Ling could feel the chill when he came into contact with him. To a touch of warmth.The same is true for the great wizard, only when he is close to her, he will not feel that he is cold all over.

Song Ling didn't know this, and only thought that he wanted to take her out, so she let him lead her.This time he shook his snake stick again, and Song Ling realized that he had already left the cave.As expected, Night Breeze stood there, and when he saw her holding hands with the great wizard, he immediately frowned.Song Ling withdrew her hand and said, "I don't know how to get out, the great wizard brought me out." After she finished speaking, she also felt strange, why did she explain to him, is it worthwhile?
Night Breeze glanced at the box she was holding in her hand, "Is this what he wants to show you?"

Song Ling's heart tightened, and she hugged the box a little tighter in her arms before walking in front of him and saying, "Come on, let's find Wanshizhi."

Night Breeze didn't start right away, but just glanced back, "He's a little strange."

Song Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "He is very strange, but I don't think he is a bad person."

Night Breeze shook his head and said, "That's not what I said?"

Song Ling raised her head and said, "Then what are you talking about?"

Night Breeze stopped answering again, "Let's go earlier, in case everything is known to have been taken away by that distinguished guest, wouldn't our trip be wasted?"

In fact, what he wanted to say was that even though he didn't look directly at the great wizard, he actually felt an indescribable nostalgia and sadness emanating from the great wizard.

The information that the great wizard revealed to the distinguished guest was that Wanshizhi was at a waterfall on the easternmost edge of the island, but when they came to the eastern edge of the island, they saw that the originally turbulent river merged into a calm and clear river here. The trickle, in front of the trickle, is a waterfall, this waterfall is not particularly grand, but it seems to have completely separated from the cliff behind, splashing down from the sky naturally.It is already dawn at this moment, and the morning light is falling, and yes, this waterfall has also become a golden waterfall.

It's a pity that Song Ling and the others are not here to see the scenery, but to find someone.

But apart from the turbulent waterfall and the sound of water splashing like music, no one was seen.

Night Breeze said: "Perhaps that distinguished guest took away Wan Shi Zhi."

Song Ling frowned, "Do you know who that distinguished guest is?"

Night Breeze didn't answer.Song Ling had no choice but to continue: "She is Zi'er, the South Sea Merman who once fought against us and initiated the flood in Yunzhou."

There was no surprised expression on Ye Feng's face, but he just said, "She seems to have a good relationship with you and Feng Jun. You said she came to Miao Jiang to find Wan Shi Zhi, is it because of Feng Jun?"

Song Ling shook her head and said, "Impossible, if that's the case, she won't even say hello when she sees us."

Night Breeze snorted slightly.Song Ling felt that this guy's words and deeds were weird, so he couldn't help but stare at him and said, "Why are you making such an expression?"

Night Breeze said innocently, "I didn't make any expression."

Song Ling snorted: "Yes, I forgot, you have a paralyzed face with no expression." The two of them were chatting when they heard a loud noise from the waterfall, but the loud noise Afterwards, the waterfall was still flying, and nothing unusual was noticed.

"what sound?"

Night Breeze's black eyes stared closely at the waterfall, and suddenly a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "No wonder this waterfall is so strange. It turns out that there is a mystery behind it." After speaking, he walked quickly towards the waterfall, Song Ling Hold on to the box, is there a mystery behind the waterfall?Is this still a water curtain cave?

(End of this chapter)

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