Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 322: The Bitter Fork of Finding People

Chapter 322: The Bitter Fork of Finding People (1)
As they approached the waterfall, they suddenly saw dozens of petals of different colors flying out of it.Song Ling said in surprise, "Hold your breath, this flower is poisonous!"

Night Breeze remained calm. He looked at the petals and said, "It turned out to be the Flower Fairy. You really followed him to the world."

It turned out that Linglong was actually a flower fairy, no wonder even though Song Ling thought she was eccentric, she still had an air of otherworldliness.

As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell, there was a scolding voice from inside the waterfall: "First came a South Sea Merman with the most powerful mana in the South Sea Merman Clan, and now there is another god of war from the God Realm. Sure enough, there is no An Sheng in the Three Realms." Is there any place?"

Song Ling stepped forward and said, "If I remember correctly, Senior Knows Everything still owes me two questions."

Linglong sneered: "I know what you want to ask, let me tell you, he couldn't restrain his own demonic nature, and he didn't want to hurt anyone anymore, so he simply shaved his head and became a monk, ready to end all karma and leave nothing behind!"

Song Ling's whole body was shocked, his face was pale, "He, he became a monk?"

It's ridiculous, he's not Jia Baoyu, why would he want to shave his head and become a monk?This is really the most ridiculous thing!

Night Breeze saw that Song Ling seemed to have lost three souls and seven souls. He couldn't even walk steadily. He supported her and said in a low voice, "Don't trust her. She doesn't know everything."

Linglong laughed again, "Why don't you believe me? I've been with the master for so many years, and I can basically do what he knows."

Night Breeze frowned and said, "Because you can lie, but he never will."

This sentence silenced the voice inside, it seemed that these words had already shocked Linglong.Night Breeze said to Song Ling in a low voice: "It's weird inside, you keep watch outside, I'll go in and have a look."

Song Ling grabbed him, "Why do I have to guard outside? We want to go together!"

Night Breeze frowned, "Be obedient!"

Song Ling stubbornly grabbed his arm, "I've made a decision. From now on, I will never let anyone I care about go into danger alone!"

Night Breeze's heart trembled, she said, someone who cares?To Song Ling, these words might be nothing, but he didn't know what kind of uproar such a small sentence had caused in his heart?
Night Breeze nodded: "Okay, let's face it together."

Song Ling took out the treasure chest and took out the Xuanji grass from it. She sprinkled the white light of the Xuanji grass on her and Night Breeze, "This Linglong is best at poisoning, and the Xuanji grass can cure all kinds of poisons, so when we go in, it will be as easy as possible." Don't be afraid of her poison." After she finished speaking, she felt a burst of embarrassment again, if she could have thought of this when she was in Donghai, if she didn't underestimate the enemy, maybe she and Fenghuang would not be in the situation they are in now.

They flew into the waterfall together. What was more surprising was that Song Ling thought that with Linglong's mind, he would definitely set up many traps outside, but they flew in relatively smoothly.Inside the waterfall was a big rock cave. Song Ling saw a person lying at the entrance of the cave. The hat on the man's head had slipped off, revealing a head of purple-red long hair.

"Sister Zi'er." Song Ling called out, and she walked over to help Zi'er up, and sprinkled the white awn of Xuanji grass on her body.Night Breeze had been observing the situation in the cave, and after watching for a while, he said, "They've already left?"

"Leaving?" Song Ling was shocked, "But we just heard Linglong's voice just now."

Night Breeze said: "It shouldn't be far away, let's go after it." After he finished speaking, he paused, and Song Ling followed his line of sight, only to see a handful lying on a stone table in the corner of the cave. It looks like a pool of frozen water, but there are strings and a piano stand.

"This is a water piano. Wanshizhi regards it as a treasure. How could it be left here?"

Night Breeze frowned and said, "It's not Wanshizhi who left the piano here, but the flower fairy Linglong."

Song Ling said, "What do you mean?"

Night Breeze pondered for a moment, "I mean, Wanshizhi may be in a state of unconsciousness right now, and Linglong is taking care of him now."

Song Ling sighed lightly, and suddenly said: "Yefeng, Linglong said that she doesn't want others to disturb them. Maybe they really just want to live a peaceful life. Why don't we go to find everything? Let's rely on our own Strength, find Feng Jun by yourself."

Night Breeze was a little surprised and said, "Maybe if we go one step further, we can find out everything is known, so you just gave up?"

Song Ling glanced at the box still in her hand. She has a universal treasure chest that can store anything in it, but she refuses to put this box in because it is the hair of a phoenix, which is equivalent to a phoenix.

She smiled lightly and said, "I won't look for it anymore, maybe Senior Wanshizhi is not as omnipotent as we imagined, otherwise how could he put himself in such a mess like he is now? Maybe we can look for it with our own strength, and it will be faster."

"If you want to find it yourself, you should hurry up, otherwise it will be too late."

A cold voice suddenly sounded, Song Ling's eyes lit up and said, "Sister Zi'er, are you awake?"

Zi'er stood up, a trace of annoyance flashed across her beautiful face, "I never thought that I thought I was smart all my life, but I would fall on a little girl!"

Night Breeze looked at her, "What do you mean by what you just said?"

Zi'er glanced lightly, and the corners of her lips twitched, "Didn't the great wizard tell you that although he can suppress the demonic nature of the phoenix, he can only last for 49 days. He will become a real devil, and his devilishness will be stronger and his skill will be higher, and by then, no one will be able to do anything to him!"

Song Ling said in shock: "His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven told me that as long as I can fully exert the power of the five artifacts, I will be able to save him!"

Zi'er smiled softly: "Then when is this time? And..." She looked at Song Ling with a hint of pity, "Do you know how the ancient God Realm perished? Personally, I have fully utilized the power of the five artifacts, the prosperity must decline, and the five artifacts can both create and destroy the world!"

These words shook Song Ling's nerves like the biggest bad news, but she still didn't dare to say it: "Sister Zi'er, what do you mean by this? You mean that if I use the power of the five artifacts to save Lord Feng , the price will be the destruction of the entire world?"

(End of this chapter)

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