Chapter 324 India (1)
The beard at the corners of India's San's mouth was pulled to the sides again, and he uttered a string of Miao language, and walked forward with his back on his back.His back is arched, and his walking posture is really ugly, but he just seems to be walking leisurely in the garden.

Song Ling's mind moved, she suddenly wanted to catch up, but was held back by Night Breeze, "Don't startle the snake, let's follow him to see."

This Indian Asan is considered a foreigner to these Miao people, but these Miao people seem to be very familiar with him, everyone will smile and greet him in Miao language when they see him, but Song Ling just walks in In the crowd where Xixi was muttering, no one respectfully called her a saint.

Song Ling pouted, suddenly feeling a little unbalanced.She and Night Breeze followed him. The so-called stalking had to be done just right, neither too close nor too far away from the target. Unfortunately, this Indian Ah San walked so slowly that Song Ling felt that he was The one that moved over still almost ran into him directly.

Ah San of India wandered the street for a long time, and finally turned a corner and walked towards a relatively high stilted building.Night Breeze said: "This is Miao Jiang's restaurant."

Song Ling was taken aback, this Indian Ah San just ate at the tea stand, and now he went to the restaurant again, it seems that he is a foodie.

After following them upstairs, Ah San from India sat down at a seat by the window, and Song Ling and Ye Feng also sat down by the window, this time two tables away from him.

Ah San in India is indeed a foodie. After he chatted with a man dressed as Xiaoer, his table was full of food and wine in a short while.Although Song Ling came to Miaojiang for a while, he never really tasted the food of Miaojiang.Seeing the scent of food on the Indian Ah San's table constantly wafting, Song Ling swallowed, and said to Night Breeze, "Sitting is also sitting, why don't we go and order a few dishes to taste?"

Night Breeze took out a white handkerchief to wipe the silver light battle axe, and said flatly, "Eating too much whole grains is not good for your cultivation."

He clearly disagreed with what he said, so Song Ling could only shrug her shoulders. In fact, she didn't know why she was still in the mood to eat.It's just that since this Indian Ah San suddenly appeared, her heart has become inexplicably relaxed.

But the scent still kept tempting her. Song Ling couldn't eat the grapes and said that the grapes were sour: "He orders so many dishes by himself, and he is not afraid of being overwhelmed!" If he accidentally dripped vegetable juice on his beard, wouldn't he still have to wash his beard?
Thinking of this scene, Song Ling lost most of his appetite, but felt that the aroma of the dish seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. When Song Ling came back to his senses, he realized that there were three more dishes on the table. Like, and the color is golden and yellow, which is really beautiful.

Song Ling swallowed again, and a mistress was standing beside her with a smile.Song Ling asked in surprise, "We didn't order food, did we?"

Xiao Er was still grinning, suddenly pointed behind them, and walked away grinning again.Song Ling turned his head sideways, and someone was holding a bearded face with black blindfolds facing them, and the beard at the corner of his mouth was pulled again, this time the arc of pulling was obviously bigger than the previous two. Secondary bigger.

"He found us? Isn't he blind?" Song Ling asked Night Breeze in surprise.

Night Breeze snorted softly, "Who said that a person who wears an eye patch must be blind? What if his eyes have some secrets?"

Song Ling's mind was moved, she picked up the three dishes on the table, and then swaggered directly in front of the Indian Ah San, she pushed all the three dishes in front of the Indian Ah San, sat down opposite him and said : "I don't care if you can understand what I said, since you invited me to taste delicious food, then I should reciprocate and give you something in return." As she spoke, there was an extra hat in her hand, and she put the hat on Going to Ah San in India, he said, "I think the hat on your head seems a little old, why don't I give you a new one."

Indian Ah San pulled his beard again, took Song Ling's hat, and muttered a few words.

Song Ling said: "Are you thanking me? Why don't you try this hat now to see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, I'll give you another better one."

Ah San of India reached out and touched the brim of his hat. Song Ling watched his hands. They were big rough hands engraved with the vicissitudes of time.But even the appearance of a person can be changed, let alone the hands?
After Indian Ah San touched the whole hat, she didn't listen to Song Ling's advice and tried putting the hat on her head.Song Ling said: "Why don't you try it? Are you thinking that the gift I gave you is not good?"

This time, Ah San from India actually laughed out loud. Song Ling hadn't noticed anything when he spoke the string of Miao language in the beginning, but now he laughed out loud, and the laughter was very old.

Song Ling was taken aback for a moment, but immediately thought that the man had always liked to deceive her, whether it was inside or outside, he liked to deceive her completely. It should not be surprising that there is another change in his voice now.

Now she really wanted to tear off the hat on India Ah San's head to find out, but India Ah San took the initiative to take off the hat on his head after laughing.Song Ling was completely stunned this time. She saw a head of thin silver hair and was bald on the top of her head. In short, it was not what she imagined.

After Indian Ah San took off her hat, she immediately put the hat Song Ling gave him on her head, and gave her a thumbs up.

Did she guess wrong?Song Ling went to see Ye Feng, wanting to see his reaction, but Ye Feng was no longer on that table.

When did this guy leave?Song Ling stood up. Since she had guessed the wrong person, there was no point in delaying her here any longer.But as soon as she started, she felt a strong demonic energy coming in from outside the restaurant, and the Indian Ah San also turned her head and looked out the window with great interest.Song Ling also looked out the window, and she saw a row of men in black passing by the restaurant, led by the swarthy roc.

Song Ling's heart tightened. The last time Dapeng came to Miaojiang, he had already suffered a loss. Unexpectedly, he still didn't give up, and came again this time.Just now, Night Breeze left quietly, did he just follow them?
(End of this chapter)

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