Chapter 325 India (2)
Song Ling wanted to jump out of the window, but someone closed the window, and he pointed to the dishes on the table that were basically not moving.Song Ling didn't have any appetite now, she didn't want to talk to him, and suddenly heard a voice full of evil spirits, "Shopkeeper, bring me a drink and a dish, exactly the same as the guest officer by the window."

Even he came!Song Ling found that the entire restaurant had been emptied of all the guests except her and the Indian Ah San, and Moyin was sitting in the middle.He was wearing a Tsing Yi and a scarf on his head. He looked like a gentle and ordinary boy, but he couldn't hide the wild and evil spirit in his black eyes.

He didn't follow anyone around him, but he emptied the entire restaurant grandly by himself. Seeing Song Ling looking at him, he smiled evilly at him, and suddenly stood up, "I didn't expect the speed of this restaurant to be so slow, but I Already hungry, I wonder if this girl would mind if I sit at the same table with you?"

After speaking, the magic voice walked up to Song Ling.Song Ling clearly felt that the evil spirit on his body was stronger than before. When he was relying on himself, the goosebumps on her body couldn't help it.

Seeing that he was about to sit next to her naturally, Song Ling stood up, pulled the stool in front of Moyin violently and snorted coldly: "It's a pity that none of these dishes are mine. If someone wants to If the face is free, the target is not me."

If it was before, Moyin would definitely be angry when she heard her like this.But even though Song Ling scolded him, he still had a faint smile on his face. He shifted his gaze to Ah San in India, and took another look at the dishes on the table, saying: "There is only good food, but no good wine, isn't it a little bit?" Regrets?" He stretched out his hand as he spoke, and immediately there was a bottle of exquisite white jade jug in his palm.

"This is wine made from plum blossoms on the top of Kunlun, do you want to try it?"

Song Ling's whole body was shocked, what did he say?The plum blossoms on the top of Kunlun, where the Emperor of Heaven led the gods and heavenly soldiers and generals, how could he pick the plum blossoms there?

Sensing the shock flashing across Song Ling's face, the corners of Moyin's lips curled up even more, and he directly opened the cork of the jug, and a strange scent of wine and plum fragrance wafted together When I came out, I just smelled the fragrance, and I seemed to be drunk.

"Okay, wine." Indian Ah San spat out two Chinese accents bluntly, and he picked up a cup from the table and handed it directly to Moyin.

Song Ling was taken aback again, is he asking Moyin to pour him wine?As the demon king of the demon world, Moyin has always kept a smile on his face, but he is extremely arrogant and does not take anyone seriously.How could he pour someone a drink?Sure enough, the Indian Ah San's eyes were covered by the black blindfold, and he really didn't know "the sky is high and the earth is thick".

Sure enough, Moyin's face changed slightly.Song Ling simply sat down and watched what would happen next as if watching a good show.

The beard on the corner of Indian Ah San's mouth was tugged again, and he even pushed the wine glass forward a little.However, after Moyin's face changed slightly, he smiled even brighter. Then, under Song Ling's dumbfounded, he actually bent down slightly and poured a full glass of wine for Ah San in India.

Ah San of India took the wine glass and stretched out his hand after drinking it. This time, the magic voice still filled it up for him.

But I don't know if the wine tasted too good or the Indian Ah San wanted to make things difficult for Moyin. After drinking the second glass, he ordered a third glass.

The magic sound still fell for him this time.However, when Ah San in India drank the third glass of wine poured by Moyin, Moyin suddenly put the jug back, and there was still a faint smile on his lips, but in this smile It also mixed with many evil spirits that Song Ling was most familiar with, "Didn't someone tell you? You can't drink wine indiscriminately, especially if someone else poured it for you."

Song Ling's face changed, she stood up, glared at the magic voice and said, "Did you poison the wine?"

Moyin laughed softly. He looked at the jug in his hand as if he couldn't put it down and said: "My wine is called immortal drunk. No matter how high the level is, after drinking three cups, you will be drunk. Believe it or not I only need to count to three, and he will fall down, even if you strike him with a knife or lightning, he won’t wake up?” He said softly, “One, two, three... "

But when he said "three", the corners of India's San's lips and beard became more curved. What Song Ling and Mo Yin didn't expect was that instead of being drunk, he stretched out the wine glass to Mo Yin. Voice, still saying bluntly: "Okay, wine."

Moyin's face finally changed completely, he looked at India Ah San in disbelief and said, "You're not drunk!"

Song Ling clapped her hands and applauded, she walked to the side of Ah San in India, faced the magic voice and said, "Didn't someone tell you? Anyone who dares to drink the wine poured by your demon king must not be an ordinary person." After speaking, she leaned towards He said outside the window, "To deal with us this time, how many people did you bring? I saw the roc just now, isn't he your nanny? Why didn't you protect you by your side?"

Moyin's face darkened, and he said angrily, "What did you say?"

Song Ling turned her head to India's Ah San with a smile and said, "What should I do? He seems to be angry. I heard that when the emperor is angry, millions of corpses will be buried, but I don't know what will happen when the devil is angry?"

Moyin sneered, and he sat down directly and said: "The so-called reunion of old friends is a great joy in life. How can you be angry when you finally meet old friends? Since we have delicious food today, why don't we have a drink with old friends?" Fan, I wonder what my old friend thinks?"

Song Ling snorted, "Although I'm gluttonous, I'm definitely not greedy for food with extra ingredients!" As she spoke, she tugged India's Ah San's sleeves under the table, "If you don't leave, your beard will be covered by this little girl." The demon king's anger has been burned away."

She wanted to desperately pull the Indian Ah San to jump out of the window, but found that the surrounding roads had been quietly sealed off with true energy.Song Ling snorted inwardly, just in time for a good time to really meet this little devil, in order to avenge him for soaking her in a stinking pool of blood for days and nights.

She heard footsteps coming from the restaurant, and she didn't need to guess that it was the roc who came up with the magic soldiers.Song Ling's cultivation base has greatly increased now, and her eyesight has also improved a lot compared to before. She can see that the magic sound's Taoism is obviously much higher than before, so even if she has the five artifacts in hand, she dare not take it lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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