Dragon wife and phoenix husband

Chapter 330 Trapped in the Demon Town Tower

Chapter 330 Trapped in the Demon Town Tower (2)
Song Ling cursed, only to realize that all three of the four legs of the chair were short.When Song Ling checked the legs of the chair, he saw that not only the chair, but also one leg of the table was short, but there was a brick-like book under it.It's important that she is bored now. Although she can't understand the text here, it would be nice if there are some pictures in this book for her to look at.

After thinking about it, she directly pulled out the book from under the table. As soon as she pulled it out, the table started to shake. Song Ling clapped her palm, and the table immediately stabilized.

Fortunately, this demon-suppressing tower will not restrict people's mana just like other evil things.Song Ling repaired the chair with spiritual power, then sat on it and flipped through the book boredly.

She thought that the books that were used to cushion the table must be the books that these bull-nosed Taoist priests disdain very much, which happened to be what she was most interested in.But when Song Ling turned to the first page, she was stunned.As she continued to scroll down, she felt more and more surprised.She had seen this book before. It was the book that Uncle Tianjue read in the wild tribe that recorded the five artifacts of creation. She remembered that she secretly took it out and discussed it with Taibai Jinxing. Due to an accident, she left the book there casually, but how could it be in this demon town tower?
But after turning over a dozen pages, Song Ling felt something was wrong.In the previous book, except for the pictures of the five artifacts on the first few pages, the rest were texts, but here almost the entire book is pictures.

There is a man in each painting, could this be the first mortal who brought destruction to the ancient god world and possessed five artifacts at the same time?Every picture here also looks like a martial arts secret book. Could it be that this is the practice method of the five artifacts?

Song Ling closed the book abruptly after reading a few pages. It contained the cultivation methods of the five artifacts that she could fully understand. As long as she learned it, she would have the power to create the world.However, the first person with the power to create the world destroyed the entire world!

Song Ling stared blankly at a picture on a page of the book for a long time, perhaps as long as she was willing to take a single step, all her current predicament, Fenghuang, and the little devil that made her teeth itch with hatred, would be solved.But can she take it?Will she become a new Destroyer of Worlds?
But apart from being greedy for some money and hoping to collect treasures, she has no other ambitions.At that time, she only needs to use these powers to do bad things, and what she needs to do most up to now is to use the power of the five creation artifacts to completely eliminate the demonic nature in Phoenix.

After making up his mind, Song Ling began to practice according to the book.However, she had still finished cultivating the content on a picture, and suddenly there was a violent shaking around her, and she almost fell to the ground herself.Song Ling hurriedly stood up from the chair, suddenly there was another shaking, and there was a loud "clang" sound. The window facing east to her turned to face north, and the only table and chairs all rolled down. This time I lost my leg.

Song Ling jumped directly in front of the window to see what was going on outside.But at a glance, he saw a donkey's head.The donkey's black eyes were still looking at her without blinking.

Song Ling didn't care about why a donkey appeared in Luoyun Temple, she felt that the donkey must have seen her.There are so many people, but not one donkey is useful.Song Ling smiled at the donkey and said, "Good donkey, can you see me? Can you rescue me? It doesn't matter if you can't. Help me to inform others that I am trapped in the town. The demon tower is hit, and I want them to come and let me out."

The donkey was still looking at her with dark eyes. Song Ling guessed that it couldn't understand what he said, and was looking to see if he could take out something from the treasure chest to lure it.Unexpectedly, that donkey's face was getting closer and closer to her, and then Song Ling saw a bloody mouth facing her.The mouth is not only big, but also smells very bad.The donkey deliberately let out a sigh of relief at Song Ling, but Song Ling was actually directly fainted by the stench from its mouth.

After Song Ling fainted, the donkey opened its mouth again, and ran out with a "clack" of the Zhenyao tower that it had knocked to the ground.Running all the way to a forest, the donkey finally stopped and put the Town Demon Tower on the ground.At this moment, a hunchbacked Indian with a thick beard and a black blindfold came out from behind the tree.

When the Indian Asanyi saw the beards on both sides of the donkey, he laughed happily.He held a lotus leaf in his hand that he did not know where, and the lotus leaf was filled with clear water.Ah San of India walked up to the donkey with the lotus leaf in his hands, fed the water from the lotus leaf to the donkey and said, "Good donkey, come and rinse your mouth. I have fed you so much garlic, thank you for your hard work."

The donkey sucked in a mouthful of water resentfully, and when it finally opened its mouth, it sprayed water directly at Ah San in India.But the reaction of the Indian Ah San was extremely quick, and he quickly ran away the moment the donkey opened its mouth, so the water could only be sprinkled on the grass.

The Indian Ah San said innocently: "My dear donkey, I kindly gargled your mouth, why do you want to attack me by attacking me?"

The donkey pawed vigorously on the ground, regretting that he couldn't speak, or he might give this shameless master a severe scolding.

Ah San in India laughed heartily for a while, and finally picked up the demon-suppressing tower that had been neglected for a while from the ground.He took off the black blindfold, revealing a pair of eyes with four pupils, and now the four pupils are focused on the small demon-suppressing tower in his palm.He stretched out a big rough palm that seemed to have experienced vicissitudes of life, gently stroked the bronze-colored tower, and sighed: "You daredevil, you can be taken in by the Zhenyao Tower. When will you let me truly see you?" How about peace of mind?"

He twisted his middle finger and thumb, and a colorful light flashed across. A door automatically opened at the bottom of the Demon Town Tower, and then a small figure fell directly from the bottom of the tower.

Ah San of India supported this little person, and now she looked as small as a doll, and she could lie directly in his palm.A loving smile flashed across his eyes, and he blew lightly into his palm.The person in the palm gradually grew bigger. He hugged Song Ling who was still asleep to the flowers beside him, only to find that a book as thick as a brick slipped from her skirt.He picked up the book, turned a few pages, and frowned, "Silly girl, you still want to practice this, but it's not a good thing."

(End of this chapter)

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